style: fix rtl.less place and name ( #22384 )
2020-03-19 12:13:24 +08:00
style: add rtl.less of Select\Transfer\Upload ( #22307 )
2020-03-17 17:43:14 +08:00
fix: Transfer search input style collapsed ( #21247 )
2020-02-05 19:11:41 +08:00
Saeed Rahimi
feat: added rtl direction to all of ant-design components ( #19380 )
* rtl demo change en-us description
* change bundlesize css limit
* RTL: modal component (exclude confirm)
* RTL: table component
* RTL: pagination component
* cleanup rtl demo
* fix pagination.tsx compile error
* RTL: button and button-group
* RTL: Steps component
* fix rtl demo style
* fix input suffix icon alignment
* fix select component arrow issue
* RTL: form component
* add pagination rtl test
* fix test lint error
* RTL: rate component
* RTL: radio and radio group components
* RTL: tree-select component
* some fixes to RTL components
* RTL: badge component
* fix rtl issue in inline form
* fix input component rtl padding issue
* fix switch component text rtl issue
* fix table grouped header text-align
* add rtl support to whole demo with RTL button
* Update rtl demo responsive
* RTL: page-header component
* RTL: typography component
* RTL: Dropdown (Partial)
* update config-provider doc
* RTL: input component
* RTL: select component
* RTL: switch component
* RTL: tree component
* fix rtl demo lint
* rtl demo change en-us description
* RTL: modal component (exclude confirm)
* RTL: table component
* RTL: pagination component
* cleanup rtl demo
* RTL: button and button-group
* RTL: Steps component
* fix rtl demo style
* fix input suffix icon alignment
* RTL: form component
* RTL: rate component
* RTL: radio and radio group components
* RTL: tree-select component
* RTL: badge component
* fix rtl issue in inline form
* fix input component rtl padding issue
* add rtl support to whole demo with RTL button
* fix lost changes after rebase
* fix lint errors
* RTL: Transfer Component
* RTL: upload component
* RTL: update avatar demo
* RTL: comment component
* RTL: collapse component
* RTL: carousel component
* update snapshots
* RTL: Card component
* RTL: descriptions component
* RTL: Empty component
* RTL: list component
* RTL: slider component
* slider component import/order
* add shared rtlTest
* RTL: Statistic component
* RTL: tooltip components
* RTL: popover component
* RTL: timeline component
* RTL: tag component
* RTL: alert component
* RTL: drawer component
* RTL: Tab component
* change direction definition
* RTL: progress component
* input.tsx, remove duplicate after rebase
* fix demo.less after rebase
* fix ant-row-rtl after rebase
* fix upload issues in rtl
* badge rtl demo margin fix
* fix: tabs with icon margin
* fix: radio-wrapper margin
* fix: table component after rebase
* fix: centered modal text-align
* update slider snapshot
* RTL: popconfirm component
* RTL: back-top component
* RTL: spin component
* RTL: result component
* RTL: skeleton component
* RTL: menu component
* RTL: time-picker component
* RTL: calendar component
* RTL: date-picker component
* RTL: home page
* update snapshots
* test: add auto-complete rtl test
* test: add avatar component rtl tests
* test: add badge component rtl tests
* test: add breadcrumb component rtl tests
* test: add button components rtl tests
* test: add card component rtl tests
* test: add carousel component rtl tests
* test: add cascader component rtl tests
* test: add checkbox component rtl tests
* test: add collapse component rtl tests
* test: add comment component rtl tests
* test: add dropdown component rtl tests
* test: add empty component rtl tests
* test: add form component rtl tests
* test: add grid component rtl tests
* test: add input component rtl tests
* test: add search component rtl tests
* test: add input-number component rtl tests
* test: add layout component rtl tests
* test: add list component rtl tests
* test: add mentions component rtl tests
* test: add modal component rtl tests
* test: add page-header component rtl tests
* test: add pagination component rtl tests
* test: add radio component rtl tests
* test: add rate component rtl tests
* test: add select component rtl tests
* test: add slider component rtl tests
* test: add steps component rtl tests
* test: add switch component rtl tests
* test: add table component rtl tests
* test: add transfer component rtl tests
* test: add tree component rtl tests
* test: add tree-select component rtl tests
* test: add typography component rtl tests
* test: add upload component rtl tests
* test: add affix component rtl tests
* update calendar tests
* increase css file maxSize
* update snapshots
* remove workflows to allow push
* remove duplicate reverse prop from slider
* fix: remove table demo from config-provider
* fix: remove table demo from config-provider
* fix lint error
* Added direction property to ConfigProvider
* cascader rtl tests added
* update config-provider doc
* RTL: grid system
* RTL: input component
* RTL: switch component
* fix rtl demo lint
* RTL: modal component (exclude confirm)
* RTL: table component
* RTL: pagination component
* cleanup rtl demo
* fix pagination.tsx compile error
* RTL: button and button-group
* RTL: Steps component
* fix rtl demo style
* RTL: form component
* add pagination rtl test
* RTL: rate component
* RTL: radio and radio group components
* RTL: tree-select component
* RTL: badge component
* fix rtl issue in inline form
* fix input component rtl padding issue
* add rtl support to whole demo with RTL button
* RTL: input component
* RTL: select component
* RTL: switch component
* RTL: tree component
* fix rtl demo lint
* rtl demo change en-us description
* RTL: modal component (exclude confirm)
* RTL: table component
* RTL: pagination component
* cleanup rtl demo
* RTL: button and button-group
* RTL: Steps component
* fix rtl demo style
* fix input suffix icon alignment
* RTL: form component
* RTL: rate component
* RTL: radio and radio group components
* RTL: tree-select component
* RTL: badge component
* fix rtl issue in inline form
* fix input component rtl padding issue
* add rtl support to whole demo with RTL button
* input.tsx, remove duplicate after rebase
* fix ant-row-rtl after rebase
* update snapshots
* test: add cascader component rtl tests
* test: add pagination component rtl tests
* update calendar tests
* update snapshots
* fix: remove table demo from config-provider
* fix: remove table demo from config-provider
* fix lint error
* update direction.md icons
* dropdown and cascader default placement in rtl
* update snapshots
* fix lint errors
* remove duplicate import
* update snapshots
* update snapshot
* update calendar snapshot
* update snapshots
* integrate with new rc-picker
* update snapshots
* fix lint errors
* update snapshot
* update snapshots
* update snapshots
* update snapshots :|
* update snapshots
* fix compile error.
* fix typo after rebase
* update snapshots
* remove workflows to allow push
* update snapshots
* update snapshots
* fix dist error
* front-page css fix
* update snapshots
* fix lint and test issues
* restore cascader index.less
* update snapshots
* fix logo in rtl and demo controls
* ci errors
* resolve steps/index.tsx conflicts
* tooltip family demo remove inline style
* resolve table/Table.tsx conflicts
* resolve modal/Modal.tsx conflicts
* resolve cascader/index.tsx conflicts
* add workflows from upstream
* update snapshots
* revert logo to default
* fix codebox demo direction of placements
* resolve tooltip overlayClassName conflicts
* update snapshots
* update popover test
* fix: cascader miss popupClassName
* fix: fix select missing dropdownClassName
* chore: Update snapshot
* chore: Adjust menu use rtl logic
* docs: Update demo line color
Co-authored-by: 二货机器人 <smith3816@gmail.com>
2020-01-02 19:10:16 +08:00
fix: transfer customize disable Input style
2019-12-31 15:32:09 +08:00
feat: @skeleton-to-color, @transfer-item-hover-bg, fix: progress style statusColor
2019-12-04 20:45:12 +08:00
fix: remove Transfer lazyload animation style
2019-11-19 16:51:51 +08:00
tweak: active and hover background color
2019-11-19 11:45:32 +08:00
fix[Style] Transfer ( #19693 )
2019-11-13 08:02:19 +08:00
Stanley Thijssen
fix: Styling issue where all spans next to a checkbox wrapper get a padding ( #17761 )
* fix styling issue
* Added padding for span only when there is a checkbox in front of it
* Fixed last small styling issue where span and checkboxes didnt have any padding
* Updated snapshots with new class
2019-07-20 22:20:02 +08:00
feat: Support Transfer render ( #16026 )
* clean up
* refactor select all logic
* omit old api to render children
* add search
* remove useless code
* fix logic
* Table demo
* update demo
* fixed min-height
* fix normal style
* style update
* update snapshot
* update snapshot
* update version
* update doc
* update md desc
* update test case
* fix test typo
* update demo
* update snapshot
* typescript correction
* update docs
* add Tree Transfer demo
* default expand all
* update demo
2019-05-07 17:10:42 +08:00
feat: Support append theme less file with less-variable ( #16118 )
* add override
* add override support
* update doc
2019-04-16 21:59:25 +08:00
💄 Fix less code style
2019-04-15 11:05:06 +08:00
Enhance stylelint rules ( #14803 )
* rename .stylelintrc to .stylelintrc.json for explicit file type
* add new npm script lint-fix:style
* fix pseudo-element with double colon
* function name should be lower except ignored functions
* support stylelint declaration-block-no-ignored-properties rule
* support sorted CSS properties order for readability and consistency
* autofix order of all styles by lint-fix:style script
* remove double slash comments after selector
* replace .stylelintignore with ignoreFiles in .stylelintrc.json
2019-02-15 10:48:07 +08:00
remove ul when list is empty ( #14390 )
2019-01-17 11:46:07 +08:00
add miss style deps ( #14214 )
close #14204
2019-01-09 15:05:41 +08:00
New Component: Empty ( #13651 )
2018-12-26 16:01:00 +08:00
Transfer: fix search-not-found block sometimes not show in edge
2018-12-21 21:33:58 +08:00
support prettier
2018-12-07 18:27:30 +08:00
Transfer support disabled ( #12084 )
2018-09-15 15:18:59 +08:00
Review fix ( #8125 )
* Fix style
* Fix style
* fix lint
* Fix more styles
* Fix more styles
* update snap
2017-11-06 21:28:51 +08:00
Tweak style
2017-10-16 19:56:04 +08:00
New component styles ( #7731 )
* Tweak button padding
* upgrade input and button size
* update form controls size
* update components size
* Add lemon color and update rate color
* Add new icons
* update layout style
* breadcrumb and dropdown
* update menu arrow width
* update layout and menu
* update steps
* fix var name
* update cascasder style
* Update DatePicker
* update InputNumber and Mention
* radio and switch
* select and transfer
* TimePicker & Upload
* more components
* calendar and list
* Tree Timeline Popover Tag
* divider modal popover
* update search input
* update card style
* update switch disabled opacity
* update shoadow and mask
* Add v2-compatible-reset.less
* Fix undefined className
* update snahshotssssssssssssssssss 👻
2017-09-27 22:32:49 +08:00
seperate reset styles ( #7682 )
* seperate reset styles
* not reset ul/ol/p/heading
* revert reset.less idea
* move label style into ant-form-item, #5851
* revert reset.less idea
* update base.less
* Better typography from bootstrap@4
use reboot replace normalize
close #6162
2017-09-22 18:33:29 +08:00
Graeme Yeates
Seperate @active-item-bg into 2 variables
2017-05-03 10:57:14 -04:00
Graeme Yeates
Add @active-item-bg to control hover and active states
2017-05-02 11:05:28 -04:00
Fix Transfor moving item background
2017-04-15 14:57:20 +08:00
Graeme Yeates
Add border customization variables ( #4734 )
* Add border customization variables (#4712 )
* Make border styles customizable (fixes #4712 )
2017-01-31 16:05:10 +08:00
New color system ( #4426 )
* Add new color patterns algorithm
* Add color palettes
* update other colors
* fix gray color
* update more tint/shade to colorPalette
* new font color
* Update doc for new color system
* improve doc style
2017-01-01 22:20:06 +08:00
Benjy Cui
Test transfer ( #4191 )
* refactor: use Checkbox directly
* test: add test case for Transfer
2016-12-16 17:59:52 +08:00
improve transfer style
2016-12-04 17:08:29 +08:00
Benjy Cui
css: use @component-background, ref: #4040
2016-11-29 11:56:10 +08:00
Fix #4039 . Replace background-color: #fff with background: @body-background ( #4040 )
2016-11-29 09:54:54 +08:00
Fix Transfer notFound, close #3996
2016-11-24 17:22:54 +08:00
@font-size-lg ( #1752 )
2016-11-08 21:07:01 +08:00
use @font-size-base ( #1752 )
2016-11-08 20:57:07 +08:00
use @text-color
2016-11-08 20:50:59 +08:00
clear less variables and add @text-color-secondary
2016-11-08 20:48:03 +08:00
Add react-lazy-load for Transfer perfermance, close #2860
2016-11-04 15:08:39 +08:00
improve transfer style
2016-11-04 15:08:39 +08:00
docs: Transfer - heading not wide enough for English ( #3466 )
2016-10-18 09:45:37 +08:00
adjust transfer button style
2016-10-06 19:10:01 +08:00
Benjy Cui
feat: support disabled item for Transfer, close : #3038 ( #3044 )
* feat: support disabled item for Transfer, close : #3038
* refactor: Transfer
2016-09-19 17:52:20 +08:00
refactor: 保证所有的tsx和less都正确使用prefix ( #3024 )
* refactor: extract prefix cls as less variable
* refactor: apply ant icon prefix cls in less files
* refactor: all components support prefixCls props
2016-09-14 16:18:33 +08:00
Merge 1.x-stable
2016-08-12 14:47:01 +08:00
Fix transfer line-height inside FormItem
2016-08-09 11:48:27 +08:00
Merge 1.x-stable
2016-07-08 16:34:02 +08:00
Improve transfer clear icon style
2016-07-07 18:45:14 +08:00
refactor to typescript
2016-06-22 13:19:48 +08:00
css modularize ( #1448 )
* css modularize
* Add alert style
* Move more component style
* Move iconfont to common style
* Move layout style
* Move more component style
* Move all components
* Fix lots of mixin deps
* remove css-prefix from less
* fix a button icon style bug
* restructure
* fix index
* add dist
* fix jest
* fix some components style
* clean webpack config
* check more components style
* update tabs
* update scripts
* update scripts
* fix form style
* fix more style
* Fix select width
* Fix form and tabs style
2016-04-27 20:44:36 +08:00