--- order: 2 title: zh-CN: 最后一个及排序 en-US: Last node and Reversing --- ## zh-CN 当任务状态正在发生,还在记录过程中,可用幽灵节点来表示当前的时间节点,当 pending 为真值时展示幽灵节点,如果 pending 是 React 元素可用于定制该节点内容,同时 pendingDot 将可以用于定制其轴点。reverse 属性用于控制节点排序,为 false 时按正序排列,为 true 时按倒序排列。 ## en-US When the timeline is incomplete and ongoing, put a ghost node at last. Set `pending` as truthy value to enable displaying pending item. You can customize the pending content by passing a React Element. Meanwhile, `pendingDot={a React Element}` is used to customize the dot of the pending item. `reverse={true}` is used for reversing nodes. ```jsx import { Timeline, Button } from 'antd'; class PendingTimeLine extends React.Component { state = { reverse: false, }; handleClick = () => { this.setState({ reverse: !this.state.reverse }); }; render() { return (
Create a services site 2015-09-01 Solve initial network problems 2015-09-01 Technical testing 2015-09-01
); } } export default () => ; ```