// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation // The Microsoft Corporation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. using Common; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace UnitTests_PreviewHandlerCommon { [TestClass] public class FormHandlerControlTests { private class TestFormControl : FormHandlerControl { } [TestMethod] public void FormHandlerControl_ShouldCreateHandle_OnIntialization() { // Arrange and act using (var testFormHandlerControl = new TestFormControl()) { // Assert Assert.IsTrue(testFormHandlerControl.IsHandleCreated); } } [TestMethod] public void FormHandlerControl_ShouldSetVisibleFalse_OnIntialization() { // Arrange and act using (var testFormHandlerControl = new TestFormControl()) { // Assert Assert.IsFalse(testFormHandlerControl.Visible); } } [TestMethod] public void FormHandlerControl_ShouldSetFormBorderStyle_OnIntialization() { // Arrange and act using (var testFormHandlerControl = new TestFormControl()) { // Assert Assert.AreEqual(FormBorderStyle.None, testFormHandlerControl.FormBorderStyle); } } [TestMethod] public void FormHandlerControl_ShouldReturnValidHandle_WhenGetHandleCalled() { // Arrange using (var testFormHandlerControl = new TestFormControl()) { // Act var handle = testFormHandlerControl.GetHandle(); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(testFormHandlerControl.Handle, handle); } } [TestMethod] public void FormHandlerControl_ShouldSetBackgroundColor_WhenSetBackgroundColorCalled() { // Arrange using (var testFormHandlerControl = new TestFormControl()) { var color = Color.Navy; // Act testFormHandlerControl.SetBackgroundColor(color); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(color, testFormHandlerControl.BackColor); } } [TestMethod] public void FormHandlerControl_ShouldSetFont_WhenSetFontCalled() { // Arrange using (var testFormHandlerControl = new TestFormControl()) { var font = new Font("Arial", 20); // Act testFormHandlerControl.SetFont(font); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(font, testFormHandlerControl.Font); } } [TestMethod] public void FormHandlerControl_ShouldUpdateBounds_WhenSetRectCalled() { // Arrange using (var testFormHandlerControl = new TestFormControl()) { var bounds = new Rectangle(2, 2, 4, 4); // Act testFormHandlerControl.SetRect(bounds); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(bounds, testFormHandlerControl.Bounds); } } [TestMethod] public void FormHandlerControl_ShouldSetTextColor_WhenSetTextColorCalled() { // Arrange using (var testFormHandlerControl = new TestFormControl()) { var color = Color.Navy; // Act testFormHandlerControl.SetTextColor(color); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(color, testFormHandlerControl.ForeColor); } } [TestMethod] public void FormHandlerControl_ShouldClearAllControls_WhenUnloadCalled() { // Arrange using (var testFormHandlerControl = new TestFormControl()) { testFormHandlerControl.Controls.Add(new TextBox()); testFormHandlerControl.Controls.Add(new RichTextBox()); // Act testFormHandlerControl.Unload(); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(0, testFormHandlerControl.Controls.Count); } } [TestMethod] public void FormHandlerControl_ShouldSetVisibleFalse_WhenUnloadCalled() { // Arrange using (var testFormHandlerControl = new TestFormControl()) { // Act testFormHandlerControl.Unload(); // Assert Assert.IsFalse(testFormHandlerControl.Visible); } } [TestMethod] public void FormHandlerControl_ShouldSetVisibletrue_WhenDoPreviewCalled() { // Arrange using (var testFormHandlerControl = new TestFormControl()) { // Act testFormHandlerControl.DoPreview("valid-path"); // Assert Assert.IsTrue(testFormHandlerControl.Visible); } } [TestMethod] public void FormHandlerControl_ShouldSetParentHandle_WhenSetWindowCalled() { // Arrange using (var testFormHandlerControl = new TestFormControl()) { var parentFormWindow = new UserControl(); var parentHwnd = parentFormWindow.Handle; var rect = new Rectangle(2, 2, 4, 4); // Act testFormHandlerControl.SetWindow(parentHwnd, rect); var actualParentHwnd = GetAncestor(testFormHandlerControl.Handle, 1); // GA_PARENT 1 // Assert Assert.AreEqual(parentHwnd, actualParentHwnd); } } // Gets the ancestor window: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-getancestor [DllImport("user32.dll")] private static extern IntPtr GetAncestor(IntPtr hWnd, uint gaFlags); } }