diff --git a/components/alert/index.en-US.md b/components/alert/index.en-US.md
index 9ebb00e6c1..6caf74fae5 100644
--- a/components/alert/index.en-US.md
+++ b/components/alert/index.en-US.md
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ Alert component for feedback.
| description | Additional content of Alert | ReactNode | - |
| icon | Custom icon, effective when `showIcon` is true | ReactNode | - |
| message | Content of Alert | ReactNode | - |
+| onClose | Callback when Alert is closed | (e: MouseEvent) => void | - |
| showIcon | Whether to show icon | boolean | false, in `banner` mode default is true |
| type | Type of Alert styles, options: `success`, `info`, `warning`, `error` | string | `info`, in `banner` mode default is `warning` |
-| onClose | Callback when Alert is closed | (e: MouseEvent) => void | - |
### Alert.ErrorBoundary
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| ----------- | -------------------------------- | --------- | ----------------- | ------- |
-| message | Custom error message to show | ReactNode | {{ error }} | |
| description | Custom error description to show | ReactNode | {{ error stack }} | |
+| message | Custom error message to show | ReactNode | {{ error }} | |
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--- a/components/alert/index.zh-CN.md
+++ b/components/alert/index.zh-CN.md
@@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ cover: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/alicdn/8emPa3fjl/Alert.svg
| description | 警告提示的辅助性文字介绍 | ReactNode | - |
| icon | 自定义图标,`showIcon` 为 true 时有效 | ReactNode | - |
| message | 警告提示内容 | ReactNode | - |
+| onClose | 关闭时触发的回调函数 | (e: MouseEvent) => void | - |
| showIcon | 是否显示辅助图标 | boolean | false,`banner` 模式下默认值为 true |
| type | 指定警告提示的样式,有四种选择 `success`、`info`、`warning`、`error` | string | `info`,`banner` 模式下默认值为 `warning` |
-| onClose | 关闭时触发的回调函数 | (e: MouseEvent) => void | - |
### Alert.ErrorBoundary
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 | 版本 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| message | 自定义错误标题,如果未指定会展示原生报错信息 | ReactNode | {{ error }} | |
| description | 自定义错误内容,如果未指定会展示报错堆栈 | ReactNode | {{ error stack }} | |
+| message | 自定义错误标题,如果未指定会展示原生报错信息 | ReactNode | {{ error }} | |
diff --git a/components/anchor/index.en-US.md b/components/anchor/index.en-US.md
index ce30064c3c..77f3c4f9f4 100644
--- a/components/anchor/index.en-US.md
+++ b/components/anchor/index.en-US.md
@@ -21,17 +21,17 @@ For displaying anchor hyperlinks on page and jumping between them.
| affix | Fixed mode of Anchor | boolean | true | |
| bounds | Bounding distance of anchor area | number | 5 | |
| getContainer | Scrolling container | () => HTMLElement | () => window | |
-| offsetTop | Pixels to offset from top when calculating position of scroll | number | 0 | |
-| showInkInFixed | Whether show ink-balls when `affix={false}` | boolean | false | |
-| onClick | Set the handler to handle `click` event | function(e: Event, link: Object) | - | |
| getCurrentAnchor | Customize the anchor highlight | () => string | - | |
-| targetOffset | Anchor scroll offset, default as `offsetTop`, [example](#components-anchor-demo-targetOffset) | number | - | |
+| offsetTop | Pixels to offset from top when calculating position of scroll | number | 0 | |
| onChange | Listening for anchor link change | (currentActiveLink: string) => void | | |
+| onClick | Set the handler to handle `click` event | function(e: Event, link: Object) | - | |
+| showInkInFixed | Whether show ink-balls when `affix={false}` | boolean | false | |
+| targetOffset | Anchor scroll offset, default as `offsetTop`, [example](#components-anchor-demo-targetOffset) | number | - | |
### Link Props
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| -------- | ----------------------------------------- | --------- | ------- | ------- |
| href | The target of hyperlink | string | | |
-| title | The content of hyperlink | ReactNode | | |
| target | Specifies where to display the linked URL | string | | |
+| title | The content of hyperlink | ReactNode | | |
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--- a/components/anchor/index.zh-CN.md
+++ b/components/anchor/index.zh-CN.md
@@ -22,17 +22,17 @@ cover: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/alicdn/_1-C1JwsC/Anchor.svg
| affix | 固定模式 | boolean | true | |
| bounds | 锚点区域边界 | number | 5 | |
| getContainer | 指定滚动的容器 | () => HTMLElement | () => window | |
-| offsetTop | 距离窗口顶部达到指定偏移量后触发 | number | | |
-| showInkInFixed | `affix={false}` 时是否显示小圆点 | boolean | false | |
-| onClick | `click` 事件的 handler | function(e: Event, link: Object) | - | |
| getCurrentAnchor | 自定义高亮的锚点 | () => string | - | |
-| targetOffset | 锚点滚动偏移量,默认与 offsetTop 相同,[例子](#components-anchor-demo-targetOffset) | number | - | |
+| offsetTop | 距离窗口顶部达到指定偏移量后触发 | number | | |
| onChange | 监听锚点链接改变 | (currentActiveLink: string) => void | - | |
+| onClick | `click` 事件的 handler | function(e: Event, link: Object) | - | |
+| showInkInFixed | `affix={false}` 时是否显示小圆点 | boolean | false | |
+| targetOffset | 锚点滚动偏移量,默认与 offsetTop 相同,[例子](#components-anchor-demo-targetOffset) | number | - | |
### Link Props
| 成员 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 | 版本 |
| ------ | -------------------------------- | --------- | ------ | ---- |
| href | 锚点链接 | string | - | |
-| title | 文字内容 | ReactNode | - | |
| target | 该属性指定在何处显示链接的资源。 | string | - | |
+| title | 文字内容 | ReactNode | - | |
diff --git a/components/auto-complete/index.en-US.md b/components/auto-complete/index.en-US.md
index 8c99200bae..575cc4b1cc 100644
--- a/components/auto-complete/index.en-US.md
+++ b/components/auto-complete/index.en-US.md
@@ -22,23 +22,23 @@ When there is a need for autocomplete functionality.
| children (for customize input element) | Customize input element | HTMLInputElement \| HTMLTextAreaElement \| React.ReactElement<InputProps> | <Input /> | |
| children (for dataSource) | Data source to auto complete | React.ReactElement<OptionProps> \| Array<React.ReactElement<OptionProps>> | - | |
| defaultActiveFirstOption | Whether active first option by default | boolean | true | |
+| defaultOpen | Initial open state of dropdown | boolean | - | |
| defaultValue | Initial selected option | string | - | |
| disabled | Whether disabled select | boolean | false | |
| dropdownClassName | The className of dropdown menu | string | - | |
| dropdownMatchSelectWidth | Determine whether the dropdown menu and the select input are the same width. Default set `min-width` same as input. Will ignore when value less than select width. `false` will disable virtual scroll | boolean \| number | true | |
| filterOption | If true, filter options by input, if function, filter options against it. The function will receive two arguments, `inputValue` and `option`, if the function returns true, the option will be included in the filtered set; Otherwise, it will be excluded | boolean \| function(inputValue, option) | true | |
-| placeholder | The placeholder of input | string | - | |
-| value | Selected option | string | - | |
+| notFoundContent | Specify content to show when no result matches | string | `Not Found` | |
| onBlur | Called when leaving the component | function() | - | |
| onChange | Called when select an option or input value change, or value of input is changed | function(value) | - | |
+| onDropdownVisibleChange | Call when dropdown open | function(open) | - | |
| onFocus | Called when entering the component | function() | - | |
| onSearch | Called when searching items | function(value) | - | |
| onSelect | Called when a option is selected. param is option's value and option instance | function(value, option) | - | |
-| defaultOpen | Initial open state of dropdown | boolean | - | |
| open | Controlled open state of dropdown | boolean | - | |
| options | Select options. Will get better perf than jsx definition | { label, value }[] | - | |
-| onDropdownVisibleChange | Call when dropdown open | function(open) | - | |
-| notFoundContent | Specify content to show when no result matches | string | `Not Found` | |
+| placeholder | The placeholder of input | string | - | |
+| value | Selected option | string | - | |
## Methods
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--- a/components/auto-complete/index.zh-CN.md
+++ b/components/auto-complete/index.zh-CN.md
@@ -20,27 +20,27 @@ cover: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/alicdn/qtJm4yt45/AutoComplete.svg
| allowClear | 支持清除, 单选模式有效 | boolean | false | |
| autoFocus | 自动获取焦点 | boolean | false | |
| backfill | 使用键盘选择选项的时候把选中项回填到输入框中 | boolean | false | |
-| children (自定义输入框) | 自定义输入框 | HTMLInputElement \| HTMLTextAreaElement \| React.ReactElement<InputProps> | <Input /> | |
| children (自动完成的数据源) | 自动完成的数据源 | React.ReactElement<OptionProps> \| Array<React.ReactElement<OptionProps>> | - | |
+| children (自定义输入框) | 自定义输入框 | HTMLInputElement \| HTMLTextAreaElement \| React.ReactElement<InputProps> | <Input /> | |
| defaultActiveFirstOption | 是否默认高亮第一个选项 | boolean | true | |
+| defaultOpen | 是否默认展开下拉菜单 | boolean | - | |
| defaultValue | 指定默认选中的条目 | string | - | |
| disabled | 是否禁用 | boolean | false | |
| dropdownClassName | 下拉菜单的 className 属性 | string | - | |
| dropdownMatchSelectWidth | 下拉菜单和选择器同宽。默认将设置 `min-width`,当值小于选择框宽度时会被忽略。false 时会关闭虚拟滚动 | boolean \| number | true | |
| filterOption | 是否根据输入项进行筛选。当其为一个函数时,会接收 `inputValue` `option` 两个参数,当 `option` 符合筛选条件时,应返回 true,反之则返回 false | boolean \| function(inputValue, option) | true | |
| getPopupContainer | 菜单渲染父节点。默认渲染到 body 上,如果你遇到菜单滚动定位问题,试试修改为滚动的区域,并相对其定位。[示例](https://codesandbox.io/s/4j168r7jw0) | function(triggerNode) | () => document.body | |
-| placeholder | 输入框提示 | string | - | |
-| value | 指定当前选中的条目 | string | - | |
+| notFoundContent | 当下拉列表为空时显示的内容 | ReactNode | - | |
| onBlur | 失去焦点时的回调 | function() | - | |
| onChange | 选中 option,或 input 的 value 变化时,调用此函数 | function(value) | - | |
+| onDropdownVisibleChange | 展开下拉菜单的回调 | function(open) | - | |
| onFocus | 获得焦点时的回调 | function() | - | |
| onSearch | 搜索补全项的时候调用 | function(value) | - | |
| onSelect | 被选中时调用,参数为选中项的 value 值 | function(value, option) | - | |
-| defaultOpen | 是否默认展开下拉菜单 | boolean | - | |
| open | 是否展开下拉菜单 | boolean | - | |
| options | 数据化配置选项内容,相比 jsx 定义会获得更好的渲染性能 | { label, value }[] | - | |
-| onDropdownVisibleChange | 展开下拉菜单的回调 | function(open) | - | |
-| notFoundContent | 当下拉列表为空时显示的内容 | ReactNode | - | |
+| placeholder | 输入框提示 | string | - | |
+| value | 指定当前选中的条目 | string | - | |
## 方法
diff --git a/components/avatar/index.en-US.md b/components/avatar/index.en-US.md
index 31db6d84a8..4803058607 100644
--- a/components/avatar/index.en-US.md
+++ b/components/avatar/index.en-US.md
@@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ Avatars can be used to represent people or objects. It supports images, `Icon`s,
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| alt | This attribute defines the alternative text describing the image | string | - | |
+| gap | Letter type unit distance between left and right sides | number | 4 | 4.3.0 |
| icon | Custom icon type for an icon avatar | ReactNode | - | |
+| onError | Handler when img load error, return false to prevent default fallback behavior | () => boolean | - | |
| shape | The shape of avatar | `circle` \| `square` | `circle` | |
| size | The size of the avatar | number \| `large` \| `small` \| `default` \| `{ xs: number, sm: number, ...}` | `default` | 4.7.0 |
| src | The address of the image for an image avatar | string | - | |
| srcSet | A list of sources to use for different screen resolutions | string | - | |
-| alt | This attribute defines the alternative text describing the image | string | - | |
-| onError | Handler when img load error, return false to prevent default fallback behavior | () => boolean | - | |
-| gap | Letter type unit distance between left and right sides | number | 4 | 4.3.0 |
> Tip: You can set `icon` or `children` as the fallback for image load error, with the priority of `icon` > `children`
@@ -29,5 +29,5 @@ Avatars can be used to represent people or objects. It supports images, `Icon`s,
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 | 版本 |
| ------------------- | -------------------------------------- | ----------------- | ------ | ---- |
| maxCount | Max avatars to show | number | - | |
-| maxStyle | The style of excess avatar style | CSSProperties | - | |
| maxPopoverPlacement | The placement of excess avatar Popover | `top` \| `bottom` | `top` | |
+| maxStyle | The style of excess avatar style | CSSProperties | - | |
diff --git a/components/avatar/index.zh-CN.md b/components/avatar/index.zh-CN.md
index 32292ba5ec..6f956dedb2 100644
--- a/components/avatar/index.zh-CN.md
+++ b/components/avatar/index.zh-CN.md
@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ cover: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/antfincdn/aBcnbw68hP/Avatar.svg
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 | 版本 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| alt | 图像无法显示时的替代文本 | string | - | |
+| gap | 字符类型距离左右两侧边界单位像素 | number | 4 | 4.3.0 |
| icon | 设置头像的自定义图标 | ReactNode | - | |
+| onError | 图片加载失败的事件,返回 false 会关闭组件默认的 fallback 行为 | () => boolean | - | |
| shape | 指定头像的形状 | `circle` \| `square` | `circle` | |
| size | 设置头像的大小 | number \| `large` \| `small` \| `default` \| `{ xs: number, sm: number, ...}` | `default` | 4.7.0 |
| src | 图片类头像的资源地址 | string | - | |
| srcSet | 设置图片类头像响应式资源地址 | string | - | |
-| alt | 图像无法显示时的替代文本 | string | - | |
-| onError | 图片加载失败的事件,返回 false 会关闭组件默认的 fallback 行为 | () => boolean | - | |
-| gap | 字符类型距离左右两侧边界单位像素 | number | 4 | 4.3.0 |
> Tip:你可以设置 `icon` 或 `children` 作为图片加载失败的默认 fallback 行为,优先级为 `icon` > `children`
@@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ cover: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/antfincdn/aBcnbw68hP/Avatar.svg
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 | 版本 |
| ------------------- | -------------------- | ----------------- | ------ | ---- |
| maxCount | 显示的最大头像个数 | number | - | |
-| maxStyle | 多余头像样式 | CSSProperties | - | |
| maxPopoverPlacement | 多余头像气泡弹出位置 | `top` \| `bottom` | `top` | |
+| maxStyle | 多余头像样式 | CSSProperties | - | |
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--- a/components/back-top/index.en-US.md
+++ b/components/back-top/index.en-US.md
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ cover: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/alicdn/tJZ5jbTwX/BackTop.svg
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| duration | Time to return to top(ms) | number | 450 | 4.4.0 |
+| onClick | A callback function, which can be executed when you click the button | function | - | |
| target | Specifies the scrollable area dom node | () => HTMLElement | () => window | |
| visibilityHeight | The BackTop button will not show until the scroll height reaches this value | number | 400 | |
-| onClick | A callback function, which can be executed when you click the button | function | - | |
-| duration | Time to return to top(ms) | number | 450 | 4.4.0 |
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--- a/components/back-top/index.zh-CN.md
+++ b/components/back-top/index.zh-CN.md
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ cover: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/alicdn/tJZ5jbTwX/BackTop.svg
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 | 版本 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| duration | 回到顶部所需时间(ms) | number | 450 | 4.4.0 |
+| onClick | 点击按钮的回调函数 | function | - | |
| target | 设置需要监听其滚动事件的元素,值为一个返回对应 DOM 元素的函数 | () => HTMLElement | () => window | |
| visibilityHeight | 滚动高度达到此参数值才出现 BackTop | number | 400 | |
-| onClick | 点击按钮的回调函数 | function | - | |
-| duration | 回到顶部所需时间(ms) | number | 450 | 4.4.0 |
diff --git a/components/badge/index.en-US.md b/components/badge/index.en-US.md
index 8035dcaa15..0e86abcfbb 100644
--- a/components/badge/index.en-US.md
+++ b/components/badge/index.en-US.md
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ Badge normally appears in proximity to notifications or user avatars with eye-ca
| offset | Set offset of the badge dot | \[number, number] | - | |
| overflowCount | Max count to show | number | 99 | |
| showZero | Whether to show badge when `count` is zero | boolean | false | |
-| status | Set Badge as a status dot | `success` \| `processing` \| `default` \| `error` \| `warning` | - | |
| size | If `count` is set, `size` sets the size of badge | `default` \| `small` | - | 4.6.0 |
+| status | Set Badge as a status dot | `success` \| `processing` \| `default` \| `error` \| `warning` | - | |
| text | If `status` is set, `text` sets the display text of the status `dot` | ReactNode | - | |
| title | Text to show when hovering over the badge | string | - | |
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--- a/components/badge/index.zh-CN.md
+++ b/components/badge/index.zh-CN.md
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ cover: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/antfincdn/6%26GF9WHwvY/Badge.svg
| offset | 设置状态点的位置偏移 | \[number, number] | - | |
| overflowCount | 展示封顶的数字值 | number | 99 | |
| showZero | 当数值为 0 时,是否展示 Badge | boolean | false | |
-| status | 设置 Badge 为状态点 | `success` \| `processing` \| `default` \| `error` \| `warning` | - | |
| size | 在设置了 `count` 的前提下有效,设置小圆点的大小 | `default` \| `small` | - | 4.6.0 |
+| status | 设置 Badge 为状态点 | `success` \| `processing` \| `default` \| `error` \| `warning` | - | |
| text | 在设置了 `status` 的前提下有效,设置状态点的文本 | ReactNode | - | |
| title | 设置鼠标放在状态点上时显示的文字 | string | - | |
diff --git a/components/calendar/index.en-US.md b/components/calendar/index.en-US.md
index 7397403c61..8df332b372 100644
--- a/components/calendar/index.en-US.md
+++ b/components/calendar/index.en-US.md
@@ -37,16 +37,16 @@ When data is in the form of dates, such as schedules, timetables, prices calenda
| defaultValue | The date selected by default | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
| disabledDate | Function that specifies the dates that cannot be selected | (currentDate: moment) => boolean | - | |
| fullscreen | Whether to display in full-screen | boolean | true | |
+| headerRender | Render custom header in panel | function(object:{value: moment, type: string, onChange: f(), onTypeChange: f()}) | - | |
| locale | The calendar's locale | object | [(default)](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/blob/master/components/date-picker/locale/example.json) | |
| mode | The display mode of the calendar | `month` \| `year` | `month` | |
| monthCellRender | Customize the display of the month cell, the returned content will be appended to the cell | function(date: moment): ReactNode | - | |
| monthFullCellRender | Customize the display of the month cell, the returned content will override the cell | function(date: moment): ReactNode | - | |
-| validRange | To set valid range | \[[moment](http://momentjs.com/), [moment](http://momentjs.com/)] | - | |
-| value | The current selected date | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
+| onChange | Callback for when date changes | function(date: moment) | - | |
| onPanelChange | Callback for when panel changes | function(date: moment, mode: string) | - | |
| onSelect | Callback for when a date is selected | function(date: moment) | - | |
-| onChange | Callback for when date changes | function(date: moment) | - | |
-| headerRender | Render custom header in panel | function(object:{value: moment, type: string, onChange: f(), onTypeChange: f()}) | - | |
+| validRange | To set valid range | \[[moment](http://momentjs.com/), [moment](http://momentjs.com/)] | - | |
+| value | The current selected date | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
## FAQ
diff --git a/components/calendar/index.zh-CN.md b/components/calendar/index.zh-CN.md
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--- a/components/calendar/index.zh-CN.md
+++ b/components/calendar/index.zh-CN.md
@@ -38,16 +38,16 @@ cover: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/antfincdn/dPQmLq08DI/Calendar.svg
| defaultValue | 默认展示的日期 | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
| disabledDate | 不可选择的日期 | (currentDate: moment) => boolean | - | |
| fullscreen | 是否全屏显示 | boolean | true | |
+| headerRender | 自定义头部内容 | function(object:{value: moment, type: string, onChange: f(), onTypeChange: f()}) | - | |
| locale | 国际化配置 | object | [(默认配置)](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/blob/master/components/date-picker/locale/example.json) | |
| mode | 初始模式 | `month` \| `year` | `month` | |
| monthCellRender | 自定义渲染月单元格,返回内容会被追加到单元格 | function(date: moment): ReactNode | - | |
| monthFullCellRender | 自定义渲染月单元格,返回内容覆盖单元格 | function(date: moment): ReactNode | - | |
-| validRange | 设置可以显示的日期 | \[[moment](http://momentjs.com/), [moment](http://momentjs.com/)] | - | |
-| value | 展示日期 | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
+| onChange | 日期变化回调 | function(date: moment) | - | |
| onPanelChange | 日期面板变化回调 | function(date: moment, mode: string) | - | |
| onSelect | 点击选择日期回调 | function(date: moment) | - | |
-| onChange | 日期变化回调 | function(date: moment) | - | |
-| headerRender | 自定义头部内容 | function(object:{value: moment, type: string, onChange: f(), onTypeChange: f()}) | - | |
+| validRange | 设置可以显示的日期 | \[[moment](http://momentjs.com/), [moment](http://momentjs.com/)] | - | |
+| value | 展示日期 | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
## FAQ
diff --git a/components/card/index.en-US.md b/components/card/index.en-US.md
index 1632a66493..5e7014e583 100644
--- a/components/card/index.en-US.md
+++ b/components/card/index.en-US.md
@@ -24,21 +24,21 @@ A card can be used to display content related to a single subject. The content c
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| actions | The action list, shows at the bottom of the Card | Array<ReactNode> | - | |
| activeTabKey | Current TabPane's key | string | - | |
-| headStyle | Inline style to apply to the card head | CSSProperties | - | |
| bodyStyle | Inline style to apply to the card content | CSSProperties | - | |
| bordered | Toggles rendering of the border around the card | boolean | true | |
| cover | Card cover | ReactNode | - | |
| defaultActiveTabKey | Initial active TabPane's key, if `activeTabKey` is not set | string | - | |
| extra | Content to render in the top-right corner of the card | ReactNode | - | |
+| headStyle | Inline style to apply to the card head | CSSProperties | - | |
| hoverable | Lift up when hovering card | boolean | false | |
| loading | Shows a loading indicator while the contents of the card are being fetched | boolean | false | |
-| tabList | List of TabPane's head | Array<{key: string, tab: ReactNode}> | - | |
-| tabBarExtraContent | Extra content in tab bar | ReactNode | - | |
+| onTabChange | Callback when tab is switched | (key) => void | - | |
| size | Size of card | `default` \| `small` | `default` | |
+| tabBarExtraContent | Extra content in tab bar | ReactNode | - | |
+| tabList | List of TabPane's head | Array<{key: string, tab: ReactNode}> | - | |
+| tabProps | [Tabs](/components/tabs/#Tabs) | - | - | |
| title | Card title | ReactNode | - | |
| type | Card style type, can be set to `inner` or not set | string | - | |
-| onTabChange | Callback when tab is switched | (key) => void | - | |
-| tabProps | [Tabs](/components/tabs/#Tabs) | - | - | |
### Card.Grid
diff --git a/components/card/index.zh-CN.md b/components/card/index.zh-CN.md
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--- a/components/card/index.zh-CN.md
+++ b/components/card/index.zh-CN.md
@@ -25,21 +25,21 @@ cover: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/antfincdn/NqXt8DJhky/Card.svg
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| actions | 卡片操作组,位置在卡片底部 | Array<ReactNode> | - | |
| activeTabKey | 当前激活页签的 key | string | - | |
-| headStyle | 自定义标题区域样式 | CSSProperties | - | |
| bodyStyle | 内容区域自定义样式 | CSSProperties | - | |
| bordered | 是否有边框 | boolean | true | |
| cover | 卡片封面 | ReactNode | - | |
| defaultActiveTabKey | 初始化选中页签的 key,如果没有设置 activeTabKey | string | `第一个页签` | |
| extra | 卡片右上角的操作区域 | ReactNode | - | |
+| headStyle | 自定义标题区域样式 | CSSProperties | - | |
| hoverable | 鼠标移过时可浮起 | boolean | false | |
| loading | 当卡片内容还在加载中时,可以用 loading 展示一个占位 | boolean | false | |
-| tabList | 页签标题列表 | Array<{key: string, tab: ReactNode}> | - | |
-| tabBarExtraContent | tab bar 上额外的元素 | ReactNode | - | |
+| onTabChange | 页签切换的回调 | (key) => void | - | |
| size | card 的尺寸 | `default` \| `small` | `default` | |
+| tabBarExtraContent | tab bar 上额外的元素 | ReactNode | - | |
+| tabList | 页签标题列表 | Array<{key: string, tab: ReactNode}> | - | |
+| tabProps | [Tabs](/components/tabs/#Tabs) | - | - | |
| title | 卡片标题 | ReactNode | - | |
| type | 卡片类型,可设置为 `inner` 或 不设置 | string | - | |
-| onTabChange | 页签切换的回调 | (key) => void | - | |
-| tabProps | [Tabs](/components/tabs/#Tabs) | - | - | |
### Card.Grid
diff --git a/components/cascader/index.en-US.md b/components/cascader/index.en-US.md
index b5567be997..f7025b7c68 100644
--- a/components/cascader/index.en-US.md
+++ b/components/cascader/index.en-US.md
@@ -29,12 +29,15 @@ Cascade selection box.
| defaultValue | Initial selected value | string\[] \| number\[] | \[] | |
| disabled | Whether disabled select | boolean | false | |
| displayRender | The render function of displaying selected options | (label, selectedOptions) => ReactNode | label => label.join(`/`) | |
-| expandTrigger | expand current item when click or hover, one of `click` `hover` | string | `click` | |
+| dropdownRender | Customize dropdown content | (menus: ReactNode) => ReactNode | - | 4.4.0 |
| expandIcon | Customize the current item expand icon | ReactNode | - | 4.4.0 |
+| expandTrigger | expand current item when click or hover, one of `click` `hover` | string | `click` | |
| fieldNames | Custom field name for label and value and children | object | { label: `label`, value: `value`, children: `children` } | |
| getPopupContainer | Parent Node which the selector should be rendered to. Default to `body`. When position issues happen, try to modify it into scrollable content and position it relative. [example](https://codepen.io/afc163/pen/zEjNOy?editors=0010) | function(triggerNode) | () => document.body | |
| loadData | To load option lazily, and it cannot work with `showSearch` | (selectedOptions) => void | - | |
| notFoundContent | Specify content to show when no result matches | string | `Not Found` | |
+| onChange | Callback when finishing cascader select | (value, selectedOptions) => void | - | |
+| onPopupVisibleChange | Callback when popup shown or hidden | (value) => void | - | |
| options | The data options of cascade | [Option](#Option)[] | - | |
| placeholder | The input placeholder | string | `Please select` | |
| popupClassName | The additional className of popup overlay | string | - | |
@@ -45,9 +48,6 @@ Cascade selection box.
| style | The additional style | CSSProperties | - | |
| suffixIcon | The custom suffix icon | ReactNode | - | |
| value | The selected value | string\[] \| number\[] | - | |
-| dropdownRender | Customize dropdown content | (menus: ReactNode) => ReactNode | - | 4.4.0 |
-| onChange | Callback when finishing cascader select | (value, selectedOptions) => void | - | |
-| onPopupVisibleChange | Callback when popup shown or hidden | (value) => void | - | |
Fields in `showSearch`:
diff --git a/components/cascader/index.zh-CN.md b/components/cascader/index.zh-CN.md
index 6db77de3a1..7d2606b26a 100644
--- a/components/cascader/index.zh-CN.md
+++ b/components/cascader/index.zh-CN.md
@@ -30,12 +30,15 @@ cover: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/alicdn/UdS8y8xyZ/Cascader.svg
| defaultValue | 默认的选中项 | string\[] \| number\[] | \[] | |
| disabled | 禁用 | boolean | false | |
| displayRender | 选择后展示的渲染函数 | (label, selectedOptions) => ReactNode | label => label.join(`/`) | |
-| expandTrigger | 次级菜单的展开方式,可选 'click' 和 'hover' | string | `click` | |
+| dropdownRender | 自定义下拉框内容 | (menus: ReactNode) => ReactNode | - | 4.4.0 |
| expandIcon | 自定义次级菜单展开图标 | ReactNode | - | 4.4.0 |
+| expandTrigger | 次级菜单的展开方式,可选 'click' 和 'hover' | string | `click` | |
| fieldNames | 自定义 options 中 label name children 的字段 | object | { label: `label`, value: `value`, children: `children` } | |
| getPopupContainer | 菜单渲染父节点。默认渲染到 body 上,如果你遇到菜单滚动定位问题,试试修改为滚动的区域,并相对其定位。[示例](https://codepen.io/afc163/pen/zEjNOy?editors=0010) | function(triggerNode) | () => document.body | |
| loadData | 用于动态加载选项,无法与 `showSearch` 一起使用 | (selectedOptions) => void | - | |
| notFoundContent | 当下拉列表为空时显示的内容 | string | `Not Found` | |
+| onChange | 选择完成后的回调 | (value, selectedOptions) => void | - | |
+| onPopupVisibleChange | 显示/隐藏浮层的回调 | (value) => void | - | |
| options | 可选项数据源 | [Option](#Option)[] | - | |
| placeholder | 输入框占位文本 | string | `请选择` | |
| popupClassName | 自定义浮层类名 | string | - | |
@@ -46,9 +49,6 @@ cover: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/alicdn/UdS8y8xyZ/Cascader.svg
| style | 自定义样式 | CSSProperties | - | |
| suffixIcon | 自定义的选择框后缀图标 | ReactNode | - | |
| value | 指定选中项 | string\[] \| number\[] | - | |
-| dropdownRender | 自定义下拉框内容 | (menus: ReactNode) => ReactNode | - | 4.4.0 |
-| onChange | 选择完成后的回调 | (value, selectedOptions) => void | - | |
-| onPopupVisibleChange | 显示/隐藏浮层的回调 | (value) => void | - | |
`showSearch` 为对象时,其中的字段:
diff --git a/components/checkbox/index.en-US.md b/components/checkbox/index.en-US.md
index e5f1c8dc42..4aa5bcc2b1 100644
--- a/components/checkbox/index.en-US.md
+++ b/components/checkbox/index.en-US.md
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ Checkbox component.
| defaultValue | Default selected value | string\[] | \[] | |
| disabled | If disable all checkboxes | boolean | false | |
| name | The `name` property of all `input[type="checkbox"]` children | string | - | |
+| onChange | The callback function that is triggered when the state changes | function(checkedValue) | - | |
| options | Specifies options | string\[] \| Option\[] | \[] | |
| value | Used for setting the currently selected value | string\[] | \[] | |
-| onChange | The callback function that is triggered when the state changes | function(checkedValue) | - | |
### Methods
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--- a/components/checkbox/index.zh-CN.md
+++ b/components/checkbox/index.zh-CN.md
@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ cover: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/alicdn/8nbVbHEm_/CheckBox.svg
| defaultValue | 默认选中的选项 | string\[] | \[] | |
| disabled | 整组失效 | boolean | false | |
| name | CheckboxGroup 下所有 `input[type="checkbox"]` 的 `name` 属性 | string | - | |
+| onChange | 变化时回调函数 | function(checkedValue) | - | |
| options | 指定可选项 | string\[] \| Option\[] | \[] | |
| value | 指定选中的选项 | string\[] | \[] | |
-| onChange | 变化时回调函数 | function(checkedValue) | - | |
##### Option
diff --git a/components/collapse/index.en-US.md b/components/collapse/index.en-US.md
index 7dd42378ce..517b2c29b4 100644
--- a/components/collapse/index.en-US.md
+++ b/components/collapse/index.en-US.md
@@ -19,23 +19,23 @@ A content area which can be collapsed and expanded.
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| activeKey | Key of the active panel | string\[] \| string
number\[] \| number | No default value. In `accordion` mode, it's the key of the first panel | |
-| defaultActiveKey | Key of the initial active panel | string\[] \| string
number\[] \| number | - | |
-| bordered | Toggles rendering of the border around the collapse block | boolean | true | |
| accordion | If true, Collapse renders as Accordion | boolean | false | |
-| onChange | Callback function executed when active panel is changed | function | - | |
+| activeKey | Key of the active panel | string\[] \| string
number\[] \| number | No default value. In `accordion` mode, it's the key of the first panel | |
+| bordered | Toggles rendering of the border around the collapse block | boolean | true | |
+| defaultActiveKey | Key of the initial active panel | string\[] \| string
number\[] \| number | - | |
+| destroyInactivePanel | Destroy Inactive Panel | boolean | false | |
| expandIcon | Allow to customize collapse icon | (panelProps) => ReactNode | - | |
| expandIconPosition | Set expand icon position | `left` \| `right` | - | |
-| destroyInactivePanel | Destroy Inactive Panel | boolean | false | |
| ghost | Make the collapse borderless and its background transparent | boolean | false | 4.4.0 |
+| onChange | Callback function executed when active panel is changed | function | - | |
### Collapse.Panel
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| disabled | If true, panel cannot be opened or closed | boolean | false | |
+| extra | The extra element in the corner | ReactNode | - | |
| forceRender | Forced render of content on panel, instead of lazy rending after clicking on header | boolean | false | |
| header | Title of the panel | ReactNode | - | |
| key | Unique key identifying the panel from among its siblings | string \| number | - | |
| showArrow | If false, panel will not show arrow icon | boolean | true | |
-| extra | The extra element in the corner | ReactNode | - | |
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@@ -20,23 +20,23 @@ cover: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/alicdn/IxH16B9RD/Collapse.svg
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 | 版本 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| activeKey | 当前激活 tab 面板的 key | string\[] \| string
number\[] \| number | 默认无,accordion 模式下默认第一个元素 | |
-| defaultActiveKey | 初始化选中面板的 key | string\[] \| string
number\[] \| number | - | |
-| bordered | 带边框风格的折叠面板 | boolean | true | |
| accordion | 手风琴模式 | boolean | false | |
-| onChange | 切换面板的回调 | function | - | |
+| activeKey | 当前激活 tab 面板的 key | string\[] \| string
number\[] \| number | 默认无,accordion 模式下默认第一个元素 | |
+| bordered | 带边框风格的折叠面板 | boolean | true | |
+| defaultActiveKey | 初始化选中面板的 key | string\[] \| string
number\[] \| number | - | |
+| destroyInactivePanel | 销毁折叠隐藏的面板 | boolean | false | |
| expandIcon | 自定义切换图标 | (panelProps) => ReactNode | - | |
| expandIconPosition | 设置图标位置 | `left` \| `right` | - | |
-| destroyInactivePanel | 销毁折叠隐藏的面板 | boolean | false | |
| ghost | 使折叠面板透明且无边框 | boolean | false | 4.4.0 |
+| onChange | 切换面板的回调 | function | - | |
### Collapse.Panel
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 | 版本 |
| ----------- | ------------------------------------------ | ---------------- | ------ | ---- |
| disabled | 禁用后的面板展开与否将无法通过用户交互改变 | boolean | false | |
+| extra | 自定义渲染每个面板右上角的内容 | ReactNode | - | |
| forceRender | 被隐藏时是否渲染 DOM 结构 | boolean | false | |
| header | 面板头内容 | ReactNode | - | |
| key | 对应 activeKey | string \| number | - | |
| showArrow | 是否展示当前面板上的箭头 | boolean | true | |
-| extra | 自定义渲染每个面板右上角的内容 | ReactNode | - | |
diff --git a/components/config-provider/index.en-US.md b/components/config-provider/index.en-US.md
index 4adc52e58f..aa41abaa37 100644
--- a/components/config-provider/index.en-US.md
+++ b/components/config-provider/index.en-US.md
@@ -41,18 +41,18 @@ Some components use dynamic style to support wave effect. You can config `csp` p
| autoInsertSpaceInButton | Set false to remove space between 2 chinese characters on Button | boolean | true | |
| componentSize | Config antd component size | `small` \| `middle` \| `large` | - | |
| csp | Set [Content Security Policy](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CSP) config | { nonce: string } | - | |
+| direction | Set direction of layout. See [demo](#components-config-provider-demo-direction) | `ltr` \| `rtl` | `ltr` | |
+| dropdownMatchSelectWidth | Determine whether the dropdown menu and the select input are the same width. Default set `min-width` same as input. Will ignore when value less than select width. `false` will disable virtual scroll | boolean \| number | - | 4.3.0 |
| form | Set Form common props | { validateMessages?: [ValidateMessages](/components/form/#validateMessages) } | - | |
-| input | Set Input common props | { autoComplete?: string } | - | 4.2.0 |
-| renderEmpty | Set empty content of components. Ref [Empty](/components/empty/) | function(componentName: string): ReactNode | - | |
| getPopupContainer | To set the container of the popup element. The default is to create a `div` element in `body` | function(triggerNode) | () => document.body | |
| getTargetContainer | Config Affix, Anchor scroll target container | () => HTMLElement | () => window | 4.2.0 |
+| input | Set Input common props | { autoComplete?: string } | - | 4.2.0 |
| locale | Language package setting, you can find the packages in [antd/es/locale](http://unpkg.com/antd/es/locale/) | object | - |
-| prefixCls | Set prefix className (cooperated with [@ant-prefix](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/blob/2c6c789e3a9356f96c47aea0083f5a15538315cf/components/style/themes/default.less#L7)) | string | `ant` | |
| pageHeader | Unify the ghost of PageHeader, ref [PageHeader](/components/page-header) | { ghost: boolean } | true | |
-| direction | Set direction of layout. See [demo](#components-config-provider-demo-direction) | `ltr` \| `rtl` | `ltr` | |
+| prefixCls | Set prefix className (cooperated with [@ant-prefix](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/blob/2c6c789e3a9356f96c47aea0083f5a15538315cf/components/style/themes/default.less#L7)) | string | `ant` | |
+| renderEmpty | Set empty content of components. Ref [Empty](/components/empty/) | function(componentName: string): ReactNode | - | |
| space | Set Space `size`, ref [Space](/components/space) | { size: `small` \| `middle` \| `large` \| `number` } | - | 4.1.0 |
| virtual | Disable virtual scroll when set to `false` | boolean | - | 4.3.0 |
-| dropdownMatchSelectWidth | Determine whether the dropdown menu and the select input are the same width. Default set `min-width` same as input. Will ignore when value less than select width. `false` will disable virtual scroll | boolean \| number | - | 4.3.0 |
## FAQ
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--- a/components/config-provider/index.zh-CN.md
+++ b/components/config-provider/index.zh-CN.md
@@ -42,18 +42,18 @@ export default () => (
| autoInsertSpaceInButton | 设置为 `false` 时,移除按钮中 2 个汉字之间的空格 | boolean | true | |
| componentSize | 设置 antd 组件大小 | `small` \| `middle` \| `large` | - | |
| csp | 设置 [Content Security Policy](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CSP) 配置 | { nonce: string } | - | |
+| direction | 设置文本展示方向。 [示例](#components-config-provider-demo-direction) | `ltr` \| `rtl` | `ltr` | |
+| dropdownMatchSelectWidth | 下拉菜单和选择器同宽。默认将设置 `min-width`,当值小于选择框宽度时会被忽略。`false` 时会关闭虚拟滚动 | boolean \| number | - | 4.3.0 |
| form | 设置 Form 组件的通用属性 | { validateMessages?: [ValidateMessages](/components/form/#validateMessages) } | - | |
-| input | 设置 Input 组件的通用属性 | { autoComplete?: string } | - | 4.2.0 |
-| renderEmpty | 自定义组件空状态。参考 [空状态](/components/empty/) | function(componentName: string): ReactNode | - | |
| getPopupContainer | 弹出框(Select, Tooltip, Menu 等等)渲染父节点,默认渲染到 body 上。 | function(triggerNode) | () => document.body | |
| getTargetContainer | 配置 Affix、Anchor 滚动监听容器。 | () => HTMLElement | () => window | 4.2.0 |
+| input | 设置 Input 组件的通用属性 | { autoComplete?: string } | - | 4.2.0 |
| locale | 语言包配置,语言包可到 [antd/es/locale](http://unpkg.com/antd/es/locale/) 目录下寻找 | object | - | |
-| prefixCls | 设置统一样式前缀。注意:需要配合 `less` 变量 [@ant-prefix](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/blob/2c6c789e3a9356f96c47aea0083f5a15538315cf/components/style/themes/default.less#L7) 使用 | string | `ant` | |
| pageHeader | 统一设置 PageHeader 的 ghost,参考 [PageHeader](/components/page-header) | { ghost: boolean } | true | |
-| direction | 设置文本展示方向。 [示例](#components-config-provider-demo-direction) | `ltr` \| `rtl` | `ltr` | |
+| prefixCls | 设置统一样式前缀。注意:需要配合 `less` 变量 [@ant-prefix](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/blob/2c6c789e3a9356f96c47aea0083f5a15538315cf/components/style/themes/default.less#L7) 使用 | string | `ant` | |
+| renderEmpty | 自定义组件空状态。参考 [空状态](/components/empty/) | function(componentName: string): ReactNode | - | |
| space | 设置 Space 的 `size`,参考 [Space](/components/space) | { size: `small` \| `middle` \| `large` \| `number` } | - | 4.1.0 |
| virtual | 设置 `false` 时关闭虚拟滚动 | boolean | - | 4.3.0 |
-| dropdownMatchSelectWidth | 下拉菜单和选择器同宽。默认将设置 `min-width`,当值小于选择框宽度时会被忽略。`false` 时会关闭虚拟滚动 | boolean \| number | - | 4.3.0 |
## FAQ
diff --git a/components/date-picker/index.en-US.md b/components/date-picker/index.en-US.md
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--- a/components/date-picker/index.en-US.md
+++ b/components/date-picker/index.en-US.md
@@ -54,26 +54,26 @@ The following APIs are shared by DatePicker, RangePicker.
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| allowClear | Whether to show clear button | boolean | true | |
| autoFocus | If get focus when component mounted | boolean | false | |
+| bordered | Whether has border style | boolean | true | |
| className | The picker className | string | - | |
| dateRender | Custom rendering function for date cells | function(currentDate: moment, today: moment) => React.ReactNode | - | |
| disabled | Determine whether the DatePicker is disabled | boolean | false | |
| disabledDate | Specify the date that cannot be selected | (currentDate: moment) => boolean | - | |
| dropdownClassName | To customize the className of the popup calendar | string | - | |
| getPopupContainer | To set the container of the floating layer, while the default is to create a `div` element in `body` | function(trigger) | - | |
+| inputReadOnly | Set the `readonly` attribute of the input tag (avoids virtual keyboard on touch devices) | boolean | false | |
| locale | Localization configuration | object | [default](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/blob/master/components/date-picker/locale/example.json) | |
| mode | The picker panel mode( [Cannot select year or month anymore?](/docs/react/faq#When-set-mode-to-DatePicker/RangePicker,-cannot-select-year-or-month-anymore?) ) | `time` \| `date` \| `month` \| `year` \| `decade` | - | |
+| onOpenChange | Callback function, can be executed whether the popup calendar is popped up or closed | function(open) | - | |
+| onPanelChange | Callback when picker panel mode is changed | function(value, mode) | - | |
| open | The open state of picker | boolean | - | |
| panelRender | Customize panel render | (panelNode) => ReactNode | - | 4.5.0 |
| picker | Set picker type | `date` \| `week` \| `month` \| `quarter` \| `year` | `date` | `quarter`: 4.1.0 |
| placeholder | The placeholder of date input | string \| \[string,string] | - | |
| popupStyle | To customize the style of the popup calendar | CSSProperties | {} | |
| size | The determine the size of the input box, the height of `large` and `small`, are 40px and 24px respectively, while default size is 32px | `large` \| `middle` \| `small` | - | |
-| bordered | Whether has border style | boolean | true | |
-| suffixIcon | The custom suffix icon | ReactNode | - | |
| style | To customize the style of the input box | CSSProperties | {} | |
-| onOpenChange | Callback function, can be executed whether the popup calendar is popped up or closed | function(open) | - | |
-| onPanelChange | Callback when picker panel mode is changed | function(value, mode) | - | |
-| inputReadOnly | Set the `readonly` attribute of the input tag (avoids virtual keyboard on touch devices) | boolean | false | |
+| suffixIcon | The custom suffix icon | ReactNode | - | |
### Common Methods
@@ -86,30 +86,30 @@ The following APIs are shared by DatePicker, RangePicker.
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| defaultValue | To set default date, if start time or end time is null or undefined, the date range will be an open interval | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
| defaultPickerValue | To set default picker date | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
+| defaultValue | To set default date, if start time or end time is null or undefined, the date range will be an open interval | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
| disabledTime | To specify the time that cannot be selected | function(date) | - | |
| format | To set the date format, refer to [moment.js](http://momentjs.com/). When an array is provided, all values are used for parsing and first value is used for formatting, support [Custom Format](#components-date-picker-demo-format) | string \| (value: moment) => string \| (string \| (value: moment) => string)[] | `YYYY-MM-DD` | |
+| onChange | Callback function, can be executed when the selected time is changing | function(date: moment, dateString: string) | - | |
+| onOk | Callback when click ok button | function() | - | |
+| onPanelChange | Callback function for panel changing | function(value, mode) | - | |
| renderExtraFooter | Render extra footer in panel | (mode) => React.ReactNode | - | |
+| showNow | Whether to show 'Now' button on panel when `showTime` is set | boolean | - | 4.4.0 |
| showTime | To provide an additional time selection | object \| boolean | [TimePicker Options](/components/time-picker/#API) | |
| showTime.defaultValue | To set default time of selected date, [demo](#components-date-picker-demo-disabled-date) | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | moment() | |
| showToday | Whether to show `Today` button | boolean | true | |
| value | To set date | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
-| onChange | Callback function, can be executed when the selected time is changing | function(date: moment, dateString: string) | - | |
-| onOk | Callback when click ok button | function() | - | |
-| onPanelChange | Callback function for panel changing | function(value, mode) | - | |
-| showNow | Whether to show 'Now' button on panel when `showTime` is set | boolean | - | 4.4.0 |
### DatePicker\[picker=year]
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| defaultValue | To set default date | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
| defaultPickerValue | To set default picker date | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
+| defaultValue | To set default date | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
| format | To set the date format, refer to [moment.js](http://momentjs.com/) | string | `YYYY` | |
+| onChange | Callback function, can be executed when the selected time is changing | function(date: moment, dateString: string) | - | |
| renderExtraFooter | Render extra footer in panel | () => React.ReactNode | - | |
| value | To set date | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
-| onChange | Callback function, can be executed when the selected time is changing | function(date: moment, dateString: string) | - | |
### DatePicker\[picker=quarter]
@@ -117,35 +117,35 @@ Added in `4.1.0`.
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| defaultValue | To set default date | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
| defaultPickerValue | To set default picker date | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
+| defaultValue | To set default date | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
| format | To set the date format, refer to [moment.js](http://momentjs.com/) | string | `YYYY-\QQ` | |
+| onChange | Callback function, can be executed when the selected time is changing | function(date: moment, dateString: string) | - | |
| renderExtraFooter | Render extra footer in panel | () => React.ReactNode | - | |
| value | To set date | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
-| onChange | Callback function, can be executed when the selected time is changing | function(date: moment, dateString: string) | - | |
### DatePicker\[picker=month]
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| defaultValue | To set default date | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
| defaultPickerValue | To set default picker date | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
+| defaultValue | To set default date | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
| format | To set the date format, refer to [moment.js](http://momentjs.com/) | string | `YYYY-MM` | |
| monthCellRender | Custom month cell content render method | function(date, locale): ReactNode | - | |
+| onChange | Callback function, can be executed when the selected time is changing | function(date: moment, dateString: string) | - | |
| renderExtraFooter | Render extra footer in panel | () => React.ReactNode | - | |
| value | To set date | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
-| onChange | Callback function, can be executed when the selected time is changing | function(date: moment, dateString: string) | - | |
### DatePicker\[picker=week]
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| defaultValue | To set default date | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
| defaultPickerValue | To set default picker date | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
+| defaultValue | To set default date | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
| format | To set the date format, refer to [moment.js](http://momentjs.com/) | string | `YYYY-wo` | |
-| value | To set date | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
| onChange | Callback function, can be executed when the selected time is changing | function(date: moment, dateString: string) | - | |
| renderExtraFooter | Render extra footer in panel | (mode) => React.ReactNode | - | |
+| value | To set date | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
### RangePicker
@@ -153,19 +153,19 @@ Added in `4.1.0`.
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| allowEmpty | Allow start or end input leave empty | \[boolean, boolean] | \[false, false] | |
| dateRender | Customize date cell. `info` argument is added in 4.3.0 | function(currentDate: moment, today: moment, info: { range: `start` \| `end` }) => React.ReactNode | - | |
-| defaultValue | To set default date | \[[moment](http://momentjs.com/), [moment](http://momentjs.com/)] | - | |
| defaultPickerValue | To set default picker date | \[[moment](http://momentjs.com/), [moment](http://momentjs.com/)\] | - | |
+| defaultValue | To set default date | \[[moment](http://momentjs.com/), [moment](http://momentjs.com/)] | - | |
| disabled | If disable start or end | \[boolean, boolean] | - | |
| disabledTime | To specify the time that cannot be selected | function(date: moment, partial: `start` \| `end`) | - | |
| format | To set the date format, refer to [moment.js](http://momentjs.com/). When an array is provided, all values are used for parsing and first value is used for formatting | string \| string[] | `YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss` | |
+| onCalendarChange | Callback function, can be executed when the start time or the end time of the range is changing. `info` argument is added in 4.4.0 | function(dates: \[moment, moment], dateStrings: \[string, string], info: { range:`start`\|`end` }) | - | |
+| onChange | Callback function, can be executed when the selected time is changing | function(dates: \[moment, moment], dateStrings: \[string, string]) | - | |
| ranges | The preseted ranges for quick selection | { \[range: string]: [moment](http://momentjs.com/)\[] } \| { \[range: string]: () => [moment](http://momentjs.com/)\[] } | - | |
| renderExtraFooter | Render extra footer in panel | () => React.ReactNode | - | |
| separator | Set separator between inputs | string | `~` | |
| showTime | To provide an additional time selection | object \| boolean | [TimePicker Options](/components/time-picker/#API) | |
| showTime.defaultValue | To set default time of selected date, [demo](#components-date-picker-demo-disabled-date) | [moment](http://momentjs.com/)\[] | \[moment(), moment()] | |
| value | To set date | \[[moment](http://momentjs.com/), [moment](http://momentjs.com/)] | - | |
-| onCalendarChange | Callback function, can be executed when the start time or the end time of the range is changing. `info` argument is added in 4.4.0 | function(dates: \[moment, moment], dateStrings: \[string, string], info: { range:`start`\|`end` }) | - | |
-| onChange | Callback function, can be executed when the selected time is changing | function(dates: \[moment, moment], dateStrings: \[string, string]) | - | |
## FAQ
diff --git a/components/date-picker/index.zh-CN.md b/components/date-picker/index.zh-CN.md
index 8f6a50dfa4..4be6e5b311 100644
--- a/components/date-picker/index.zh-CN.md
+++ b/components/date-picker/index.zh-CN.md
@@ -55,26 +55,26 @@ import locale from 'antd/es/locale/zh_CN';
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| allowClear | 是否显示清除按钮 | boolean | true | |
| autoFocus | 自动获取焦点 | boolean | false | |
+| bordered | 是否有边框 | boolean | true | |
| className | 选择器 className | string | - | |
| dateRender | 自定义日期单元格的内容 | function(currentDate: moment, today: moment) => React.ReactNode | - | |
| disabled | 禁用 | boolean | false | |
| disabledDate | 不可选择的日期 | (currentDate: moment) => boolean | - | |
| dropdownClassName | 额外的弹出日历 className | string | - | |
| getPopupContainer | 定义浮层的容器,默认为 body 上新建 div | function(trigger) | - | |
+| inputReadOnly | 设置输入框为只读(避免在移动设备上打开虚拟键盘) | boolean | false | |
| locale | 国际化配置 | object | [默认配置](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/blob/master/components/date-picker/locale/example.json) | |
| mode | 日期面板的状态([设置后无法选择年份/月份?](/docs/react/faq#当我指定了-DatePicker/RangePicker-的-mode-属性后,点击后无法选择年份/月份?)) | `time` \| `date` \| `month` \| `year` \| `decade` | - | |
+| onOpenChange | 弹出日历和关闭日历的回调 | function(open) | - | |
+| onPanelChange | 日历面板切换的回调 | function(value, mode) | - | |
| open | 控制弹层是否展开 | boolean | - | |
| panelRender | 自定义渲染面板 | (panelNode) => ReactNode | - | 4.5.0 |
| picker | 设置选择器类型 | `date` \| `week` \| `month` \| `quarter` \| `year` | `date` | `quarter`: 4.1.0 |
| placeholder | 输入框提示文字 | string \| \[string, string] | - | |
| popupStyle | 额外的弹出日历样式 | CSSProperties | {} | |
| size | 输入框大小,`large` 高度为 40px,`small` 为 24px,默认是 32px | `large` \| `middle` \| `small` | - | |
-| bordered | 是否有边框 | boolean | true | |
-| suffixIcon | 自定义的选择框后缀图标 | ReactNode | - | |
| style | 自定义输入框样式 | CSSProperties | {} | |
-| onOpenChange | 弹出日历和关闭日历的回调 | function(open) | - | |
-| onPanelChange | 日历面板切换的回调 | function(value, mode) | - | |
-| inputReadOnly | 设置输入框为只读(避免在移动设备上打开虚拟键盘) | boolean | false | |
+| suffixIcon | 自定义的选择框后缀图标 | ReactNode | - | |
### 共同的方法
@@ -87,30 +87,30 @@ import locale from 'antd/es/locale/zh_CN';
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 | 版本 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| defaultValue | 默认日期,如果开始时间或结束时间为 `null` 或者 `undefined`,日期范围将是一个开区间 | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
| defaultPickerValue | 默认面板日期 | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
+| defaultValue | 默认日期,如果开始时间或结束时间为 `null` 或者 `undefined`,日期范围将是一个开区间 | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
| disabledTime | 不可选择的时间 | function(date) | - | |
| format | 设置日期格式,为数组时支持多格式匹配,展示以第一个为准。配置参考 [moment.js](http://momentjs.com/),支持[自定义格式](#components-date-picker-demo-format) | string \| (value: moment) => string \| (string \| (value: moment) => string)[] | `YYYY-MM-DD` | |
+| onChange | 时间发生变化的回调 | function(date: moment, dateString: string) | - | |
+| onOk | 点击确定按钮的回调 | function() | - | |
+| onPanelChange | 日期面板变化时的回调 | function(value, mode) | - | |
| renderExtraFooter | 在面板中添加额外的页脚 | (mode) => React.ReactNode | - | |
+| showNow | 当设定了 `showTime` 的时候,面板是否显示“此刻”按钮 | boolean | - | 4.4.0 |
| showTime | 增加时间选择功能 | Object \| boolean | [TimePicker Options](/components/time-picker/#API) | |
| showTime.defaultValue | 设置用户选择日期时默认的时分秒,[例子](#components-date-picker-demo-disabled-date) | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | moment() | |
| showToday | 是否展示“今天”按钮 | boolean | true | |
| value | 日期 | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
-| onChange | 时间发生变化的回调 | function(date: moment, dateString: string) | - | |
-| onOk | 点击确定按钮的回调 | function() | - | |
-| onPanelChange | 日期面板变化时的回调 | function(value, mode) | - | |
-| showNow | 当设定了 `showTime` 的时候,面板是否显示“此刻”按钮 | boolean | - | 4.4.0 |
### DatePicker\[picker=year]
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 | 版本 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| defaultValue | 默认日期 | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
| defaultPickerValue | 默认面板日期 | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
+| defaultValue | 默认日期 | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
| format | 展示的日期格式,配置参考 [moment.js](http://momentjs.com/) | string | `YYYY` | |
+| onChange | 时间发生变化的回调,发生在用户选择时间时 | function(date: moment, dateString: string) | - | |
| renderExtraFooter | 在面板中添加额外的页脚 | () => React.ReactNode | - | |
| value | 日期 | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
-| onChange | 时间发生变化的回调,发生在用户选择时间时 | function(date: moment, dateString: string) | - | |
### DatePicker\[picker=quarter]
@@ -118,35 +118,35 @@ import locale from 'antd/es/locale/zh_CN';
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 | 版本 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| defaultValue | 默认日期 | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
| defaultPickerValue | 默认面板日期 | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
+| defaultValue | 默认日期 | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
| format | 展示的日期格式,配置参考 [moment.js](http://momentjs.com/) | string | `YYYY-\QQ` | |
+| onChange | 时间发生变化的回调,发生在用户选择时间时 | function(date: moment, dateString: string) | - | |
| renderExtraFooter | 在面板中添加额外的页脚 | () => React.ReactNode | - | |
| value | 日期 | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
-| onChange | 时间发生变化的回调,发生在用户选择时间时 | function(date: moment, dateString: string) | - | |
### DatePicker\[picker=month]
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 | 版本 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| defaultValue | 默认日期 | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
| defaultPickerValue | 默认面板日期 | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
+| defaultValue | 默认日期 | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
| format | 展示的日期格式,配置参考 [moment.js](http://momentjs.com/) | string | `YYYY-MM` | |
| monthCellRender | 自定义的月份内容渲染方法 | function(date, locale): ReactNode | - | |
+| onChange | 时间发生变化的回调,发生在用户选择时间时 | function(date: moment, dateString: string) | - | |
| renderExtraFooter | 在面板中添加额外的页脚 | () => React.ReactNode | - | |
| value | 日期 | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
-| onChange | 时间发生变化的回调,发生在用户选择时间时 | function(date: moment, dateString: string) | - | |
### DatePicker\[picker=week]
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 | 版本 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| defaultValue | 默认日期 | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
| defaultPickerValue | 默认面板日期 | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
+| defaultValue | 默认日期 | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
| format | 展示的日期格式,配置参考 [moment.js](http://momentjs.com/) | string | `YYYY-wo` | |
-| value | 日期 | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
| onChange | 时间发生变化的回调,发生在用户选择时间时 | function(date: moment, dateString: string) | - | |
| renderExtraFooter | 在面板中添加额外的页脚 | (mode) => React.ReactNode | - | |
+| value | 日期 | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | - | |
### RangePicker
@@ -154,19 +154,19 @@ import locale from 'antd/es/locale/zh_CN';
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| allowEmpty | 允许起始项部分为空 | \[boolean, boolean] | \[false, false] | |
| dateRender | 自定义日期单元格的内容。`info` 参数自 4.3.0 添加 | function(currentDate: moment, today: moment, info: { range: `start` \| `end` }) => React.ReactNode | - | |
-| defaultValue | 默认日期 | [moment](http://momentjs.com/)\[] | - | |
| defaultPickerValue | 默认面板日期 | [moment](http://momentjs.com/)\[] | - | |
+| defaultValue | 默认日期 | [moment](http://momentjs.com/)\[] | - | |
| disabled | 禁用起始项 | \[boolean, boolean] | - | |
| disabledTime | 不可选择的时间 | function(date: moment, partial: `start` \| `end`) | - | |
| format | 展示的日期格式 | string | `YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss` | |
+| onCalendarChange | 待选日期发生变化的回调。`info` 参数自 4.4.0 添加 | function(dates: \[moment, moment\], dateStrings: \[string, string\], info: { range:`start`\|`end` }) | - | |
+| onChange | 日期范围发生变化的回调 | function(dates: \[moment, moment\], dateStrings: \[string, string\]) | - | |
| ranges | 预设时间范围快捷选择 | { \[range: string]: [moment](http://momentjs.com/)\[] } \| { \[range: string]: () => [moment](http://momentjs.com/)\[] } | - | |
| renderExtraFooter | 在面板中添加额外的页脚 | () => React.ReactNode | - | |
| separator | 设置分隔符 | string | `~` | |
| showTime | 增加时间选择功能 | Object\|boolean | [TimePicker Options](/components/time-picker/#API) | |
| showTime.defaultValue | 设置用户选择日期时默认的时分秒,[例子](#components-date-picker-demo-disabled-date) | [moment](http://momentjs.com/)\[] | \[moment(), moment()] | |
| value | 日期 | [moment](http://momentjs.com/)\[] | - | |
-| onCalendarChange | 待选日期发生变化的回调。`info` 参数自 4.4.0 添加 | function(dates: \[moment, moment\], dateStrings: \[string, string\], info: { range:`start`\|`end` }) | - | |
-| onChange | 日期范围发生变化的回调 | function(dates: \[moment, moment\], dateStrings: \[string, string\]) | - | |
## FAQ
diff --git a/components/descriptions/index.en-US.md b/components/descriptions/index.en-US.md
index 32bd3ad5d7..9eadd25532 100644
--- a/components/descriptions/index.en-US.md
+++ b/components/descriptions/index.en-US.md
@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ Commonly displayed on the details page.
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| title | The title of the description list, placed at the top | ReactNode | - | |
-| extra | The action area of the description list, placed at the top-right | ReactNode | - | 4.5.0 |
| bordered | Whether to display the border | boolean | false | |
-| column | The number of `DescriptionItems` in a row,could be a number or a object like `{ xs: 8, sm: 16, md: 24}`,(Only set `bordered={true}` to take effect) | number | 3 | |
-| size | Set the size of the list. Can be set to `middle`,`small`, or not filled | `default` \| `middle` \| `small` | - | |
-| layout | Define description layout | `horizontal` \| `vertical` | `horizontal` | |
| colon | Change default props `colon` value of Descriptions.Item | boolean | true | |
+| column | The number of `DescriptionItems` in a row,could be a number or a object like `{ xs: 8, sm: 16, md: 24}`,(Only set `bordered={true}` to take effect) | number | 3 | |
+| extra | The action area of the description list, placed at the top-right | ReactNode | - | 4.5.0 |
+| layout | Define description layout | `horizontal` \| `vertical` | `horizontal` | |
+| size | Set the size of the list. Can be set to `middle`,`small`, or not filled | `default` \| `middle` \| `small` | - | |
+| title | The title of the description list, placed at the top | ReactNode | - | |
### DescriptionItem
diff --git a/components/descriptions/index.zh-CN.md b/components/descriptions/index.zh-CN.md
index c2b9da0d4c..a071a44ca6 100644
--- a/components/descriptions/index.zh-CN.md
+++ b/components/descriptions/index.zh-CN.md
@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ cover: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/alicdn/MjtG9_FOI/Descriptions.svg
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 | 版本 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| title | 描述列表的标题,显示在最顶部 | ReactNode | - | |
-| extra | 描述列表的操作区域,显示在右上方 | ReactNode | - | 4.5.0 |
| bordered | 是否展示边框 | boolean | false | |
-| column | 一行的 `DescriptionItems` 数量,可以写成像素值或支持响应式的对象写法 `{ xs: 8, sm: 16, md: 24}` | number | 3 | |
-| size | 设置列表的大小。可以设置为 `middle` 、`small`, 或不填(只有设置 `bordered={true}` 生效) | `default` \| `middle` \| `small` | - | |
-| layout | 描述布局 | `horizontal` \| `vertical` | `horizontal` | |
| colon | 配置 `Descriptions.Item` 的 `colon` 的默认值 | boolean | true | |
+| column | 一行的 `DescriptionItems` 数量,可以写成像素值或支持响应式的对象写法 `{ xs: 8, sm: 16, md: 24}` | number | 3 | |
+| extra | 描述列表的操作区域,显示在右上方 | ReactNode | - | 4.5.0 |
+| layout | 描述布局 | `horizontal` \| `vertical` | `horizontal` | |
+| size | 设置列表的大小。可以设置为 `middle` 、`small`, 或不填(只有设置 `bordered={true}` 生效) | `default` \| `middle` \| `small` | - | |
+| title | 描述列表的标题,显示在最顶部 | ReactNode | - | |
### DescriptionItem
diff --git a/components/drawer/index.en-US.md b/components/drawer/index.en-US.md
index fa15ca2dd6..7497191f5e 100644
--- a/components/drawer/index.en-US.md
+++ b/components/drawer/index.en-US.md
@@ -20,28 +20,28 @@ A Drawer is a panel that is typically overlaid on top of a page and slides in fr
| Props | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| afterVisibleChange | Callback after the animation ends when switching drawers | function(visible) | - |
+| bodyStyle | Style of the drawer content part | object | - |
+| className | The class name of the container of the Drawer dialog | string | - |
| closable | Whether a close (x) button is visible on top right of the Drawer dialog or not | boolean | true |
| closeIcon | Custom close icon | ReactNode | <CloseOutlined /> |
| destroyOnClose | Whether to unmount child components on closing drawer or not | boolean | false |
+| drawerStyle | Style of the popup layer element | object | - |
+| footer | The footer for Drawer | ReactNode | - |
+| footerStyle | Style of the drawer footer part | CSSProperties | - |
| forceRender | Prerender Drawer component forcely | boolean | false |
| getContainer | Return the mounted node for Drawer | HTMLElement \| () => HTMLElement \| Selectors \| false | body |
+| headerStyle | Style of the drawer header part | object | - |
+| height | Placement is `top` or `bottom`, height of the Drawer dialog | string \| number | 256 |
+| keyboard | Whether support press esc to close | boolean | true |
| mask | Whether to show mask or not | boolean | true |
| maskClosable | Clicking on the mask (area outside the Drawer) to close the Drawer or not | boolean | true |
| maskStyle | Style for Drawer's mask element | CSSProperties | {} |
+| onClose | Specify a callback that will be called when a user clicks mask, close button or Cancel button | function(e) | - |
+| placement | The placement of the Drawer | `top` \| `right` \| `bottom` \| `left` | `right` |
+| push | Nested drawers push behavior | boolean \| { distance: string \| number } | { distance: 180 } | 4.5.0+ |
| style | Style of wrapper element which **contains mask** compare to `drawerStyle` | CSSProperties | - |
-| drawerStyle | Style of the popup layer element | object | - |
-| headerStyle | Style of the drawer header part | object | - |
-| bodyStyle | Style of the drawer content part | object | - |
| title | The title for Drawer | ReactNode | - |
| visible | Whether the Drawer dialog is visible or not | boolean | false |
| width | Width of the Drawer dialog | string \| number | 256 |
-| height | Placement is `top` or `bottom`, height of the Drawer dialog | string \| number | 256 |
-| className | The class name of the container of the Drawer dialog | string | - |
| zIndex | The `z-index` of the Drawer | number | 1000 |
-| placement | The placement of the Drawer | `top` \| `right` \| `bottom` \| `left` | `right` |
-| onClose | Specify a callback that will be called when a user clicks mask, close button or Cancel button | function(e) | - |
-| afterVisibleChange | Callback after the animation ends when switching drawers | function(visible) | - |
-| keyboard | Whether support press esc to close | boolean | true |
-| footer | The footer for Drawer | ReactNode | - |
-| footerStyle | Style of the drawer footer part | CSSProperties | - |
-| push | Nested drawers push behavior | boolean \| { distance: string \| number } | { distance: 180 } | 4.5.0+ |
diff --git a/components/drawer/index.zh-CN.md b/components/drawer/index.zh-CN.md
index b26be668d9..d6f4e1c9f3 100644
--- a/components/drawer/index.zh-CN.md
+++ b/components/drawer/index.zh-CN.md
@@ -19,28 +19,28 @@ cover: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/alicdn/7z8NJQhFb/Drawer.svg
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 | 版本 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| afterVisibleChange | 切换抽屉时动画结束后的回调 | function(visible) | - |
+| bodyStyle | 可用于设置 Drawer 内容部分的样式 | CSSProperties | - |
+| className | 对话框外层容器的类名 | string | - |
| closable | 是否显示右上角的关闭按钮 | boolean | true |
| closeIcon | 自定义关闭图标 | ReactNode | <CloseOutlined /> |
| destroyOnClose | 关闭时销毁 Drawer 里的子元素 | boolean | false |
+| drawerStyle | 用于设置 Drawer 弹出层的样式 | CSSProperties | - |
+| footer | 抽屉的页脚 | ReactNode | - |
+| footerStyle | 抽屉页脚部件的样式 | CSSProperties | - |
| forceRender | 预渲染 Drawer 内元素 | boolean | false |
| getContainer | 指定 Drawer 挂载的 HTML 节点, false 为挂载在当前 dom | HTMLElement \| () => HTMLElement \| Selectors \| false | body |
-| maskClosable | 点击蒙层是否允许关闭 | boolean | true |
-| mask | 是否展示遮罩 | boolean | true |
-| maskStyle | 遮罩样式 | CSSProperties | {} |
-| style | 可用于设置 Drawer 最外层容器的样式,和 `drawerStyle` 的区别是作用节点包括 `mask` | CSSProperties | - |
-| drawerStyle | 用于设置 Drawer 弹出层的样式 | CSSProperties | - |
| headerStyle | 用于设置 Drawer 头部的样式 | CSSProperties | - |
-| bodyStyle | 可用于设置 Drawer 内容部分的样式 | CSSProperties | - |
+| height | 高度, 在 `placement` 为 `top` 或 `bottom` 时使用 | string \| number | 256 |
+| keyboard | 是否支持键盘 esc 关闭 | boolean | true |
+| mask | 是否展示遮罩 | boolean | true |
+| maskClosable | 点击蒙层是否允许关闭 | boolean | true |
+| maskStyle | 遮罩样式 | CSSProperties | {} |
+| onClose | 点击遮罩层或右上角叉或取消按钮的回调 | function(e) | - |
+| placement | 抽屉的方向 | `top` \| `right` \| `bottom` \| `left` | `right` |
+| push | 用于设置多层 Drawer 的推动行为 | boolean \| { distance: string \| number } | { distance: 180 } | 4.5.0+ |
+| style | 可用于设置 Drawer 最外层容器的样式,和 `drawerStyle` 的区别是作用节点包括 `mask` | CSSProperties | - |
| title | 标题 | ReactNode | - |
| visible | Drawer 是否可见 | boolean | - |
| width | 宽度 | string \| number | 256 |
-| height | 高度, 在 `placement` 为 `top` 或 `bottom` 时使用 | string \| number | 256 |
-| className | 对话框外层容器的类名 | string | - |
| zIndex | 设置 Drawer 的 `z-index` | number | 1000 |
-| placement | 抽屉的方向 | `top` \| `right` \| `bottom` \| `left` | `right` |
-| onClose | 点击遮罩层或右上角叉或取消按钮的回调 | function(e) | - |
-| afterVisibleChange | 切换抽屉时动画结束后的回调 | function(visible) | - |
-| keyboard | 是否支持键盘 esc 关闭 | boolean | true |
-| footer | 抽屉的页脚 | ReactNode | - |
-| footerStyle | 抽屉页脚部件的样式 | CSSProperties | - |
-| push | 用于设置多层 Drawer 的推动行为 | boolean \| { distance: string \| number } | { distance: 180 } | 4.5.0+ |
diff --git a/components/dropdown/index.en-US.md b/components/dropdown/index.en-US.md
index ee7dec1263..828041678e 100644
--- a/components/dropdown/index.en-US.md
+++ b/components/dropdown/index.en-US.md
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ When there are more than a few options to choose from, you can wrap them in a `D
| arrow | Whether the dropdown arrow should be visible | boolean | false | |
| disabled | Whether the dropdown menu is disabled | boolean | - | |
| getPopupContainer | To set the container of the dropdown menu. The default is to create a div element in body, but you can reset it to the scrolling area and make a relative reposition. [Example on CodePen](https://codepen.io/afc163/pen/zEjNOy?editors=0010) | (triggerNode: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement | () => document.body | |
+| onVisibleChange | Called when the visible state is changed | (visible: boolean) => void | - | |
| overlay | The dropdown menu | [Menu](/components/menu) \| () => Menu | - | |
| overlayClassName | The class name of the dropdown root element | string | - | |
| overlayStyle | The style of the dropdown root element | CSSProperties | - | |
-| onVisibleChange | Called when the visible state is changed | (visible: boolean) => void | - | |
| placement | Placement of popup menu: `bottomLeft`, `bottomCenter`, `bottomRight`, `topLeft`, `topCenter` or `topRight` | string | `bottomLeft` | |
| trigger | The trigger mode which executes the dropdown action. Note that hover can't be used on touchscreens | Array<`click`\|`hover`\|`contextMenu`> | \[`hover`] | |
| visible | Whether the dropdown menu is currently visible | boolean | - | |
diff --git a/components/dropdown/index.zh-CN.md b/components/dropdown/index.zh-CN.md
index 125234aa9e..dd7d8535c2 100644
--- a/components/dropdown/index.zh-CN.md
+++ b/components/dropdown/index.zh-CN.md
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ cover: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/alicdn/eedWN59yJ/Dropdown.svg
| arrow | 下拉框箭头是否显示 | boolean | false | |
| disabled | 菜单是否禁用 | boolean | - | |
| getPopupContainer | 菜单渲染父节点。默认渲染到 body 上,如果你遇到菜单滚动定位问题,试试修改为滚动的区域,并相对其定位。[示例](https://codepen.io/afc163/pen/zEjNOy?editors=0010) | (triggerNode: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement | () => document.body | |
+| onVisibleChange | 菜单显示状态改变时调用,参数为 `visible` | (visible: boolean) => void | - | |
| overlay | 菜单 | [Menu](/components/menu) \| () => Menu | - | |
| overlayClassName | 下拉根元素的类名称 | string | - | |
| overlayStyle | 下拉根元素的样式 | CSSProperties | - | |
-| onVisibleChange | 菜单显示状态改变时调用,参数为 `visible` | (visible: boolean) => void | - | |
| placement | 菜单弹出位置:`bottomLeft` `bottomCenter` `bottomRight` `topLeft` `topCenter` `topRight` | string | `bottomLeft` | |
| trigger | 触发下拉的行为, 移动端不支持 hover | Array<`click`\|`hover`\|`contextMenu`> | \[`hover`] | |
| visible | 菜单是否显示 | boolean | - | |
diff --git a/components/empty/index.en-US.md b/components/empty/index.en-US.md
index c9a187eb3b..9c7cd06530 100644
--- a/components/empty/index.en-US.md
+++ b/components/empty/index.en-US.md
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ Empty state placeholder.
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| description | Customize description | ReactNode | - | |
-| imageStyle | The style of image | CSSProperties | - | |
| image | Customize image. Will treat as image url when string provided | ReactNode | `Empty.PRESENTED_IMAGE_DEFAULT` | |
+| imageStyle | The style of image | CSSProperties | - | |
## Built-in images
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index 013468debe..ef887fb9a1 100644
--- a/components/empty/index.zh-CN.md
+++ b/components/empty/index.zh-CN.md
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ cover: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/alicdn/MNbKfLBVb/Empty.svg
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 | 版本 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| description | 自定义描述内容 | ReactNode | - | |
-| imageStyle | 图片样式 | CSSProperties | - | |
| image | 设置显示图片,为 string 时表示自定义图片地址。 | ReactNode | `Empty.PRESENTED_IMAGE_DEFAULT` | |
+| imageStyle | 图片样式 | CSSProperties | - | |
## 内置图片
diff --git a/components/form/index.en-US.md b/components/form/index.en-US.md
index 578f035199..b5f8c44f2b 100644
--- a/components/form/index.en-US.md
+++ b/components/form/index.en-US.md
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ High performance Form component with data scope management. Including data colle
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| component | Set the Form rendering element. Do not create a DOM node for `false` | ComponentType \| false | form | |
| colon | Configure the default value of `colon` for Form.Item. Indicates whether the colon after the label is displayed (only effective when prop layout is horizontal) | boolean | true | |
+| component | Set the Form rendering element. Do not create a DOM node for `false` | ComponentType \| false | form | |
| fields | Control of form fields through state management (such as redux). Not recommended for non-strong demand. View [example](#components-form-demo-global-state) | [FieldData](#FieldData)\[] | - | |
| form | Form control instance created by `Form.useForm()`. Automatically created when not provided | [FormInstance](#FormInstance) | - | |
| initialValues | Set value by Form initialization or reset | object | - | |
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ High performance Form component with data scope management. Including data colle
| labelCol | Label layout, like `