feat: New Components Result ( #17244 )
* New Components Result
antd 又变大了一点
* fix review warning
remove classname "view"
The class name of status hits the outermost layer
* rm fragment
* fix build error
* update snapshot
* fix doc
* fix lint
* fix compile error
* fix review warning
* fix react15 error
* add new demo
* remove not required code
* updated snapshot
* api some empty
* change svg to image
2019-06-30 20:15:44 +08:00
New component Descriptions ( #14645 )
* add new component: DescriptionList
* add warning message
* docs: fix doc typo
* feat: implement the size attribute
* docs: fix doc typo
* refactor: use new name Descriptions
* test: snapshots updated
* feat: support react15
* style: fix code style warring
* style: better var name
* style: better code style
* style: merge css class
* feat: add responsive config
* fix: fix error title
* style: use @border-radius-base
* update snapshot
* feat: set default column
* test: add test script
* style: fix property defaultProps is useless error
* style: more robust code
* style: fix codereview warning
* style: fix review warning
* use responsiveObserveserve
* fix review warning
* bug: add childrenArray copy,prevent changes to incoming parameters
* fix dom error
* fix typo
* fix test
* don't use this
* snapshot updated
* prettier md
* remove descriptions md text
* new rendering method
* doc :add dot
* style: add right border
2019-05-22 23:22:09 +08:00
feat: Add Mentions component ( #16532 )
* init
* first demo
* support empty
* add loading support
* add form sample
* update form sample
* omit value & defaultValue
* add 2 rest demo
* placement support
* update docs
* fix test
* update docs
* add test case
* fix lint
* follow textarea style
* update docs style
2019-05-17 12:05:03 +08:00
New Component PageHeader ( #13637 )
* add api dock
* add a simple demo
* add content demos
* fix style warning
* Replace content with children
* add all demo
* add demo test
* add backNode props
* Adjust the divider style
* fix icon do no show
* fix test ci
* fix md code style
* remove fragment use
* add test script
* Missing newline character at end of file
* optimize the demo display
* text becomes longer
* text becomes longer
* fix css code style
* fix test snapshot
* fix css code style
* fix codereivew waring
* fix codereivew waring
* update snapshots
* use ant-page-header-have-footer
* use englist
* fix typo
* updated snapshot
* line-height set to 100%
* remove subtitle
* Specification less
* fix less style error
* Sort by alphabet
* Rebuild code
* use english
* number use Statistic
* snapshot updated
* rm onBack in breadcrumb
* remove unuse return
* add a click wave
* remove unuse css
* add icon hover
* newline character
* new description
* warm descriptive text
* add dot
* remove async
* feat: use Typography.Paragraph
* test: snapshots updated
* style: fix style lint
* import typography style
2019-03-02 15:51:08 +08:00
New Component: Typography ( #14250 )
* text with prefix
* add edit style
* support editable
* enhance accessibility & type experience
* optimize IME case
* support copy
* add locale
* add secondary & disabled
* add ellipsis shadow text
* split to 3 components
* update snapshot
* update desc
* change lines also need update ellipsis
* skip aria when is in ellipsis
* add ResizeObserver in _util
* update snapshot
* move TestBase into test file
* update test case
* update doc
* fix typo
* important => level
* use rows
* update demo cols to 1
* fix cssText not work in firefox
* update doc
* add miss point
* support extendable
* update snapshot
* fix doc
* copyable support string
* update snapshot
* update doc
* update doc desc
* adjust style
* full test
* reset after test
* rename
* update snapshot
* fix compile
* adjust style
* update desc
* update prefixCls
* update margin
* adjust
* nest wrap of tag content
* adjust style
* update comment
* rm %
* one more thing
* tmp of measure
* merge string as children
* update snapshot
* update testcase
* remove comment
* use internal variable for configProvider passing
* update snapshot
* use expandable instead of extendable
* less variable it
* update demo
* update less
* adjust code & mark style
* remove mark padding
* update measure logic
* support nest element style
* use childNode.textContent to fix react 15 error
* update css
* popout Typography
* add link style
* adjust doc
* use ellipsis instead of rows & expandable
* update doc
* update doc
* update doc & style
* fix typo
* add css ellipsis support
* client render
* update snapshot
* enhance copyable
* support onExpand
* update test case
* add test of css ellipsis
* fix logic in react 15
* rename onChange -> onSave
* use tagName of article
* fix lint
2019-02-19 11:42:05 +08:00
New component Statistic / Countdown ( #14154 )
* init
* number format
* add Countdown
* ⚡ Try something ts stuff
* move out Countdown
* add format
* support countdown
* add prefix & suffix
* Move Number to Statistic
* adjust ts
* clean up
* roll back of lodash
* update doc & style
* variable of the less style
* add demo test
* full coverage
* hide title if not need
* update snapshot
* update accessiblity
* update color
* stop countdown when time is out
* formatTimeStr adjust
* use reset class
* add miss tab index
* update doc
* update title prop & snapshot
* rm additional aria. It's over design
* use card sample on unit demo
* sfc
* adjust demo
2019-01-09 20:38:09 +08:00
New Component: Empty ( #13651 )
2018-12-26 16:01:00 +08:00
Config provider ( #12991 )
close #12985
2018-11-26 12:06:42 +08:00
✅ updating tests
2018-11-03 00:17:58 +08:00
New Component Skeleton ( #11226 )
* Add new component Skeleton
* Add related doc
* Add sample
* Add test case
ref: https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/10308
2018-08-22 23:34:36 +08:00
update test snap
2018-07-13 22:23:12 +08:00
New component divider ( #7261 )
* Add Divider
* use Divider in table demos
* update demo instruction
* upgrade snapshots
2017-08-19 12:39:11 +08:00
Feature list component ( #7150 )
* add list component
* fixed the demo syntax
* update list snapshots
2017-08-09 15:45:08 +08:00
add Avatar
2017-06-09 12:02:24 +08:00
Wei Zhu
Jest 19 ( #5361 )
* Upgeade to jest 19
* Use jest.spyOn
2017-03-17 18:56:30 +08:00
fix: change way to add package.version ( #4842 )
* Change way to add package.version
* replace content than create new content
2017-02-13 14:27:12 +08:00
Wei Zhu
cleanup npm scripts ( #4499 )
* Cleanup npm scripts
* Lint fix
* Don't need ignore js files
* Upgrade jest
* Add components index.tsx test
2017-01-08 17:04:09 +08:00
test: Add test case for components/index.tsx ( #4450 )
2017-01-03 16:15:05 +08:00
add attribute compact
for InputGroup ( #4309 )
* add attribute `compact` for InputGroup
* improve
2017-01-02 00:12:41 +08:00
fix snapshots
2016-12-26 11:16:28 +08:00
Wei Zhu
Add forgotten snap back.
2016-12-21 00:53:35 +08:00
Wei Zhu
test: demo snapshot testing ( #3916 )
* Run snapshot testing against all demos
* Split demo tests
* ignore coverage folder
* Upgrade antd-demo-jest
* enable cache
* intergate with coveralls.io
* Add node test
* Set worker to 2
* config coverage
* Set default supportServerRender to true
2016-11-22 13:43:53 +08:00
Introduce jest snapshots
2016-11-14 18:50:23 +08:00