2017-01-12 17:57:04 +08:00
order: 7
title: Third-Party Library
2017-01-15 15:14:54 +08:00
`antd` is designed to provide high-quality React UI components which following Ant Design Specification. So, we are not going to implement other functions which are not relative to `antd` 's target, and recommend to use excellent third-party library which came from React community:
2017-01-12 17:57:04 +08:00
* **Router: ** [react-router ](https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-router )
* **Layout: ** [react-blocks ](http://whoisandie.github.io/react-blocks/ )
* **Drag and drop: ** [react-dnd ](https://github.com/gaearon/react-dnd )
* **Editor: ** [react-codemirror ](https://github.com/JedWatson/react-codemirror )
* **Color Picker: ** [rc-color-picker ](https://github.com/react-component/color-picker ), [react-color ](http://casesandberg.github.io/react-color/ )
* **Media Query: ** [react-responsive ](https://github.com/contra/react-responsive ), [react-media ](https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-media )
* **Copy to clipboard: ** [react-copy-to-clipboard ](https://github.com/nkbt/react-copy-to-clipboard )
* **Document head manager: ** [react-helmet ](https://github.com/nfl/react-helmet )
2017-02-07 00:40:37 +08:00
* **Font Awesome Icons**: [react-fa ](https://github.com/andreypopp/react-fa )