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synced 2024-12-15 20:19:17 +08:00
This pull request rewrites the entire Azure DevOps build system. The guiding principles behind this rewrite are: - No pipeline definitions should contain steps (or tasks) directly. - All jobs should be in template files. - Any set of steps that is reused across multiple jobs must be in template files. - All artifact names can be customized (via a property called `artifactStem` on all templates that produce or consume artifacts). - No compilation happens outside of the "Build" phase, to consolidate the production and indexing of PDBs. - All step and job templates are named with `step` or `job` _first_, which disambiguates them in the templates directory. - Most jobs can be run on different `pool`s, so that we can put expensive jobs on expensive build agents and cheap jobs on cheap build agents. Some jobs handle pool selection on their own, however. Our original build pipelines used the `VSBuild` task _all over the place._ This resulted in PowerToys being built in myriad ways, different for every pipeline. There was an attempt at standardization early on, where `ci.yml` consumed jobs and steps templates... but when `release.yml` was added, all of that went out the window. It's the same story as Terminal (https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/15808). The new pipelines are consistent and focus on a small, well-defined set of jobs: - `job-build-project` - This is the big one! - Takes a list of build configurations and platforms. - Produces an artifact named `build-PLATFORM-CONFIG` for the entire matrix of possibilities. - Builds all of the installers. - Optionally signs the output (all of the output). - Admittedly has a lot going on. - `job-test-project` - Takes **one** build config and **one** platform. - Consumes `build-PLATFORM-CONFIG` - Selects its own pools (hardcoded) because it knows about architectures and must choose the right agent arch. - Runs tests (directly on the build agent). - `job-publish-symbols-using-symbolrequestprod-api` - Consumes `**/*.pdb` from all prior build phases. - Uploads all PDBs in one artifact to Azure DevOps - Uses Microsoft's internal symbol publication REST API to submit stripped symbols to MSDL for public consumption. Finally, this pull request has some additional benefits: - Symbols are published to the private and public feeds at the same time, in the same step. They should be available in the public symbol server for public folks to debug against! - We have all the underpinnings necessary to run tests on ARM64 build agents. - Right now, `ScreenResolutionUtility` is broken - I had to introduce a custom version of `UseDotNet` which would install the right architecture (🤦); see https://github.com/microsoft/azure-pipelines-tasks/issues/20300. - All dotnet and nuget versioning is consolidated into a small set of step templates. - This will provide a great place for us to handle versioning changes later, since all versioning happens in one place.
539 lines
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539 lines
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- name: additionalBuildOptions
type: string
default: ''
- name: buildConfigurations
type: object
- Release
- name: buildPlatforms
type: object
- x64
- arm64
- name: codeSign
type: boolean
default: false
- name: artifactStem
type: string
default: ''
- name: jobName
type: string
default: 'Build'
- name: condition
type: string
default: ''
- name: dependsOn
type: object
default: []
- name: pool
type: object
default: []
- name: beforeBuildSteps
type: stepList
default: []
- name: variables
type: object
default: {}
- name: publishArtifacts
type: boolean
default: true
- name: signingIdentity
type: object
default: {}
- name: enablePackageCaching
type: boolean
default: false
- name: enableMsBuildCaching
type: boolean
default: false
- name: runTests
type: boolean
default: true
- name: versionNumber
type: string
default: '0.0.1'
- name: csProjectsToPublish
type: object
- 'src/settings-ui/Settings.UI/PowerToys.Settings.csproj'
- 'src/modules/launcher/PowerLauncher/PowerLauncher.csproj'
- 'src/modules/previewpane/MonacoPreviewHandler/MonacoPreviewHandler.csproj'
- 'src/modules/previewpane/MarkdownPreviewHandler/MarkdownPreviewHandler.csproj'
- 'src/modules/previewpane/SvgPreviewHandler/SvgPreviewHandler.csproj'
- 'src/modules/previewpane/SvgThumbnailProvider/SvgThumbnailProvider.csproj'
- 'src/modules/FileLocksmith/FileLocksmithUI/FileLocksmithUI.csproj'
- job: ${{ parameters.jobName }}
${{ if ne(length(parameters.pool), 0) }}:
pool: ${{ parameters.pool }}
dependsOn: ${{ parameters.dependsOn }}
condition: ${{ parameters.condition }}
${{ each config in parameters.buildConfigurations }}:
${{ each platform in parameters.buildPlatforms }}:
${{ config }}_${{ platform }}:
BuildConfiguration: ${{ config }}
BuildPlatform: ${{ platform }}
${{ if eq(platform, 'x86') }}:
OutputBuildPlatform: Win32
${{ elseif eq(platform, 'Any CPU') }}:
OutputBuildPlatform: AnyCPU
${{ else }}:
OutputBuildPlatform: ${{ platform }}
# Azure DevOps abhors a vacuum
# If these are blank, expansion will fail later on... which will result in direct substitution of the variable *names*
# later on. We'll just... set them to a single space and if we need to, check IsNullOrWhiteSpace.
# Yup.
MSBuildCacheParameters: ' '
JobOutputDirectory: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
LogOutputDirectory: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\logs
JobOutputArtifactName: build-$(BuildPlatform)-$(BuildConfiguration)${{ parameters.artifactStem }}
NUGET_RESTORE_MSBUILD_ARGS: /p:Platform=$(BuildPlatform) # Required for nuget to work due to self contained
NODE_OPTIONS: --max_old_space_size=16384
${{ if eq(parameters.runTests, true) }}:
MSBuildMainBuildTargets: Build;Test
${{ else }}:
MSBuildMainBuildTargets: Build
${{ insert }}: ${{ parameters.variables }}
displayName: Build
timeoutInMinutes: 240
cancelTimeoutInMinutes: 1
templateContext: # Required when this template is hosted in 1ES PT
- output: pipelineArtifact
artifactName: $(JobOutputArtifactName)
targetPath: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
- checkout: self
clean: true
submodules: true
persistCredentials: True
fetchTags: false
fetchDepth: 1
- ${{ if eq(parameters.enableMsBuildCaching, true) }}:
- pwsh: |-
$MSBuildCacheParameters = ""
$MSBuildCacheParameters += " -graph"
$MSBuildCacheParameters += " -reportfileaccesses"
$MSBuildCacheParameters += " -p:MSBuildCacheEnabled=true"
$MSBuildCacheParameters += " -p:MSBuildCacheLogDirectory=$(LogOutputDirectory)\MSBuildCacheLogs"
Write-Host "MSBuildCacheParameters: $MSBuildCacheParameters"
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=MSBuildCacheParameters]$MSBuildCacheParameters"
displayName: Prepare MSBuildCache variables
- ${{ if eq(parameters.codeSign, true) }}:
# Only required if we're using ESRP
- template: steps-ensure-dotnet-version.yml
sdk: true
version: '6.0'
- template: steps-ensure-dotnet-version.yml
sdk: true
version: '8.0'
- ${{ if eq(parameters.runTests, true) }}:
- task: VisualStudioTestPlatformInstaller@1
displayName: Ensure VSTest Platform
- pwsh: |-
& '.pipelines/applyXamlStyling.ps1' -Passive
& '.pipelines/verifyNugetPackages.ps1' -solution '$(build.sourcesdirectory)\PowerToys.sln'
& '.pipelines/verifyArm64Configuration.ps1' -solution '$(build.sourcesdirectory)\PowerToys.sln'
& '.pipelines/verifyArm64Configuration.ps1' -solution '$(build.sourcesdirectory)\tools\BugReportTool\BugReportTool.sln'
& '.pipelines/verifyArm64Configuration.ps1' -solution '$(build.sourcesdirectory)\tools\WebcamReportTool\WebcamReportTool.sln'
& '.pipelines/verifyArm64Configuration.ps1' -solution '$(build.sourcesdirectory)\tools\StylesReportTool\StylesReportTool.sln'
& '.pipelines/verifyArm64Configuration.ps1' -solution '$(build.sourcesdirectory)\installer\PowerToysSetup.sln'
displayName: Verify formatting, nuget, and ARM64 configurations
- ${{ if eq(parameters.enablePackageCaching, true) }}:
- task: Cache@2
displayName: 'Cache nuget packages (PackageReference)'
key: '"PackageReference" | "$(Agent.OS)" | Directory.Packages.props'
restoreKeys: |
"PackageReference" | "$(Agent.OS)"
- task: Cache@2
displayName: 'Cache nuget packages (packages.config)'
key: '"packages.config" | "$(Agent.OS)" | **/packages.config'
restoreKeys: |
"packages.config" | "$(Agent.OS)"
path: packages
- template: .\steps-restore-nuget.yml
- pwsh: |-
& "$(build.sourcesdirectory)\.pipelines\verifyAndSetLatestVCToolsVersion.ps1"
displayName: Work around DD-1541167 (VCToolsVersion)
- pwsh: |-
& "$(build.sourcesdirectory)\.pipelines\installWiX.ps1"
displayName: Download and install WiX 3.14 development build
- ${{ parameters.beforeBuildSteps }}
- task: VSBuild@1
${{ if eq(parameters.runTests, true) }}:
displayName: Build and Test PowerToys main project
${{ else }}:
displayName: Build PowerToys main project
solution: 'PowerToys.sln'
vsVersion: 17.0
msbuildArgs: >-
-restore -graph
${{ parameters.additionalBuildOptions }}
platform: $(BuildPlatform)
configuration: $(BuildConfiguration)
msbuildArchitecture: x64
maximumCpuCount: true
${{ if eq(parameters.enableMsBuildCaching, true) }}:
SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN: $(System.AccessToken)
- ${{ if eq(parameters.codeSign, true) }}:
- template: steps-esrp-signing.yml
displayName: Sign Utilities
signingIdentity: ${{ parameters.signingIdentity }}
FolderPath: 'src/modules'
signType: batchSigning
batchSignPolicyFile: '$(build.sourcesdirectory)\.pipelines\ESRPSigning_abstracted_utils_dll.json'
ciPolicyFile: '$(build.sourcesdirectory)\.pipelines\CIPolicy.xml'
- task: VSBuild@1
displayName: Create Hosts File Editor package
solution: '**\HostsUILib.csproj'
vsVersion: 17.0
msbuildArgs: /p:CIBuild=true -t:pack /bl:$(LogOutputDirectory)\build-hosts.binlog
configuration: $(BuildConfiguration)
msbuildArchitecture: x64
maximumCpuCount: true
${{ if eq(parameters.enableMsBuildCaching, true) }}:
SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN: $(System.AccessToken)
- task: VSBuild@1
displayName: Create Environment Variables Editor package
solution: '**\EnvironmentVariablesUILib.csproj'
vsVersion: 17.0
msbuildArgs: /p:CIBuild=true -t:pack /bl:$(LogOutputDirectory)\build-env-var-editor.binlog
configuration: $(BuildConfiguration)
msbuildArchitecture: x64
maximumCpuCount: true
${{ if eq(parameters.enableMsBuildCaching, true) }}:
SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN: $(System.AccessToken)
- task: VSBuild@1
displayName: Create Registry Preview package
solution: '**\RegistryPreviewUILib.csproj'
vsVersion: 17.0
msbuildArgs: /p:CIBuild=true -t:pack /bl:$(LogOutputDirectory)\build-registry-preview.binlog
configuration: $(BuildConfiguration)
msbuildArchitecture: x64
maximumCpuCount: true
${{ if eq(parameters.enableMsBuildCaching, true) }}:
SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN: $(System.AccessToken)
- task: CopyFiles@2
displayName: Stage NuGet packages
contents: "**/bin/Release/PowerToys*.nupkg"
flattenFolders: True
targetFolder: $(JobOutputDirectory)/nupkg
- ${{ if eq(parameters.codeSign, true) }}:
- template: steps-esrp-signing.yml
displayName: Sign NuGet packages
signingIdentity: ${{ parameters.signingIdentity }}
FolderPath: $(JobOutputDirectory)/nupkg
Pattern: '*.nupkg'
UseMinimatch: true
signConfigType: inlineSignParams
inlineOperation: >-
"KeyCode": "CP-401405",
"OperationCode": "NuGetSign",
"Parameters": {},
"ToolName": "sign",
"ToolVersion": "1.0"
"KeyCode": "CP-401405",
"OperationCode": "NuGetVerify",
"Parameters": {},
"ToolName": "sign",
"ToolVersion": "1.0"
- task: VSBuild@1
displayName: Build BugReportTool
solution: '**/tools/BugReportTool/BugReportTool.sln'
vsVersion: 17.0
msbuildArgs: >-
-restore -graph
${{ parameters.additionalBuildOptions }}
platform: $(BuildPlatform)
configuration: $(BuildConfiguration)
msbuildArchitecture: x64
maximumCpuCount: true
${{ if eq(parameters.enableMsBuildCaching, true) }}:
SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN: $(System.AccessToken)
- task: VSBuild@1
displayName: Build WebcamReportTool
solution: '**/tools/WebcamReportTool/WebcamReportTool.sln'
vsVersion: 17.0
msbuildArgs: >-
-restore -graph
${{ parameters.additionalBuildOptions }}
platform: $(BuildPlatform)
configuration: $(BuildConfiguration)
msbuildArchitecture: x64
maximumCpuCount: true
${{ if eq(parameters.enableMsBuildCaching, true) }}:
SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN: $(System.AccessToken)
- task: VSBuild@1
displayName: Build StylesReportTool
solution: '**/tools/StylesReportTool/StylesReportTool.sln'
vsVersion: 17.0
msbuildArgs: >-
-restore -graph
${{ parameters.additionalBuildOptions }}
platform: $(BuildPlatform)
configuration: $(BuildConfiguration)
msbuildArchitecture: x64
maximumCpuCount: true
${{ if eq(parameters.enableMsBuildCaching, true) }}:
SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN: $(System.AccessToken)
- ${{ each project in parameters.csProjectsToPublish }}:
- task: VSBuild@1
displayName: Publish ${{ project }} for Packaging
solution: ${{ project }}
vsVersion: 17.0
msbuildArgs: >-
/bl:$(LogOutputDirectory)\publish-${{ join('_',split(project, '/')) }}.binlog
platform: $(BuildPlatform)
configuration: $(BuildConfiguration)
msbuildArchitecture: x64
maximumCpuCount: true
# Check if deps.json files don't reference different dll versions.
- pwsh: |-
& '.pipelines/verifyDepsJsonLibraryVersions.ps1' -targetDir '$(build.sourcesdirectory)\$(BuildPlatform)\$(BuildConfiguration)'
displayName: Audit deps.json files for all applications
# Check if asset files on the main application paths are playing nice and avoiding basic conflicts.
- pwsh: |-
& '.pipelines/verifyPossibleAssetConflicts.ps1' -targetDir '$(build.sourcesdirectory)\$(BuildPlatform)\$(BuildConfiguration)'
displayName: Audit base applications path asset conflicts
- pwsh: |-
& '.pipelines/verifyPossibleAssetConflicts.ps1' -targetDir '$(build.sourcesdirectory)\$(BuildPlatform)\$(BuildConfiguration)\WinUI3Apps'
displayName: Audit WinAppSDK applications path asset conflicts
- pwsh: |-
& '.pipelines/verifyNoticeMdAgainstNugetPackages.ps1' -path '$(build.sourcesdirectory)\'
displayName: Verify NOTICE.md and NuGet packages match
- ${{ if eq(parameters.runTests, true) }}:
# Publish test results which ran in MSBuild
- task: PublishTestResults@2
displayName: 'Publish Test Results'
testResultsFormat: VSTest
testResultsFiles: '**/*.trx'
condition: ne(variables['BuildPlatform'],'arm64')
# Native dlls
- task: VSTest@2
condition: ne(variables['BuildPlatform'],'arm64') # No arm64 agents to run the tests.
displayName: 'Native Tests'
platform: '$(BuildPlatform)'
configuration: '$(BuildConfiguration)'
testSelector: 'testAssemblies'
testAssemblyVer2: |
- ${{ if eq(parameters.codeSign, true) }}:
- template: steps-esrp-signing.yml
displayName: Sign Core PowerToys
signingIdentity: ${{ parameters.signingIdentity }}
FolderPath: '$(BuildPlatform)/$(BuildConfiguration)' # Video conf uses x86 and x64.
signType: batchSigning
batchSignPolicyFile: '$(build.sourcesdirectory)\.pipelines\ESRPSigning_core.json'
ciPolicyFile: '$(build.sourcesdirectory)\.pipelines\CIPolicy.xml'
- template: steps-esrp-signing.yml
displayName: Sign DSC files
signingIdentity: ${{ parameters.signingIdentity }}
FolderPath: 'src/dsc/Microsoft.PowerToys.Configure'
signType: batchSigning
batchSignPolicyFile: '$(build.sourcesdirectory)\.pipelines\ESRPSigning_DSC.json'
ciPolicyFile: '$(build.sourcesdirectory)\.pipelines\CIPolicy.xml'
- template: steps-esrp-signing.yml
displayName: Sign x86 DirectShow VCM
signingIdentity: ${{ parameters.signingIdentity }}
FolderPath: 'x86/$(BuildConfiguration)' # Video conf uses x86 and x64.
signType: batchSigning
batchSignPolicyFile: '$(build.sourcesdirectory)\.pipelines\ESRPSigning_vcm.json'
ciPolicyFile: '$(build.sourcesdirectory)\.pipelines\CIPolicy.xml'
- template: steps-build-installer.yml
codeSign: ${{ parameters.codeSign }}
signingIdentity: ${{ parameters.signingIdentity }}
versionNumber: ${{ parameters.versionNumber }}
additionalBuildOptions: ${{ parameters.additionalBuildOptions }}
- template: steps-build-installer.yml
codeSign: ${{ parameters.codeSign }}
signingIdentity: ${{ parameters.signingIdentity }}
versionNumber: ${{ parameters.versionNumber }}
additionalBuildOptions: ${{ parameters.additionalBuildOptions }}
buildUserInstaller: true # NOTE: This is the distinction between the above and below rules
# This saves ~1GiB per architecture. We won't need these later.
# Removes:
# - All .pdbs from any static libs .libs (which were only used during linking)
- pwsh: |-
$binDir = '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)'
$ImportLibs = Get-ChildItem $binDir -Recurse -File -Filter '*.exp' | ForEach-Object { $_.FullName -Replace "exp$","lib" }
$StaticLibs = Get-ChildItem $binDir -Recurse -File -Filter '*.lib' | Where-Object FullName -NotIn $ImportLibs
$Items = @()
$Items += Get-Item ($StaticLibs.FullName -Replace "lib$","pdb") -ErrorAction:Ignore
$Items | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Verbose -ErrorAction:Ignore
displayName: Clean up static libs PDBs
errorActionPreference: silentlyContinue # It's OK if this silently fails
- task: CopyFiles@2
displayName: Stage Installers
contents: "**/PowerToys*Setup-*.exe"
flattenFolders: True
targetFolder: $(JobOutputDirectory)
- task: CopyFiles@2
displayName: Stage Symbols
contents: |-
flattenFolders: True
targetFolder: $(JobOutputDirectory)/symbols-$(BuildPlatform)/
- pwsh: |-
$p = "$(JobOutputDirectory)\"
$userHash = ((Get-Item $p\PowerToysUserSetup*.exe | Get-FileHash).Hash);
$machineHash = ((Get-Item $p\PowerToysSetup*.exe | Get-FileHash).Hash);
$userPlat = "hash_user_$(BuildPlatform).txt";
$machinePlat = "hash_machine_$(BuildPlatform).txt";
$combinedUserPath = $p + $userPlat;
$combinedMachinePath = $p + $machinePlat;
echo $p
echo $userPlat
echo $userHash
echo $combinedUserPath
echo $machinePlat
echo $machineHash
echo $combinedMachinePath
$userHash | out-file -filepath $combinedUserPath
$machineHash | out-file -filepath $combinedMachinePath
displayName: Calculate file hashes
# Publishing the GPO files
- pwsh: |-
New-Item "$(JobOutputDirectory)/gpo" -Type Directory
Copy-Item src\gpo\assets\* "$(JobOutputDirectory)/gpo" -Recurse
displayName: Stage GPO files
# Running the tests may result in future jobs consuming artifacts out of this build
- ${{ if eq(parameters.runTests, true) }}:
- task: CopyFiles@2
displayName: Stage entire build output
sourceFolder: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)'
contents: '$(BuildPlatform)/$(BuildConfiguration)/**/*'
targetFolder: '$(JobOutputDirectory)\$(BuildPlatform)\$(BuildConfiguration)'
- ${{ if eq(parameters.publishArtifacts, true) }}:
- publish: $(JobOutputDirectory)
artifact: $(JobOutputArtifactName)
displayName: Publish all outputs
condition: always()