Josh Soref 72d92413a2
Upgrade check-spelling to 0.0.17-alpha (#10173)
* spelling: snapped

Signed-off-by: Josh Soref <jsoref@users.noreply.github.com>

* spelling: split

Signed-off-by: Josh Soref <jsoref@users.noreply.github.com>

* ci: update to Spell check to 0.0.17a

In the past, plurals `foo`+`s` and past tenses `foo`+`ed` were
automatically tolerated. This turned out to be a bad design choice on my

The basic example is that `potatos` would sometimes be treated as a
mistake and sometimes not (depending on the presence of `potato`).

You can see in this PR, that this logic resulted in `SNAPED` being
accepted as a word along with `actioned` -- there's nothing
intrinsically wrong w/ the latter, but unfortunately in order to screen
out the former, my shortcut just couldn't stick around. This means that
the `expect` files will grow perhaps by a tiny bit, but as
you can see, not really by much.

When GitHub initially introduced GitHub Actions, the event for
`pull_request` was created without enough permission for a tool like
this to work properly. I worked around that by using the `schedule`
event. In 2020, they introduced a replacement event
`pull_request_target` which has enough permission. This means that I can
stop relying on the `schedule` event.
2021-03-17 19:27:30 +01:00

64 lines
1.5 KiB

# See https://github.com/check-spelling/check-spelling/wiki/Configuration-Examples:-patterns
# GitHub SHAs
# githubusercontent
# gist github
# msdn
# uuid:
# ignore long runs of a single character:
(?:L"[abAB]+", ){3}L"[abAB]+"
# Test line with hexadecimal colors
\[DataRow\("[0-9A-F]{6}", \d{3}, \d{3}, \d{3}\)\]
\[DataRow\("[0-9A-F]{6}", \d{3}.\d{1}, \d{3}.\d{1}, \d{3}.\d{1}\)\]
\[DataRow\("[0-9A-F]{6}", "[BCGMRY]\d\d?", \d{3}, \d{3}\)\]
# Windows paths
# plugin.json
^ "ID": "[0-9A-F]{32}",$
# UnitTests
# Id info inside markdown file (registry.md)
# marker for ignoring a comment to the end of the line
^.*/\* #no-spell-check-line \*/.*$
// #no-spell-check.*$