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synced 2025-01-19 06:53:26 +08:00
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140 lines
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[string]$config = "Release",
Write-Host "Config: $config"
function Build-Version {
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_VERSION)) {
$v = "1.2.0"
} else {
Write-Host "Build Version: $v"
return $v
function Build-Path {
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER)) {
} elseif (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($solution)) {
$p = $solution
} else {
$p = Get-Location
Write-Host "Build Folder: $p"
Set-Location $p
return $p
function Copy-Resources ($path, $config) {
$project = "$path\Wox"
$output = "$path\Output"
$target = "$output\$config"
Copy-Item -Recurse -Force $project\Themes\* $target\Themes\
Copy-Item -Recurse -Force $project\Images\* $target\Images\
Copy-Item -Recurse -Force $path\Plugins\HelloWorldPython $target\Plugins\HelloWorldPython
Copy-Item -Recurse -Force $path\JsonRPC $target\JsonRPC
Copy-Item -Force $path\packages\squirrel*\tools\Squirrel.exe $output\Update.exe
function Delete-Unused ($path, $config) {
$target = "$path\Output\$config"
$included = Get-ChildItem $target -Filter "*.dll"
foreach ($i in $included){
Remove-Item -Path $target\Plugins -Include $i -Recurse
Write-Host "Deleting duplicated $i"
Remove-Item -Path $target -Include "*.xml" -Recurse
function Validate-Directory ($output) {
New-Item $output -ItemType Directory -Force
function Pack-Nuget ($path, $version, $output) {
Write-Host "Begin build nuget library"
$spec = "$path\Scripts\wox.plugin.nuspec"
Write-Host "nuspec path: $spec"
Write-Host "Output path: $output"
Nuget pack $spec -Version $version -OutputDirectory $output
Write-Host "End build nuget library"
function Zip-Release ($path, $version, $output) {
Write-Host "Begin zip release"
$input = "$path\Output\Release"
Write-Host "Input path: $input"
$file = "$output\Wox-$version.zip"
Write-Host "Filename: $file"
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($input, $file)
Write-Host "End zip release"
function Pack-Squirrel-Installer ($path, $version, $output) {
# msbuild based installer generation is not working in appveyor, not sure why
Write-Host "Begin pack squirrel installer"
$spec = "$path\Scripts\wox.nuspec"
Write-Host "nuspec path: $spec"
$input = "$path\Output\Release"
Write-Host "Input path: $input"
Nuget pack $spec -Version $version -Properties Configuration=Release -BasePath $input -OutputDirectory $output
$nupkg = "$output\Wox.$version.nupkg"
Write-Host "nupkg path: $nupkg"
$icon = "$path\Wox\Resources\app.ico"
Write-Host "icon: $icon"
# Squirrel.com: https://github.com/Squirrel/Squirrel.Windows/issues/369
New-Alias Squirrel $path\packages\squirrel*\tools\Squirrel.exe -Force
# why we need Write-Output: https://github.com/Squirrel/Squirrel.Windows/issues/489#issuecomment-156039327
# directory of releaseDir in fucking squirrel can't be same as directory ($nupkg) in releasify
$temp = "$output\Temp"
Squirrel --releasify $nupkg --releaseDir $temp --setupIcon $icon --no-msi | Write-Output
Move-Item $temp\* $output -Force
Remove-Item $temp
$file = "$output\Wox-$version.exe"
Write-Host "Filename: $file"
Move-Item "$output\Setup.exe" $file -Force
Write-Host "End pack squirrel installer"
function Main {
$p = Build-Path
$v = Build-Version
Copy-Resources $p $config
if ($config -eq "Release"){
Delete-Unused $p $config
$o = "$p\Output\Packages"
Validate-Directory $o
New-Alias Nuget $p\packages\NuGet.CommandLine.*\tools\NuGet.exe -Force
Pack-Squirrel-Installer $p $v $o
$isInCI = $env:APPVEYOR
if ($isInCI) {
Pack-Nuget $p $v $o
Zip-Release $p $v $o
Write-Host "List output directory"
Get-ChildItem $o
Main |