Bartosz Sosnowski d6f0f9ec0e FancyZones settings: show proper hotkey even when wrong key was saved before
This makes the Hotkey settings object ignore the key value stored in
json. Instead it will be deduced from the current keyboard layout and
the vk_code.
2019-11-25 11:54:10 +01:00

178 lines
7.7 KiB

#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <cpprest/json.h>
namespace PowerToysSettings {
class HotkeyObject;
class Settings {
const HINSTANCE hinstance, // Module handle of the PowerToy DLL 'IMAGE_DOS_HEADER __ImageBase'
const std::wstring& powertoy_name
// Add additional general information to the PowerToy settings.
void set_description(UINT resource_id);
void set_description(const std::wstring& description);
void set_icon_key(const std::wstring& icon_key);
void set_overview_link(const std::wstring& overview_link);
void set_video_link(const std::wstring& video_link);
// Add properties to the PowerToy settings.
void add_bool_toogle(const std::wstring& name, UINT description_resource_id, bool value);
void add_bool_toogle(const std::wstring& name, const std::wstring& description, bool value);
void add_int_spinner(const std::wstring& name, UINT description_resource_id, int value, int min, int max, int step);
void add_int_spinner(const std::wstring& name, const std::wstring& description, int value, int min, int max, int step);
void add_string(const std::wstring& name, UINT description_resource_id, const std::wstring& value);
void add_string(const std::wstring& name, const std::wstring& description, const std::wstring& value);
void add_multiline_string(const std::wstring& name, UINT description_resource_id, const std::wstring& value);
void add_multiline_string(const std::wstring& name, const std::wstring& description, const std::wstring& value);
void add_color_picker(const std::wstring& name, UINT description_resource_id, const std::wstring& value);
void add_color_picker(const std::wstring& name, const std::wstring& description, const std::wstring& value);
void add_hotkey(const std::wstring& name, UINT description_resource_id, const HotkeyObject& hotkey);
void add_hotkey(const std::wstring& name, const std::wstring& description, const HotkeyObject& hotkey);
void add_choice_group(const std::wstring& name, UINT description_resource_id, const std::wstring& value, const std::vector<std::pair<std::wstring, UINT>>& keys_and_text_ids);
void add_choice_group(const std::wstring& name, const std::wstring& description, const std::wstring& value, const std::vector<std::pair<std::wstring, std::wstring>>& keys_and_texts);
void add_dropdown(const std::wstring& name, UINT description_resource_id, const std::wstring& value, const std::vector<std::pair<std::wstring, UINT>>& keys_and_text_ids);
void add_dropdown(const std::wstring& name, const std::wstring& description, const std::wstring& value, const std::vector<std::pair<std::wstring, std::wstring>>& keys_and_texts);
void add_custom_action(const std::wstring& name, UINT description_resource_id, UINT button_text_resource_id, UINT ext_description_resource_id);
void add_custom_action(const std::wstring& name, UINT description_resource_id, UINT button_text_resource_id, const std::wstring& value);
void add_custom_action(const std::wstring& name, const std::wstring& description, const std::wstring& button_text, const std::wstring& value);
// Serialize the internal json to a string.
std::wstring serialize();
// Serialize the internal json to the input buffer.
bool serialize_to_buffer(wchar_t* buffer, int* buffer_size);
web::json::value m_json;
int m_curr_priority = 0; // For keeping order when adding elements.
HINSTANCE m_instance;
std::wstring get_resource(UINT resource_id);
class PowerToyValues {
PowerToyValues(const std::wstring& powertoy_name);
static PowerToyValues from_json_string(const std::wstring& json);
static PowerToyValues load_from_settings_file(const std::wstring& powertoy_name);
template <typename T>
void add_property(const std::wstring& name, T value);
// Check property value type
bool is_bool_value(const std::wstring& property_name);
bool is_int_value(const std::wstring& property_name);
bool is_string_value(const std::wstring& property_name);
bool is_object_value(const std::wstring& property_name);
// Get property value
bool get_bool_value(const std::wstring& property_name);
int get_int_value(const std::wstring& property_name);
std::wstring get_string_value(const std::wstring& property_name);
web::json::value get_json(const std::wstring& property_name);
std::wstring serialize();
void save_to_settings_file();
const std::wstring m_version = L"1.0";
void set_version();
web::json::value m_json;
std::wstring _name;
PowerToyValues() {}
class CustomActionObject {
static CustomActionObject from_json_string(const std::wstring& json) {
web::json::value parsed_json = web::json::value::parse(json);
return CustomActionObject(parsed_json);
std::wstring get_name() { return m_json[L"action_name"].as_string(); }
std::wstring get_value() { return m_json[L"value"].as_string(); }
CustomActionObject(web::json::value action_json) : m_json(action_json) {};
web::json::value m_json;
class HotkeyObject {
static HotkeyObject from_json(web::json::value json) {
return HotkeyObject(json);
static HotkeyObject from_json_string(const std::wstring& json) {
web::json::value parsed_json = web::json::value::parse(json);
return HotkeyObject(parsed_json);
static HotkeyObject from_settings(bool win_pressed, bool ctrl_pressed, bool alt_pressed, bool shift_pressed, UINT vk_code) {
web::json::value json = web::json::value::object();
json.as_object()[L"win"] = web::json::value::boolean(win_pressed);
json.as_object()[L"ctrl"] = web::json::value::boolean(ctrl_pressed);
json.as_object()[L"alt"] = web::json::value::boolean(alt_pressed);
json.as_object()[L"shift"] = web::json::value::boolean(shift_pressed);
json.as_object()[L"code"] = web::json::value::number(vk_code);
json.as_object()[L"key"] = web::json::value::string(key_from_code(vk_code));
return HotkeyObject(json);
const web::json::value& get_json() const { return m_json; }
std::wstring get_key() {
return key_from_code(get_code());
UINT get_code() { return m_json[L"code"].as_integer(); }
bool win_pressed() { return m_json[L"win"].as_bool(); }
bool ctrl_pressed() { return m_json[L"ctrl"].as_bool(); }
bool alt_pressed() { return m_json[L"alt"].as_bool(); }
bool shift_pressed() { return m_json[L"shift"].as_bool(); }
UINT get_modifiers_repeat() {
return (win_pressed() ? MOD_WIN : 0) |
(ctrl_pressed() ? MOD_CONTROL : 0) |
(alt_pressed() ? MOD_ALT : 0) |
(shift_pressed() ? MOD_SHIFT : 0);
UINT get_modifiers() {
return get_modifiers_repeat() | MOD_NOREPEAT;
static std::wstring key_from_code(UINT key_code) {
auto scan_code = MapVirtualKeyW(key_code, MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC);
auto layout = GetKeyboardLayout(0);
std::array<BYTE, 256> key_states{}; // zero-initialize, no key pressed
std::array<wchar_t, 256> output;
auto output_bytes = ToUnicodeEx(key_code, scan_code, key_states.data(), output.data(), (int)output.size() - 1, 0, layout);
if (output_bytes == 0) {
return L"(unknown)";
} else {
if (output_bytes == -1) {
output_bytes = 1;
output[output_bytes] = 0;
return output.data();
HotkeyObject(web::json::value hotkey_json) : m_json(hotkey_json) {
if (m_json.has_number_field(L"code")) {
m_json.as_object()[L"key"] = web::json::value::string(key_from_code(get_code()));
web::json::value m_json;