# Window Walker plugin The window walker plugin matches the user entered query with the open windows on the system. ![Image of Window Walker plugin](/doc/images/launcher/plugins/windowwalker.png) ### [`OpenWindows.cs`](/src/modules/launcher/Plugins/Microsoft.Plugin.WindowWalker/Components/OpenWindows.cs) - The window walker plugin uses the `EnumWindows` function to enumerate all the open windows in the [`OpenWindows.cs`](/src/modules/launcher/Plugins/Microsoft.Plugin.WindowWalker/Components/OpenWindows.cs) class. ### [`SearchController.cs`](/src/modules/launcher/Plugins/Microsoft.Plugin.WindowWalker/Components/SearchController.cs) - The [`SearchController`](/src/modules/launcher/Plugins/Microsoft.Plugin.WindowWalker/Components/SearchController.cs) encapsulates the functions needed to search and find matches. - It is responsible for updating the search text and performing a fuzzy search on all the open windows. ### [`Window.cs`](/src/modules/launcher/Plugins/Microsoft.Plugin.WindowWalker/Components/Window.cs) - The [`Window`](/src/modules/launcher/Plugins/Microsoft.Plugin.WindowWalker/Components/Window.cs) class represents a specific window and has functions to get the name of the window, the state of the window (whether it is visible or not), and the `SwitchTowindow` function which switches the desktop focus to the selected window. This action is performed when the user clicks on a window walker plugin result. - The `Window` class holds a static cache with the process information of all windows we know so far and each window instance has a property which holds its process information (name, file, ...). The process data in the cache and the window property are of the type `WindowProcess`. ### [`WindowProcess.cs`](/src/modules/launcher/Plugins/Microsoft.Plugin.WindowWalker/Components/WindowProcess.cs) - The [`WindowProcess`](/src/modules/launcher/Plugins/Microsoft.Plugin.WindowWalker/Components/WindowProcess.cs) class represents a specific process for a window. It contains static methods to query process information from the system. And it contains instance methods and properties to hold/retrieve the process information we want to know about a window's process. ### Score The window walker plugin uses [`FuzzyMatching`](/src/modules/launcher/Plugins/Microsoft.Plugin.WindowWalker/Components/FuzzyMatching.cs) to get the matching indices and calculates the score by creating a 2 dimensional array of the window and the query text.