* feat: use @ant-design/icons@4.0
* feat: use createFromIconfontCN to make site works
* feat: update doc for Icon
* feat: use icon in component Alert
* feat: use icon in component Avatar
* feat: use icon in component Breadcrumb
* feat: use icon in component Button
* feat: use icon in component Cascader
* feat: use icon in component Collapse
* feat: use icon in component Datepicker
* feat: use icon in component Dropdown
* feat: use icon in component Form
* feat: use icon in component Input
* feat: use icon in component InputNumber
* feat: use icon in component Layout
* feat: use icon in component Mention
* feat: use icon in component Message
* feat: use icon in component Modal
* feat: use icon in component Notification
* feat: use icon in component PageHeader
* feat: use icon in component Pagination
* feat: use icon in component Popconfirm
* feat: use icon in component Progress
* feat: use icon in component Rate
* feat: use icon in component Result
* feat: use icon in component Select
* feat: use icon in component Step
* feat: use icon in component Switch
* feat: use icon in component Table
* feat: use icon in component Tab
* feat: use icon in component Tag
* feat: handle rest component which using Icon
* fix: remove unused vars
* feat: use latest alpha ant design icons
* fix: failed test in uploadlist.test.js
* test: update snapshot for icons
* doc: add Icon for site
* doc: use @ant-design/icons in site
* chore: use latest icons
* fix: tslint issue
* fix: test cases
* fix: types for react
* fix: lint rules for import orders
* fix: use @ant-design/icons@4.0.0-alpha.5 to avoid insert css in server render
* fix: eslint error in demo/**.md
* inject antd icons
* update snapshot
* fix site
* doc: update docs
* fix: code snippets icon in site
* feat: use latest @ant-design/icons
* fix: icon props in message
* ConfigProvider support locale
* update docs
* update category
* clean up
* moving locale
* update check script
* update related code
* add test case
* demo link
* update doc
* hide one rule of md with eslint
* update error link
* feat: remove warnings for linkRender, nameRender in Breadcrumb
* feat: remove warnings for onOpen, onClose in Menu
* feat: remove warnings for overlay in Popover
* feat: remove warnings for columnsPageRange, columnsPageSize in Table
* feat: remove warnings for afterClose in Tag
* feat: remove warnings for notFoundContent, searchPlaceholder, body, onSearchChange in Transfer
* fix: types in Transfer
* feat: update test cases in Transfer
* feat: add additional test cases for removed deprecated apis
`pagination` is not designed to accept `true` value,
but in practice, many people assign `true` to `pagination`,
since they thought `pagination` accepts boolean value.
* master:
📝 Add bodyStyle and style of Drawer in documentation, #13850🐛 Fix Drawer style not working
🐛 fix markStyle affset style
Update Santa.jsx
update changelog
bump 3.11.6
revert Christmas egg
[type] make type of components compatible with ComponentType<P>
bump 3.11.5
✨ site: make document side bar sticky
* Table: add prop `sortMethods`
with `sortMethods` user can change table sort methods and its order
* Table: `sortMethods` can be set on column prop
* rename `sortMethods` to `sortDirections`