| strokeColor | The color of progress bar | string | - | - |
| strokeLinecap | To set the style of the progress linecap | `round` \| `butt` \| `square`, see [stroke-linecap](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/stroke-linecap) | `round` | - |
| success | Configs of successfully progress bar | { percent: number, strokeColor: string } | - | - |
| trailColor | The color of unfilled part | string | - | - |
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| steps | The total step count | number | - | - |
| strokeColor | The color of progress bar, render `linear-gradient` when passing an object, could accept `string[]` when has `steps`. | string \| string[] \| { from: string; to: string; direction: string } | - | 4.21.0: `string[]` |
| steps | The total step count.When passing an object, `count` refers to the number of steps, and `gap` refers to the distance between them.When passing number, the default value for `gap` is 2. | number \| { count: number, gap: number } | - | 5.16.0 |
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| steps | The total step count.When passing an object, `count` refers to the number of steps, and `gap` refers to the distance between them.When passing number, the default value for `gap` is 2. | number \| { count: number, gap: number } | - | 5.16.0 |