[create-react-app](https://github.com/facebookincubator/create-react-app) is one of best React application development tool, we are going to use `antd` within it and modify the webpack config for some customized needs.
Modify `src/App.js`, import Button component from `antd`.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Button } from 'antd';
import './App.css';
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
export default App;
Add `antd/dist/antd.css` at the top of `src/App.css`.
@import '~antd/dist/antd.css';
.App {
text-align: center;
Ok, you now see a blue primary button displaying in page now, next you can choose any components of `antd` to develop your application. Visit other workflow of `create-react-app` at its [User Guide ](https://github.com/facebookincubator/create-react-app/blob/master/packages/react-scripts/template/README.md).
## Advanced Guides
We are successd to run antd components now, but in the real world, there are still lots of problems about antd-demo.
For instance, we actully import all components in the project which will be a serious network perfermance issue.
[babel-plugin-import](https://github.com/ant-design/babel-plugin-import) is a babel plugin for importing components on demand ([principle](/docs/react/getting-started-cn#按需加载)). After eject all config files to antd-demo, we allowed to install it and modify `config/webpack.config.dev.js` now.
> Note: because there is no `.babelrc` file after config eject, so we have to put the babel option into `webpack.config.js` or `babel` field of `package.json`.
Then reboot `yarn start` and visit demo page, you should find that the above warning message would be gone which prove the `import on demand` config is effective now.
According to [Customize Theme documentation](/docs/react/customize-theme), we need `less` variables modify ability of [less-loader](https://github.com/webpack/less-loader), so we add it.
We use `modifyVars` option of [less-loader](https://github.com/webpack/less-loader#less-options) here, you can see a green button rendered on the page after reboot start server.
Finally, we use antd with create-react-app successfully, you can learn these practice for your own webpack workflow too, and find more webpack config in the [atool-build](https://github.com/ant-tool/atool-build/blob/master/src/getWebpackCommonConfig.js). (For instance, add [moment noParse](https://github.com/ant-tool/atool-build/blob/e4bd2959689b6a95cb5c1c854a5db8c98676bdb3/src/getWebpackCommonConfig.js#L90) to avoid loading all language files)