Our Gray Matter are wired to react to dynamic things like movement, shape change and color change. Transitions smooth out the jarring world of the Web, making changes appear more natural. The main purpose for Transitions is to provide an engaging interface and reinforce communication.
<videoclass="transition-video-player"alt="example of Adding an Object"description="When an object is added, the highlighted area shows it to the user. The highlight fades in several seconds in order not to interfere the user flow."src="https://os.alipayobjects.com/rmsportal/FqkQMyFqNqielOw.mp4"></video>
<videoclass="transition-video-player"alt="example of Modifying an object"description="Status No.1: The user modifies the value of Detail. <br>Status No.2: After the user click the save button, a yellow fill is displayed in the grid of Detail, which indicates the change of the object. <br>Status No.3: The fill fades in several seconds and returned to normal."src="https://os.alipayobjects.com/rmsportal/XrUIWmsmOlEnZGc.mp4"></video>
If actual performance can hardly improved, there is a difference between actual performance and perceived performance. Diverting the user's attention is a good way to improve the perceived time an operation takes.