stefansjfw e6b74b10eb
[FancyZones] Make snapping windows using Windows Snap Hotkeys across monitors optional (#2583)
* Make moving window across monitors optional

* Update tests

* Address PR comment: Update description of the toggle
2020-05-01 16:17:16 +02:00

39 lines
1.6 KiB

#pragma once
#define ZONE_STAMP L"FancyZones_zone"
#include <common/settings_objects.h>
struct Settings
// The values specified here are the defaults.
bool shiftDrag = true;
bool displayChange_moveWindows = false;
bool virtualDesktopChange_moveWindows = false;
bool zoneSetChange_flashZones = false;
bool zoneSetChange_moveWindows = false;
bool overrideSnapHotkeys = false;
bool moveWindowAcrossMonitors = false;
bool appLastZone_moveWindows = false;
bool use_cursorpos_editor_startupscreen = true;
bool showZonesOnAllMonitors = false;
bool makeDraggedWindowTransparent = true;
std::wstring zoneColor = L"#F5FCFF";
std::wstring zoneBorderColor = L"#FFFFFF";
std::wstring zoneHightlightColor = L"#008CFF";
int zoneHighlightOpacity = 50;
PowerToysSettings::HotkeyObject editorHotkey = PowerToysSettings::HotkeyObject::from_settings(true, false, false, false, VK_OEM_3);
std::wstring excludedApps = L"";
std::vector<std::wstring> excludedAppsArray;
interface __declspec(uuid("{BA4E77C4-6F44-4C5D-93D3-CBDE880495C2}")) IFancyZonesSettings : public IUnknown
IFACEMETHOD_(void, SetCallback)(interface IFancyZonesCallback* callback) = 0;
IFACEMETHOD_(void, ResetCallback)() = 0;
IFACEMETHOD_(bool, GetConfig)(_Out_ PWSTR buffer, _Out_ int *buffer_size) = 0;
IFACEMETHOD_(void, SetConfig)(PCWSTR serializedPowerToysSettingsJson) = 0;
IFACEMETHOD_(void, CallCustomAction)(PCWSTR action) = 0;
IFACEMETHOD_(const Settings*, GetSettings)() const = 0;
winrt::com_ptr<IFancyZonesSettings> MakeFancyZonesSettings(HINSTANCE hinstance, PCWSTR config) noexcept;