2019-09-07 15:58:13 +10:00

208 lines
6.7 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using Wox.Infrastructure;
using Wox.Infrastructure.Logger;
using Wox.Infrastructure.Storage;
using Wox.Plugin.Program.Programs;
using Stopwatch = Wox.Infrastructure.Stopwatch;
namespace Wox.Plugin.Program
public class Main : ISettingProvider, IPlugin, IPluginI18n, IContextMenu, ISavable
private static readonly object IndexLock = new object();
private static Win32[] _win32s;
private static UWP.Application[] _uwps;
private static PluginInitContext _context;
private static BinaryStorage<Win32[]> _win32Storage;
private static BinaryStorage<UWP.Application[]> _uwpStorage;
private static Settings _settings;
private readonly PluginJsonStorage<Settings> _settingsStorage;
public Main()
_settingsStorage = new PluginJsonStorage<Settings>();
_settings = _settingsStorage.Load();
var preloadcost = Stopwatch.Normal("|Wox.Plugin.Program.Main|Preload programs cost", () =>
_win32Storage = new BinaryStorage<Win32[]>("Win32");
_win32s = _win32Storage.TryLoad(new Win32[] { });
_uwpStorage = new BinaryStorage<UWP.Application[]>("UWP");
_uwps = _uwpStorage.TryLoad(new UWP.Application[] { });
Log.Info($"|Wox.Plugin.Program.Main|Number of preload win32 programs <{_win32s.Length}>");
Log.Info($"|Wox.Plugin.Program.Main|Number of preload uwps <{_uwps.Length}>");
long win32indexcost = 0;
long uwpindexcost = 0;
var a = Task.Run(() =>
if (!_win32s.Any())
win32indexcost = Stopwatch.Normal("|Wox.Plugin.Program.Main|Win32Program index cost", IndexWin32Programs);
var b = Task.Run(() =>
if (!_uwps.Any())
uwpindexcost = Stopwatch.Normal("|Wox.Plugin.Program.Main|Win32Program index cost", IndexUWPPrograms);
Task.WaitAll(a, b);
* With roaming folder already
Preload programs cost <24ms>
Program index cost <3163ms>
no roaming yet (clean)
Preload programs cost <79ms>
Program index cost <2900ms>
long totalindexcost = win32indexcost + uwpindexcost;
if (preloadcost > 70 || totalindexcost > 4000)
throw e
public void Save()
public List<Result> Query(Query query)
lock (IndexLock)
var results1 = _win32s.AsParallel().Select(p => p.Result(query.Search, _context.API));
var results2 = _uwps.AsParallel().Select(p => p.Result(query.Search, _context.API));
var result = results1.Concat(results2).Where(r => r.Score > 0).ToList();
return result;
public void Init(PluginInitContext context)
_context = context;
public static void IndexWin32Programs()
lock (IndexLock)
_win32s = Win32.All(_settings);
public static void IndexUWPPrograms()
var windows10 = new Version(10, 0);
var support = Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= windows10.Major;
lock (IndexLock)
var allUWPs = support ? UWP.All() : new UWP.Application[] { };
_uwps = UWP.RetainApplications(allUWPs, _settings.ProgramSources, _settings.EnableProgramSourceOnly);
public static void IndexPrograms()
var t1 = Task.Run(() => { IndexWin32Programs(); });
var t2 = Task.Run(() => { IndexUWPPrograms(); });
Task.WaitAll(t1, t2);
public static void AddLoadedApplicationsToSettings()
.Where(t1 => !_settings.ProgramSources.Any(x => x.Name == t1.Name))
.ForEach(t1 => _settings.ProgramSources.Add(new Settings.ProgramSource (){Name = t1.Name, Location = t1.ParentDirectory }));
.Where(t1 => !_settings.ProgramSources.Any(x => x.Name == t1.DisplayName))
.ForEach(t1 => _settings.ProgramSources.Add(new Settings.ProgramSource() { Name = t1.DisplayName, Location = t1.Package.Location }));
public static void DisableProgramSources(List<Settings.ProgramSource> programSourcesToDisable)
.Where(t1 => programSourcesToDisable.Any(x => x.Name == t1.Name && x.Location == t1.Location && t1.Enabled))
.ForEach(t1 => t1.Enabled = false);
public Control CreateSettingPanel()
return new ProgramSetting(_context, _settings);
public string GetTranslatedPluginTitle()
return _context.API.GetTranslation("wox_plugin_program_plugin_name");
public string GetTranslatedPluginDescription()
return _context.API.GetTranslation("wox_plugin_program_plugin_description");
public List<Result> LoadContextMenus(Result selectedResult)
var program = selectedResult.ContextData as IProgram;
if (program != null)
var menus = program.ContextMenus(_context.API);
return menus;
return new List<Result>();
public static bool StartProcess(ProcessStartInfo info)
bool hide;
hide = true;
catch (Exception)
var name = "Plugin: Program";
var message = $"Can't start: {info.FileName}";
_context.API.ShowMsg(name, message, string.Empty);
hide = false;
return hide;