This document will help you upgrade from antd `4.x` version to antd `5.x` version. If you are using `3.x` or older version, please refer to the previous [upgrade document]( to 4.x.
1. Please upgrade to the latest version of 4.x first, and remove / modify related APIs according to the console warning message.
## Incompatible changes in v5
### Design specification
- Basic rounded corner adjustment, changed from `2px` to four layers of radius, which are `2px``4px``6px` and `8px`. For example, radius of default Button is modified from `2px` to `6px`.
- Global shadow optimization, adjusted from three layers of shadows to two layers, which are used in common components (Card .e.g) and popup components (Dropdown .e.g).
- Overall reduction in wireframe usage.
### Technology adjustment
- Remove less, adopt CSS-in-JS, for better support of dynamic themes. The bottom layer uses [@ant-design/cssinjs]( as a solution.
- All less files are removed, and less variables are no longer exported.
- Css files are no longer included in package. Since CSS-in-JS supports importing on demand, the original `antd/dist/antd.css` has also been abandoned. If you need to reset some basic styles, please import `antd/dist/reset.css`.
- If you need to reset the style of the component, but you don't want to introduce `antd/dist/reset.css` to pollute the global style, You can try using the [App](components/app) in the outermost layer to solve the problem that native elements do not have antd specification style.
- LocaleProvider has been deprecated in 4.x (use `<ConfigProvider locale />` instead), we removed the related folder `antd/es/locale-provider` and `antd/lib/locale-provider` in 5.x.
-`babel-plugin-import` is no longer supported. CSS-in-JS itself has the ability to import on demand, and plugin support is no longer required. Umi users can remove related configurations.
-`getPopupContainer`: All `getPopupContainer` are guaranteed to return a unique div. This method will be called repeatedly under React 18 concurrent mode.
- Static methods are no longer allowed to dynamically set `prefixCls``maxCount``top``bottom``getContainer` in `open`, Notification static methods will now have only one instance. If you need a different configuration, use `useNotification`.
-`close` was renamed to `destroy` to be consistent with message.
If you want to use v4 deprecated component like `Comment` or `PageHeader`. You can install `@ant-design/compatible` and `@ant-design/pro-layout` for compatible:
You can manually check the code one by one against the above list for modification. In addition, we also provide a codemod cli tool [@ant-design/codemod-v5]( To help you quickly upgrade to v5.
Before running codemod cli, please submit your local code changes.
import AntdMomentWebpackPlugin from '@ant-design/moment-webpack-plugin';
module.exports = {
// ...
plugins: [new AntdMomentWebpackPlugin()],
### Legacy browser support
Ant Design v5 using `:where` css selector to reduce CSS-in-JS hash priority. You can use `@ant-design/cssinjs``StyleProvider` to cancel this function. Please ref [Compatible adjustment](/docs/react/customize-theme#compatible-adjustment).
If you encounter problems during the upgrade, please go to [GitHub issues]( for feedback. We will respond and improve this document as soon as possible.