stefansjfw 53f830bb38
Migrate FancyZones data persisting from Registry to JSON file (#1194)
* Migrate FancyZones data persisting from Registry to JSON file

* Address PR comment: Remove redundant check

* Addres PR comment: Remove unused Dpi and add CmdArgs enum

* Address PR comment: Make methods const and inline

* Address PR comments: Expose GenerateUniqueId function and use const ref instead of passing wstring by value

* Address PR comment: Use lamdba as callback

* Address PR comment: Move GenerateUniqueId to ZoneWindowUtils namespace

* Address PR comment: Use regular comparison instead of std::wstring::compare

* Address PR comment: Use std::wstring_view for tmp file paths

* Address PR comment: Use scoped lock when accessing member data

* Address PR comment: Remove typedefs to increase code readability

* Address PR comment: removed nullptr checks with corresponding tests

* Address PR comment: Move ZoneSet object instead of copying

* Address PR comment: Make FancyZonesData instance const where possible

* Remove unnecessary gutter variable during calculating zone coordinates

* Remove uneeded subclass

* Avoid unnecessary copying and reserve space for vector if possible

* Save FancyZones data after exiting editor

* App zone history (#18)

* added window and zone set ids to app zone history

* Rename JSON file

* Remove AppZoneHistory migration

* Move parsing of ZoneWindow independent temp files outside of it

* Unit tests update (#19)

* check device existence in map
* updated ZoneSet tests
* updated JsonHelpers tests

* Use single zone count information

* Remove uneeded tests

* Remove one more test

* Remove uneeded line

* Address PR comments - Missing whitespace

* Update zoneset data for new virtual desktops (#21)

* update active zone set with actual data

* Introduce Blank zone set (used to indicate that no layout applied yet). Move parsing completely outside of ZoneWindow.

* Fix unit tests to match modifications in implementation

* Fix applying layouts on startup (second monitor)

Co-authored-by: vldmr11080 <57061786+vldmr11080@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Seraphima <zykovas91@gmail.com>
2020-02-10 14:59:51 +01:00

136 lines
4.2 KiB

#include "pch.h"
#include <common/dpi_aware.h>
#include <common/monitors.h>
#include "Zone.h"
#include "Settings.h"
struct Zone : winrt::implements<Zone, IZone>
Zone(RECT zoneRect) :
IFACEMETHODIMP_(RECT) GetZoneRect() noexcept { return m_zoneRect; }
IFACEMETHODIMP_(bool) IsEmpty() noexcept { return m_windows.empty(); };
IFACEMETHODIMP_(bool) ContainsWindow(HWND window) noexcept;
IFACEMETHODIMP_(void) AddWindowToZone(HWND window, HWND zoneWindow, bool stampZone) noexcept;
IFACEMETHODIMP_(void) RemoveWindowFromZone(HWND window, bool restoreSize) noexcept;
IFACEMETHODIMP_(void) SetId(size_t id) noexcept { m_id = id; }
IFACEMETHODIMP_(size_t) Id() noexcept { return m_id; }
void SizeWindowToZone(HWND window, HWND zoneWindow) noexcept;
void StampZone(HWND window, bool stamp) noexcept;
RECT m_zoneRect{};
size_t m_id{};
std::map<HWND, RECT> m_windows{};
IFACEMETHODIMP_(bool) Zone::ContainsWindow(HWND window) noexcept
return (m_windows.find(window) != m_windows.end());
IFACEMETHODIMP_(void) Zone::AddWindowToZone(HWND window, HWND zoneWindow, bool stampZone) noexcept
::GetWindowPlacement(window, &placement);
::GetWindowRect(window, &placement.rcNormalPosition);
m_windows.emplace(std::pair<HWND, RECT>(window, placement.rcNormalPosition));
SizeWindowToZone(window, zoneWindow);
if (stampZone)
StampZone(window, true);
IFACEMETHODIMP_(void) Zone::RemoveWindowFromZone(HWND window, bool restoreSize) noexcept
auto iter = m_windows.find(window);
if (iter != m_windows.end())
StampZone(window, false);
void Zone::SizeWindowToZone(HWND window, HWND zoneWindow) noexcept
// Skip invisible windows
if (!IsWindowVisible(window))
// Take care of 1px border
RECT zoneRect = m_zoneRect;
RECT windowRect{};
::GetWindowRect(window, &windowRect);
RECT frameRect{};
const auto level = DPIAware::GetAwarenessLevel(GetWindowDpiAwarenessContext(window));
const bool accountForUnawareness = level < DPIAware::PER_MONITOR_AWARE;
if (SUCCEEDED(DwmGetWindowAttribute(window, DWMWA_EXTENDED_FRAME_BOUNDS, &frameRect, sizeof(frameRect))))
const auto left_margin = frameRect.left - windowRect.left;
const auto right_margin = frameRect.right - windowRect.right;
const auto bottom_margin = frameRect.bottom - windowRect.bottom;
zoneRect.left -= left_margin;
zoneRect.right -= right_margin;
zoneRect.bottom -= bottom_margin;
// Map to screen coords
MapWindowRect(zoneWindow, nullptr, &zoneRect);
MONITORINFO mi{sizeof(mi)};
if (GetMonitorInfoW(MonitorFromWindow(zoneWindow, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST), &mi))
const auto taskbar_left_size = std::abs(mi.rcMonitor.left - mi.rcWork.left);
const auto taskbar_top_size = std::abs(mi.rcMonitor.top - mi.rcWork.top);
OffsetRect(&zoneRect, -taskbar_left_size, -taskbar_top_size);
if (accountForUnawareness)
zoneRect.left = max(mi.rcMonitor.left, zoneRect.left);
zoneRect.right = min(mi.rcMonitor.right - taskbar_left_size, zoneRect.right);
zoneRect.top = max(mi.rcMonitor.top, zoneRect.top);
zoneRect.bottom = min(mi.rcMonitor.bottom - taskbar_top_size, zoneRect.bottom);
::GetWindowPlacement(window, &placement);
placement.rcNormalPosition = zoneRect;
// Do not restore minimized windows. We change their placement though so they restore to the correct zone.
if ((placement.showCmd & SW_SHOWMINIMIZED) == 0)
placement.showCmd = SW_RESTORE | SW_SHOWNA;
::SetWindowPlacement(window, &placement);
void Zone::StampZone(HWND window, bool stamp) noexcept
if (stamp)
SetProp(window, ZONE_STAMP, reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(m_id));
RemoveProp(window, ZONE_STAMP);
winrt::com_ptr<IZone> MakeZone(const RECT& zoneRect) noexcept
return winrt::make_self<Zone>(zoneRect);