After four months, `antd@2.0.0` is published. We had refactored code and improve functionalities and details of existing components. What's more, we provide English version of the documentation. The antd community help us a lot in developing `antd@2.0.0`.
If you meet any problem while you try to upgrade from `antd@1.0.0`, feel free to [create issues on GitHub](
### 2.x Major changes
* Refactor components with TypeScript, and provide **`.d.ts` files which are officially supported**. Thanks to all the developers that contributed to [#1846]( and @infeng.
* **Translate the documentation into English**, and we are going to provide both of Chinese and English versions of the documentation in the future. Thanks to all the translators and reviewers that contributed to [#1471](
* DatePicker, TimePicker, Calendar and other components that are designed to select time **are refactored to replace [gregorian-calendar]( with [moment](**.
* All the [icons]( are re-designed.
* New component [Mention](
* New component [AutoComplete](
* The `getFieldProps` of Form is replaced with `getFieldDecorator` which will warn developers if they make mistakes. Related discussion [#1533](
* Removed components and features which are deprecated in `antd@1.x`, such as QueueAnim, Validation, Form.ValueMixin, Progress.Line, Progress.Circle, Popover[overlay] and Slider[marks] will not support array any more.
### 2.x Breaking changes
There are some breaking changes in `antd@2.0.0`, and you need to modify your code to work with it.
*`value` and `defaultValue` of all the time-related components will not support type `String/Date`, please use [moment](
* Parameters of type `Date/GregorianCalendar` of functions such as `onChange` and `onPanelChange`, plus other callback functions had been changed to type moment. Please consult [APIs of gregorian-calendar]( and [APIs of moment](, and update your code accordingly. Because the return value of `JSON.stringy(date: moment)` will lost time zone, we should use `.format` to convert date to string first, see related issue [#3082]( for details:
handleSubmit() {
const values = this.props.form.getFieldsValue(); ='YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'); // or other format
const data = JSON.stringify(values);
// send data to server
* The `format` of time-related components is the same as [moment's format]( now.
*`linkRender` and `nameRender` of Breadcrumb are removed, please use `itemRender`.
*`onClose` and `onOpen` of Menu are removed, please use `onOpenChange`. As being totally different, please check [this demo]( first.
* Paging columns of Table were removed, please use [fixed columns](
The following change will throw some warnings in the console and it will still work, but we recommend to update your code.
*`getFieldProps` of Form is deprecated, please use `getFieldDecorator`:
* Dropdown.Button[disabled] should work. [#3070](
*`option.withRef` of Form.create should work. [#2843](
* Fix slow response of expanding sub menu in Menu[inline] mode. [#2701](
* The button of Modal.confirm(and so on) should not be clickable while it is closed asynchronously. [#2684](
*`format` of DatePicker[showTime] should work. [#3123](
* Fix Table[dataSource] treat key whose value is `0` as inexisting. [#3166]( @noonnightstorm
* Tree.Node should not show arrow if it has no child nodes. [#2616](
* Fix cursor style of arrows that are hidden of Tree.Node. [#2748](
* [AntD Library]( a collection of Axure files which includes components and patterns that follow Ant Design Specification.
* Rename `babel-plugin-antd` to [`babel-plugin-import`](, and this means that `babel-plugin-import` becomes an common load-on-demand solution and not just for `antd`.
* [dva@1.0.0]( is published and it is officially recommended framework [in real world](
* The officially recommended scaffold is [dva-cli]( now, the old `antd-init` is just for studying and demo.