docs: update Avatar src define

This commit is contained in:
xrkffgg 2020-11-02 11:31:42 +08:00
parent e954079dd0
commit 311a4fbb42
2 changed files with 4 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ Avatars can be used to represent people or objects. It supports images, `Icon`s,
| gap | Letter type unit distance between left and right sides | number | 4 | 4.3.0 |
| icon | Custom icon type for an icon avatar | ReactNode | - | |
| shape | The shape of avatar | `circle` \| `square` | `circle` | |
| size | The size of the avatar | number \| `large` \| `small` \| `default` \| `{ xs: number, sm: number, ...}` | `default` | 4.7.0 |
| src | The address of the image for an image avatar or image element | string \| ReactNode | - | |
| size | The size of the avatar | number \| `large` \| `small` \| `default` \| { xs: number, sm: number, ...} | `default` | 4.7.0 |
| src | The address of the image for an image avatar or image element | string \| ReactNode | - | ReactNode: 4.8.0 |
| srcSet | A list of sources to use for different screen resolutions | string | - | |
| onError | Handler when img load error, return false to prevent default fallback behavior | () => boolean | - | |

View File

@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ cover:
| gap | 字符类型距离左右两侧边界单位像素 | number | 4 | 4.3.0 |
| icon | 设置头像的自定义图标 | ReactNode | - | |
| shape | 指定头像的形状 | `circle` \| `square` | `circle` | |
| size | 设置头像的大小 | number \| `large` \| `small` \| `default` \| `{ xs: number, sm: number, ...}` | `default` | 4.7.0 |
| src | 图片类头像的资源地址或者图片元素 | string \| ReactNode | - | |
| size | 设置头像的大小 | number \| `large` \| `small` \| `default` \| { xs: number, sm: number, ...} | `default` | 4.7.0 |
| src | 图片类头像的资源地址或者图片元素 | string \| ReactNode | - | ReactNode: 4.8.0 |
| srcSet | 设置图片类头像响应式资源地址 | string | - | |
| onError | 图片加载失败的事件,返回 false 会关闭组件默认的 fallback 行为 | () => boolean | - | |