(("undefined"!=typeof globalThis?globalThis:self).makoChunk_antd=("undefined"!=typeof globalThis?globalThis:self).makoChunk_antd||[]).push([["51f4fcae"],{"51f4fcae":function(e,a,t){"use strict";t.d(a,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.d(a,"texts",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return n;}}),t("706e503a");let n=[{value:"The workbench is often used as the homepage of an application, providing a convenient hub for users. It offers common information entry points, navigating to various functional modules of the application in a hub-and-spoke manner; it presents information that the user currently needs to focus on, shortening the path to key information; and allows users to directly perform some high-frequency tasks on the workbench.",paraId:0},{value:"User-side: Provide shortcuts for handling and viewing information and necessary help for users;",paraId:1,tocIndex:0},{value:" Product-side: Communicate better with users, appropriately promote new trends and operational content of the product.",paraId:1,tocIndex:0},{value:"\n ",paraId:2},{value:"\n ",paraId:2},{value:"\n ",paraId:2},{value:"\n ",paraId:2},{value:"\n ",paraId:2},{value:"Can users locate the information they want?",paraId:3,tocIndex:2},{value:"\n ",paraId:2},{value:"\n ",paraId:2},{value:"\n ",paraId:2},{value:"\n ",paraId:2},{value:"\n ",paraId:2},{value:"\n ",paraId:2},{value:"\n ",paraId:2},{value:"Understand the core goals of users returning to the site and provide the shortest navigation paths to possible destinations.",paraId:4,tocIndex:3},{value:"\n ",paraId:2},{value:"\n ",paraId:2},{value:"When to Use",paraId:5},{value:"Shorten the navigation path for users returning to the site;",paraId:6},{value:"Provide common navigation entry points for users.",paraId:6},{value:"Involved Functions",paraId:7},{value:"Help; Core Data; Shortcuts; To-Do List; Focus; Operational Modules.",paraId:8},{value:"Design Suggestions",paraId:9},{value:"Display modules related to daily work, keeping the total number of modules between 5-9;",paraId:10},{value:"Present the most frequently used content on the first screen whenever possible;",paraId:10},{value:"Provide role-based differentiated views.",paraId:10},{value:"When to Use",paraId:11},{value:"When new users arrive at the platform and have not yet started any work, shorten the learning time for new users;",paraId:12},{value:'When some modules have no content, refer to the "Empty State" guidelines.',paraId:12},{value:"Involved Functions",paraId:13},{value:"Help; Empty State Guide.",paraId:14},{value:"Design Suggestions",paraId:15},{value:"Introduce the platform's purpose to users and guide them to start working;",paraId:16},{value:"If users need to manage complex objects, provide a Demo preview entry;",paraId:16},{value:"This type of page generally provides two types of navigation forms.",paraId:17,tocIndex:8},{value:"\u2460 Users know the function they want to use and need to navigate to it. For example:",paraId:18,tocIndex:8},{value:"\n ",paraId:2},{value:"\u2461 Discovery navigation, where users need to complete a task but do not know which function to use. For example:",paraId:19,tocIndex:8},{value:"\n ",paraId:2},{value:"Arrange the content based on usage frequency in the daily work.",paraId:20},{value:"See Error Page",paraId:21,tocIndex:10},{value:"Additionally, whether to recommend personalized customization for users is still under exploration.",paraId:22,tocIndex:10}];}}]);