Jeremy Wu 07310c7714 Fix pinyin fuzzysearch (#131)
* fix typo

* make function obsolete 

it is not used in the code

* rewrite the function that converts chinese chars to pinyin

1. Only difference in this rewrite is instead of returning 2D array, return as a combined single string of all the possible pinyin combination. Since fuzzy search does character matching, this shouldn't be a problem.

2. Added a function that returns a custom language converter. In this case Pinyin converter. New converters can be added.

* Use new language converter param + strip out ScoreForPinyin method

* update

* Change parameter name

* fix failing tests


* Remove todo

There should be some distinction between score after precision filter and actual raw score derived from FuzzySearch. Although so far RawScore is used in testing, but it seems to describe the structure. Originally it was to avoid assigning score directly as it would be hard to reason about that output of FuzzySearch score is.

* Add constructors, remove default to enforce required properties

* remove setting rawscore in SearchPrecision

* Change method name to reflect intention

* Change parameter name + update comment

* update

* Remove params comment

Co-authored-by: theClueless <14300910+theClueless@users.noreply.github.com>
2020-01-20 01:06:16 +02:00

308 lines
12 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using static Wox.Infrastructure.StringMatcher;
namespace Wox.Infrastructure
public class StringMatcher
private readonly MatchOption _defaultMatchOption = new MatchOption();
public SearchPrecisionScore UserSettingSearchPrecision { get; set; }
private readonly IAlphabet _alphabet;
public StringMatcher(IAlphabet alphabet = null)
_alphabet = alphabet;
public static StringMatcher Instance { get; internal set; }
[Obsolete("This method is obsolete and should not be used. Please use the static function StringMatcher.FuzzySearch")]
public static int Score(string source, string target)
return FuzzySearch(target, source).Score;
[Obsolete("This method is obsolete and should not be used. Please use the static function StringMatcher.FuzzySearch")]
public static bool IsMatch(string source, string target)
return Score(source, target) > 0;
public static MatchResult FuzzySearch(string query, string stringToCompare)
return Instance.FuzzyMatch(query, stringToCompare);
public MatchResult FuzzyMatch(string query, string stringToCompare)
return FuzzyMatch(query, stringToCompare, _defaultMatchOption);
/// <summary>
/// Current method:
/// Character matching + substring matching;
/// 1. Query search string is split into substrings, separator is whitespace.
/// 2. Check each query substring's characters against full compare string,
/// 3. if a character in the substring is matched, loop back to verify the previous character.
/// 4. If previous character also matches, and is the start of the substring, update list.
/// 5. Once the previous character is verified, move on to the next character in the query substring.
/// 6. Move onto the next substring's characters until all substrings are checked.
/// 7. Consider success and move onto scoring if every char or substring without whitespaces matched
/// </summary>
public MatchResult FuzzyMatch(string query, string stringToCompare, MatchOption opt)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stringToCompare) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(query)) return new MatchResult (false, UserSettingSearchPrecision);
query = query.Trim();
if (_alphabet != null)
query = _alphabet.Translate(query);
stringToCompare = _alphabet.Translate(stringToCompare);
var fullStringToCompareWithoutCase = opt.IgnoreCase ? stringToCompare.ToLower() : stringToCompare;
var queryWithoutCase = opt.IgnoreCase ? query.ToLower() : query;
var querySubstrings = queryWithoutCase.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
int currentQuerySubstringIndex = 0;
var currentQuerySubstring = querySubstrings[currentQuerySubstringIndex];
var currentQuerySubstringCharacterIndex = 0;
var firstMatchIndex = -1;
var firstMatchIndexInWord = -1;
var lastMatchIndex = 0;
bool allQuerySubstringsMatched = false;
bool matchFoundInPreviousLoop = false;
bool allSubstringsContainedInCompareString = true;
var indexList = new List<int>();
for (var compareStringIndex = 0; compareStringIndex < fullStringToCompareWithoutCase.Length; compareStringIndex++)
if (fullStringToCompareWithoutCase[compareStringIndex] != currentQuerySubstring[currentQuerySubstringCharacterIndex])
matchFoundInPreviousLoop = false;
if (firstMatchIndex < 0)
// first matched char will become the start of the compared string
firstMatchIndex = compareStringIndex;
if (currentQuerySubstringCharacterIndex == 0)
// first letter of current word
matchFoundInPreviousLoop = true;
firstMatchIndexInWord = compareStringIndex;
else if (!matchFoundInPreviousLoop)
// we want to verify that there is not a better match if this is not a full word
// in order to do so we need to verify all previous chars are part of the pattern
var startIndexToVerify = compareStringIndex - currentQuerySubstringCharacterIndex;
if (AllPreviousCharsMatched(startIndexToVerify, currentQuerySubstringCharacterIndex, fullStringToCompareWithoutCase, currentQuerySubstring))
matchFoundInPreviousLoop = true;
// if it's the beginning character of the first query substring that is matched then we need to update start index
firstMatchIndex = currentQuerySubstringIndex == 0 ? startIndexToVerify : firstMatchIndex;
indexList = GetUpdatedIndexList(startIndexToVerify, currentQuerySubstringCharacterIndex, firstMatchIndexInWord, indexList);
lastMatchIndex = compareStringIndex + 1;
// if finished looping through every character in the current substring
if (currentQuerySubstringCharacterIndex == currentQuerySubstring.Length)
// if any of the substrings was not matched then consider as all are not matched
allSubstringsContainedInCompareString = matchFoundInPreviousLoop && allSubstringsContainedInCompareString;
allQuerySubstringsMatched = AllQuerySubstringsMatched(currentQuerySubstringIndex, querySubstrings.Length);
if (allQuerySubstringsMatched)
// otherwise move to the next query substring
currentQuerySubstring = querySubstrings[currentQuerySubstringIndex];
currentQuerySubstringCharacterIndex = 0;
// proceed to calculate score if every char or substring without whitespaces matched
if (allQuerySubstringsMatched)
var score = CalculateSearchScore(query, stringToCompare, firstMatchIndex, lastMatchIndex - firstMatchIndex, allSubstringsContainedInCompareString);
return new MatchResult(true, UserSettingSearchPrecision, indexList, score);
return new MatchResult (false, UserSettingSearchPrecision);
private static bool AllPreviousCharsMatched(int startIndexToVerify, int currentQuerySubstringCharacterIndex,
string fullStringToCompareWithoutCase, string currentQuerySubstring)
var allMatch = true;
for (int indexToCheck = 0; indexToCheck < currentQuerySubstringCharacterIndex; indexToCheck++)
if (fullStringToCompareWithoutCase[startIndexToVerify + indexToCheck] !=
allMatch = false;
return allMatch;
private static List<int> GetUpdatedIndexList(int startIndexToVerify, int currentQuerySubstringCharacterIndex, int firstMatchIndexInWord, List<int> indexList)
var updatedList = new List<int>();
indexList.RemoveAll(x => x >= firstMatchIndexInWord);
for (int indexToCheck = 0; indexToCheck < currentQuerySubstringCharacterIndex; indexToCheck++)
updatedList.Add(startIndexToVerify + indexToCheck);
return updatedList;
private static bool AllQuerySubstringsMatched(int currentQuerySubstringIndex, int querySubstringsLength)
return currentQuerySubstringIndex >= querySubstringsLength;
private static int CalculateSearchScore(string query, string stringToCompare, int firstIndex, int matchLen, bool allSubstringsContainedInCompareString)
// A match found near the beginning of a string is scored more than a match found near the end
// A match is scored more if the characters in the patterns are closer to each other,
// while the score is lower if they are more spread out
var score = 100 * (query.Length + 1) / ((1 + firstIndex) + (matchLen + 1));
// A match with less characters assigning more weights
if (stringToCompare.Length - query.Length < 5)
score += 20;
else if (stringToCompare.Length - query.Length < 10)
score += 10;
if (allSubstringsContainedInCompareString)
int count = query.Count(c => !char.IsWhiteSpace(c));
int factor = count < 4 ? 10 : 5;
score += factor * count;
return score;
public enum SearchPrecisionScore
Regular = 50,
Low = 20,
None = 0
public class MatchResult
public MatchResult(bool success, SearchPrecisionScore searchPrecision)
Success = success;
SearchPrecision = searchPrecision;
public MatchResult(bool success, SearchPrecisionScore searchPrecision, List<int> matchData, int rawScore)
Success = success;
SearchPrecision = searchPrecision;
MatchData = matchData;
RawScore = rawScore;
public bool Success { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The final score of the match result with search precision filters applied.
/// </summary>
public int Score { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// The raw calculated search score without any search precision filtering applied.
/// </summary>
private int _rawScore;
public int RawScore
get { return _rawScore; }
_rawScore = value;
Score = ScoreAfterSearchPrecisionFilter(_rawScore);
/// <summary>
/// Matched data to highlight.
/// </summary>
public List<int> MatchData { get; set; }
public SearchPrecisionScore SearchPrecision { get; set; }
public bool IsSearchPrecisionScoreMet()
return IsSearchPrecisionScoreMet(_rawScore);
private bool IsSearchPrecisionScoreMet(int rawScore)
return rawScore >= (int)SearchPrecision;
private int ScoreAfterSearchPrecisionFilter(int rawScore)
return IsSearchPrecisionScoreMet(rawScore) ? rawScore : 0;
public class MatchOption
/// <summary>
/// prefix of match char, use for hightlight
/// </summary>
[Obsolete("this is never used")]
public string Prefix { get; set; } = "";
/// <summary>
/// suffix of match char, use for hightlight
/// </summary>
[Obsolete("this is never used")]
public string Suffix { get; set; } = "";
public bool IgnoreCase { get; set; } = true;