parameters: - name: includePublicSymbolServer type: boolean default: false - name: pool type: object default: [] - name: dependsOn type: object default: null - name: versionNumber type: string default: '0.0.1' - name: artifactStem type: string default: '' - name: jobName type: string default: PublishSymbols - name: symbolExpiryTime type: string default: 36530 # This is the default from PublishSymbols@2 - name: variables type: object default: {} - name: subscription type: string - name: symbolProject type: string jobs: - job: ${{ parameters.jobName }} ${{ if ne(length(parameters.pool), 0) }}: pool: ${{ parameters.pool }} ${{ if eq(parameters.includePublicSymbolServer, true) }}: displayName: Publish Symbols to Internal and MSDL ${{ else }}: displayName: Publish Symbols Internally dependsOn: ${{ parameters.dependsOn }} variables: ${{ insert }}: ${{ parameters.variables }} SymbolsArtifactName: "PowerToys_${{parameters.versionNumber}}_$(Build.BuildNumber)" steps: - checkout: self clean: true fetchDepth: 1 fetchTags: false # Tags still result in depth > 1 fetch; we don't need them here submodules: true persistCredentials: True - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2 displayName: Download all PDBs from all prior build phases inputs: itemPattern: '**/*.pdb' targetPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/symbolStaging' - powershell: |- Get-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -ForceBootstrap Install-Module -Verbose -AllowClobber -Force Az.Accounts, Az.Storage, Az.Network, Az.Resources, Az.Compute displayName: Install Azure Module Dependencies # Transit the Azure token from the Service Connection into a secret variable for the rest of the pipeline to use. - task: AzurePowerShell@5 displayName: Generate an Azure Token inputs: azureSubscription: ${{ parameters.subscription }} azurePowerShellVersion: LatestVersion pwsh: true ScriptType: InlineScript Inline: |- $AzToken = (Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl api://30471ccf-0966-45b9-a979-065dbedb24c1).Token Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=SymbolAccessToken;issecret=true]$AzToken" - task: PublishSymbols@2 displayName: Publish Symbols (to current Azure DevOps tenant) continueOnError: True inputs: SymbolsFolder: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/symbolStaging' SearchPattern: '**/*.pdb' IndexSources: false DetailedLog: true SymbolsMaximumWaitTime: 30 SymbolServerType: 'TeamServices' SymbolsProduct: 'PowerToys Converged Symbols' SymbolsVersion: '${{ parameters.versionNumber }}' SymbolsArtifactName: $(SymbolsArtifactName) SymbolExpirationInDays: ${{ parameters.symbolExpiryTime }} env: LIB: $(Build.SourcesDirectory) - pwsh: |- # Prepare the defaults for IRM $PSDefaultParameterValues['Invoke-RestMethod:Headers'] = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $(SymbolAccessToken)" } $PSDefaultParameterValues['Invoke-RestMethod:ContentType'] = "application/json" $PSDefaultParameterValues['Invoke-RestMethod:Method'] = "POST" $BaseUri = "${{ parameters.symbolProject }}/requests" # Prepare the request $expiration = (Get-Date).Add([TimeSpan]::FromDays(${{ parameters.symbolExpiryTime }})) $createRequestBody = @{ requestName = "$(SymbolsArtifactName)"; expirationTime = $expiration.ToString(); } Write-Host "##[debug]Starting request $($createRequestBody.requestName) with expiration date of $($createRequestBody.expirationTime)" Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$BaseUri" -Body ($createRequestBody | ConvertTo-Json -Compress) -Verbose # Request symbol publication $publishRequestBody = @{ publishToInternalServer = $true; publishToPublicServer = $${{ parameters.includePublicSymbolServer }}; } Write-Host "##[debug]Submitting request $($createRequestBody.requestName) ($($publishRequestBody | ConvertTo-Json -Compress))" Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$BaseUri/$($createRequestBody.requestName)" -Body ($publishRequestBody | ConvertTo-Json -Compress) -Verbose displayName: Publish Symbols using internal REST API