#include "pch.h" #include "Helpers.h" #include #include "../common/shared_constants.h" using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation; namespace KeyboardManagerHelper { // Function to split a wstring based on a delimiter and return a vector of split strings std::vector splitwstring(const std::wstring& input, wchar_t delimiter) { std::wstringstream ss(input); std::wstring item; std::vector splittedStrings; while (std::getline(ss, item, delimiter)) { splittedStrings.push_back(item); } return splittedStrings; } // Function to return the next sibling element for an element under a stack panel IInspectable getSiblingElement(IInspectable const& element) { FrameworkElement frameworkElement = element.as(); StackPanel parentElement = frameworkElement.Parent().as(); uint32_t index; parentElement.Children().IndexOf(frameworkElement, index); return parentElement.Children().GetAt(index + 1); } // Function to check if the key is a modifier key bool IsModifierKey(DWORD key) { return (GetKeyType(key) != KeyType::Action); } // Function to get the type of the key KeyType GetKeyType(DWORD key) { switch (key) { case CommonSharedConstants::VK_WIN_BOTH: case VK_LWIN: case VK_RWIN: return KeyType::Win; case VK_CONTROL: case VK_LCONTROL: case VK_RCONTROL: return KeyType::Ctrl; case VK_MENU: case VK_LMENU: case VK_RMENU: return KeyType::Alt; case VK_SHIFT: case VK_LSHIFT: case VK_RSHIFT: return KeyType::Shift; default: return KeyType::Action; } } // Function to return if the key is an extended key which requires the use of the extended key flag bool IsExtendedKey(DWORD key) { switch (key) { case VK_RCONTROL: case VK_RMENU: case VK_NUMLOCK: case VK_SNAPSHOT: case VK_CANCEL: return true; default: return false; } } Collections::IVector ToBoxValue(const std::vector& list) { Collections::IVector boxList = single_threaded_vector(); for (auto& val : list) { boxList.Append(winrt::box_value(val)); } return boxList; } // Function to check if two keys are equal or cover the same set of keys. Return value depends on type of overlap ErrorType DoKeysOverlap(DWORD first, DWORD second) { // If the keys are same if (first == second) { return ErrorType::SameKeyPreviouslyMapped; } else if ((GetKeyType(first) == GetKeyType(second)) && GetKeyType(first) != KeyType::Action) { // If the keys are of the same modifier type and overlapping, i.e. one is L/R and other is common if (((first == VK_LWIN && second == VK_RWIN) || (first == VK_RWIN && second == VK_LWIN)) || ((first == VK_LCONTROL && second == VK_RCONTROL) || (first == VK_RCONTROL && second == VK_LCONTROL)) || ((first == VK_LMENU && second == VK_RMENU) || (first == VK_RMENU && second == VK_LMENU)) || ((first == VK_LSHIFT && second == VK_RSHIFT) || (first == VK_RSHIFT && second == VK_LSHIFT))) { return ErrorType::NoError; } else { return ErrorType::ConflictingModifierKey; } } // If no overlap else { return ErrorType::NoError; } } // Function to return the error message winrt::hstring GetErrorMessage(ErrorType errorType) { switch (errorType) { case ErrorType::NoError: return L"Remapping successful"; case ErrorType::SameKeyPreviouslyMapped: return L"Cannot remap a key more than once"; case ErrorType::MapToSameKey: return L"Cannot remap a key to itself"; case ErrorType::ConflictingModifierKey: return L"Cannot remap this key as it conflicts with another remapped key"; case ErrorType::SameShortcutPreviouslyMapped: return L"Cannot remap a shortcut more than once"; case ErrorType::MapToSameShortcut: return L"Cannot remap a shortcut to itself"; case ErrorType::ConflictingModifierShortcut: return L"Cannot remap this shortcut as it conflicts with another remapped shortcut"; case ErrorType::WinL: return L"Cannot remap from/to Win L"; case ErrorType::CtrlAltDel: return L"Cannot remap from/to Ctrl Alt Del"; case ErrorType::RemapUnsuccessful: return L"Some remappings were not applied"; case ErrorType::SaveFailed: return L"Failed to save the remappings"; case ErrorType::MissingKey: return L"Incomplete remapping"; case ErrorType::ShortcutStartWithModifier: return L"Shortcut must start with a modifier key"; case ErrorType::ShortcutCannotHaveRepeatedModifier: return L"Shortcut cannot contain a repeated modifier"; case ErrorType::ShortcutAtleast2Keys: return L"Shortcut must have atleast 2 keys"; case ErrorType::ShortcutOneActionKey: return L"Shortcut must contain an action key"; case ErrorType::ShortcutNotMoreThanOneActionKey: return L"Shortcut cannot have more than one action key"; } } }