| arrow | Whether to show the arrow, including the configuration whether to point to the center of the element | `boolean`\|`{ pointAtCenter: boolean}` | `true` | |
| gap | Control the radius of the highlighted area and the offset between highlighted area and the element. | `{ offset?: number \| [number, number]; radius?: number }` | `{ offset?: 6 ; radius?: 2 }` | 5.0.0 (array type `offset`: 5.9.0) |
| placement | Position of the guide card relative to the target element | `center``left``leftTop``leftBottom``right``rightTop``rightBottom``top``topLeft``topRight``bottom``bottomLeft``bottomRight` | `bottom` | |
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| target | Get the element the guide card points to. Empty makes it show in center of screen | `() => HTMLElement``HTMLElement` | - | |
| arrow | Whether to show the arrow, including the configuration whether to point to the center of the element | `boolean``{ pointAtCenter: boolean}` | `true` | |
| placement | Position of the guide card relative to the target element | `center``left``leftTop``leftBottom``right``rightTop``rightBottom``top``topLeft``topRight``bottom``bottomLeft``bottomRight` | `bottom` | |
| mask | Whether to enable masking, change mask style and fill color by pass custom props, the default follows the `mask` property of Tour | `boolean \| { style?: React.CSSProperties; color?: string; }` | `true` | |
| scrollIntoViewOptions | support pass custom scrollIntoView options, the default follows the `scrollIntoViewOptions` property of Tour | `boolean \| ScrollIntoViewOptions` | `true` | 5.2.0 |