Jaime Bernardo 864b862952
[General]Reduce installer size by flattening application paths (#27451)
* Flatten everything and succeed build

* Figure out Settings assets

* Remove UseCommonOutputDirectory tag

* Proper settings app path

* [VCM] Fix assets location

* Fix some runtime paths

* [RegistryPreview]Use MRTCore specific pri file

* [Hosts]Use MRTCore specific pri file

* [Settings]Use MRTCore specific pri file

* [Peek]Use MRTCore specific pri file

* [FileLocksmith]Use MRTCore specific pri file

* [ScreenRuler]Use MRTCore specific pri file

* [PowerRename]Use MRTCore specific pri file

* [Peek]Move assets to own folder

* [FileLocksmith] Use own Assets path

* [Hosts]Use own assets folder

* [PowerRename]Use own assets dir

* [MeasureTool] Use its own assets folder

* [ImageResizer]Use its own assets path

* Fix spellcheck

* Fix tab instead of space in project files

* Normalize target frameworks and platforms

* Remove WINRT_NO_MAKE_DETECTION flag. No longer needed?

* Fix AOT and Hosts locations

* Fix Dll version differences on dependency

* Add Common.UI.csproj as refernce to fix dll versions

* Update ControlzEx to normalize dll versions

* Update System.Management version to 7.0.2

* Add GPOWrapper to Registry Preview to fix dll versions

* [PTRun]Reference Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting to fix dll versions

* Fix remaining output paths / dll version conflicts

* [KeyboardManager]Executables still on their own directories

* Fix Monaco paths

* WinAppSDK apps get to play outside again

* Enable VCM settings again

* Fix KBM Editor path again

* [Monaco]Set to own Assets dir

* Fix installer preamble; Fix publish. remove unneeded publishes

* Remove Hardlink functions

* Installer builds again (still needs work to work)

* Readd Monaco to spellcheck excludes

* Fix spellcheck and call publish.cmd again

* [Installer] Remove components that don't need own dirs

* [Installer] Refactor Power Launcher

* [Installer] Refactor Color Picker

* [Installer] Refactor Monaco assets

* [Installer]Generate File script no longer needs to remove files

* [Installer]Refactor FileLocksmith

* [Installer] Refactor Hosts

* [Installer]Refactor Image Resizer

* [Installer]Refactor MouseUtils

* [Installer]Refactor MWB

* [Installer]Refactor MeasureTool

* [Installer]Refactor Peek

* [Installer]Refactor PowerRename and registry fixes

* [Installer]Refactor RegistryPreview

* [Installer]Refactor ShortcutGuide

* [Installer]Refactor Settings

* [Installer]Clean up some unused stuff

* [Installer]Clean up stuff for user install

* [Installer]Fix WinUi3Apps wxs

* [Installer]Fix misplaced folders

* [Installer]Move x86 VCM dll to right path

* Fix monaco language list location

* [Installer]Fix VCM directory reference

* [CI]Fix signing

* [Installer] Fix resources folder for release CI

* [ci]Looks like we still ship NLog on PowerToys Run

* [Settings]Add dependency to avoid dll collision with Experimentation

* [RegistryPreview]Move XAML files to own path

* [RegistryPreview]Fix app icon

* [Hosts]Move XAML files to their own path

* [FileLocksmith]Move XAML files to their own path

* [Peek]Move XAML files to own path

* [ScreenRuler]Move XAML files to its own path

* [Settings]Move XAML to its own path

* [ColorPicker]Move Resources to Assets

* [ShortcutGuide]Move svgs to own Assets path

* [Awake]Move images to assets path

* [Runner]Remove debug checks for PowerToys Run assets

* [PTRun]Move images to its own assets path

* [ImageResizer]Icon for context menu on own assets path

* [PowerRename]Move ico to its own path

* Remove unneeded intermediary directories

* Remove further int dirs

* Move tests to its own output path

* Fix spellcheck

* spellcheck: remove warnings

* [CppAnalyzers]Ignore rule in a tool

* [CI]Check if all deps.json files reference same versions

* fix spellcheck

* [ci]Fix task identation

* [ci]Add script to guard against asset conflicts

* [ci]Add more deps.json audit steps in the release build

* Add xbf to spellcheck expects

* Fix typo in asset conflict check scripts

* Fix some more dependency conflicts

* Downgrade CsWinRT to have the same dll version as sdk

* [ci]Do a recursive check for every deps.json

* Fix spellcheck error inside comment

* [ci]Fix asset script error

* [ci]Name deps.json verify tasks a bit better

* [ci]Improve deps json verify script output

* [ci]Update WinRT version to the same running in CI

* Also upgrade CsWinRT in NOTICE.MD

* [PowerRename]Move XAML files to own path

* [Common]Fix Settings executable path

* [ci]Verify there's no xbf files in app directories

* [installer]Fix firewall path

* [Monaco]Move new files to their proper assets path

* [Monaco]Fix paths for new files after merge

* [Feedback]Removed unneeded build conditions

* [Feedback]Clear vcxproj direct reference to frameworks

* [Feedback]RunPlugins name to hold PTRun plugins

* [Feedback]Remove unneeded foreach

* [Feedback]Shortcut Guide svgs with ** in project file

* [Feedback]Fix spellcheck
2023-07-20 00:12:46 +01:00

150 lines
6.6 KiB

- name: versionNumber
type: string
default: "0.0.1"
- name: perUserArg
type: string
default: "false"
- name: buildSubDir
type: string
default: "MachineSetup"
- name: installerPrefix
type: string
default: "PowerToysSetup"
- task: VSBuild@1
displayName: Build PowerToysSetupCustomActions DLL # This dll needs to be build and signed before building the MSI.
solution: "**/installer/PowerToysSetup.sln"
vsVersion: 17.0
msbuildArgs: /p:CIBuild=true /bl:$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\msbuild.binlog /t:PowerToysSetupCustomActions /p:RunBuildEvents=true /p:PerUser=${{parameters.perUserArg}}
platform: $(BuildPlatform)
configuration: $(BuildConfiguration)
clean: true
maximumCpuCount: true
- task: SFP.build-tasks.custom-build-task-1.EsrpCodeSigning@1
displayName: Sign PowerToysSetupCustomActions DLL
ConnectedServiceName: "Terminal/Console/WinAppDriver Team Code Signing Connection"
FolderPath: 'installer/PowerToysSetupCustomActions/$(BuildPlatform)\$(BuildConfiguration)\${{parameters.buildSubDir}}'
signType: batchSigning
batchSignPolicyFile: '$(build.sourcesdirectory)\.pipelines\ESRPSigning_installer.json'
ciPolicyFile: '$(build.sourcesdirectory)\.pipelines\CIPolicy.xml'
- task: VSBuild@1
displayName: Build MSI
solution: "**/installer/PowerToysSetup.sln"
vsVersion: 17.0
msbuildArgs: /p:CIBuild=true /target:PowerToysInstaller /bl:$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\msbuild.binlog /p:RunBuildEvents=false /p:PerUser=${{parameters.perUserArg}}
platform: $(BuildPlatform)
configuration: $(BuildConfiguration)
clean: false # don't undo our hard work above by deleting the CustomActions dll
maximumCpuCount: true
- task: CmdLine@2
displayName: "Extracting MSI to verify contents"
script: |
"C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.14\bin\dark.exe" -x $(build.sourcesdirectory)\extractedMsi installer\PowerToysSetup\$(BuildPlatform)\$(BuildConfiguration)\${{parameters.buildSubDir}}\${{parameters.installerPrefix}}-${{ parameters.versionNumber }}-$(BuildPlatform).msi
dir $(build.sourcesdirectory)\extractedMsi
# Check if deps.json files don't reference different dll versions.
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: Audit deps.json in MSI extracted files
filePath: '.pipelines/verifyDepsJsonLibraryVersions.ps1'
arguments: -targetDir '$(build.sourcesdirectory)\extractedMsi\File'
pwsh: true
# Did we sign all files
- task: PowerShell@1
displayName: Verifying entire build is signed and version set
scriptName: .pipelines/versionAndSignCheck.ps1
arguments: -targetDir '$(build.sourcesdirectory)\extractedMsi\File'
- task: PowerShell@1
displayName: Verifying MSI Custom Actions DLL is signed
scriptName: .pipelines/versionAndSignCheck.ps1
arguments: -targetDir '$(build.sourcesdirectory)\extractedMsi\Binary'
- task: SFP.build-tasks.custom-build-task-1.EsrpCodeSigning@1
displayName: Sign MSI
ConnectedServiceName: "Terminal/Console/WinAppDriver Team Code Signing Connection"
FolderPath: 'installer/PowerToysSetup/$(BuildPlatform)\$(BuildConfiguration)\${{parameters.buildSubDir}}'
signType: batchSigning
batchSignPolicyFile: '$(build.sourcesdirectory)\.pipelines\ESRPSigning_installer.json'
ciPolicyFile: '$(build.sourcesdirectory)\.pipelines\CIPolicy.xml'
#### END MSI
- task: VSBuild@1
displayName: Build Bootstrapper
solution: "**/installer/PowerToysSetup.sln"
vsVersion: 17.0
msbuildArgs: /p:CIBuild=true /bl:$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\msbuild.binlog /t:PowerToysBootstrapper /p:PerUser=${{parameters.perUserArg}}
platform: $(BuildPlatform)
configuration: $(BuildConfiguration)
clean: false # don't undo our hard work above by deleting the MSI
maximumCpuCount: true
- task: CmdLine@2
displayName: "Insignia: Extract Engine from Bundle"
script: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.14\bin\insignia.exe" -ib installer\PowerToysSetup\$(BuildPlatform)\$(BuildConfiguration)\${{parameters.buildSubDir}}\${{parameters.installerPrefix}}-${{ parameters.versionNumber }}-$(BuildPlatform).exe -o installer\engine.exe'
- task: SFP.build-tasks.custom-build-task-1.EsrpCodeSigning@1
displayName: "ESRP CodeSigning (Engine)"
ConnectedServiceName: "Terminal/Console/WinAppDriver Team Code Signing Connection"
FolderPath: "installer"
Pattern: engine.exe
signConfigType: inlineSignParams
inlineOperation: |
"KeyCode": "CP-230012",
"OperationCode": "SigntoolSign",
"Parameters": {
"OpusName": "Microsoft",
"OpusInfo": "http://www.microsoft.com",
"FileDigest": "/fd \"SHA256\"",
"PageHash": "/NPH",
"TimeStamp": "/tr \"http://rfc3161.gtm.corp.microsoft.com/TSS/HttpTspServer\" /td sha256"
"ToolName": "sign",
"ToolVersion": "1.0"
"KeyCode": "CP-230012",
"OperationCode": "SigntoolVerify",
"Parameters": {},
"ToolName": "sign",
"ToolVersion": "1.0"
- task: CmdLine@2
displayName: "Insignia: Merge Engine into Bundle"
script: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.14\bin\insignia.exe" -ab installer\engine.exe installer\PowerToysSetup\$(BuildPlatform)\$(BuildConfiguration)\${{parameters.buildSubDir}}\${{parameters.installerPrefix}}-${{ parameters.versionNumber }}-$(BuildPlatform).exe -o installer\PowerToysSetup\$(BuildPlatform)\$(BuildConfiguration)\${{parameters.buildSubDir}}\${{parameters.installerPrefix}}-${{ parameters.versionNumber }}-$(BuildPlatform).exe'
- task: SFP.build-tasks.custom-build-task-1.EsrpCodeSigning@1
displayName: Sign Bootstrapper
ConnectedServiceName: "Terminal/Console/WinAppDriver Team Code Signing Connection"
FolderPath: 'installer/PowerToysSetup/$(BuildPlatform)\$(BuildConfiguration)\${{parameters.buildSubDir}}'
signType: batchSigning
batchSignPolicyFile: '$(build.sourcesdirectory)\.pipelines\ESRPSigning_installer.json'
ciPolicyFile: '$(build.sourcesdirectory)\.pipelines\CIPolicy.xml'