import React from 'react'; import { LikeOutlined, SmileOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'; import * as copyObj from 'copy-to-clipboard'; import { fireEvent, render, renderHook, waitFakeTimer, waitFor } from '../../../tests/utils'; import Base from '../Base'; import useCopyClick from '../hooks/useCopyClick'; describe('Typography copy', () => { const errorSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(() => {}); afterEach(() => { errorSpy.mockReset(); }); describe('Base', () => { describe('copyable', () => { function copyTest({ name, icon, tooltips, iconClassNames = [], iconTexts = [], tooltipTexts = [], tooltipLength, }: { name: string; icon?: React.ReactNode; tooltips?: React.ReactNode; iconClassNames?: string[]; iconTexts?: string[]; tooltipTexts?: string[]; tooltipLength?: number; }) { it(name, async () => { jest.useFakeTimers(); const { container, unmount } = render( test copy , ); if (iconClassNames[0] !== undefined) { expect(container.querySelector(iconClassNames[0])).not.toBeNull(); } if (iconTexts[0] !== undefined) { expect(container.querySelectorAll('.ant-typography-copy')[0].textContent).toBe( iconTexts[0], ); } fireEvent.mouseEnter(container.querySelectorAll('.ant-typography-copy')[0]); await waitFakeTimer(); if (tooltipTexts[0] !== undefined) { await waitFor(() => { expect(container.querySelector('.ant-tooltip-inner')?.textContent).toBe( tooltipTexts[0], ); }); } if (tooltipLength !== undefined) { await waitFor(() => { expect(container.querySelectorAll('.ant-tooltip-inner').length).toBe(tooltipLength); }); }'.ant-typography-copy')[0]); jest.useRealTimers(); if (iconClassNames[1] !== undefined) { expect(container.querySelector(iconClassNames[1])).not.toBeNull(); } fireEvent.mouseEnter(container.querySelectorAll('.ant-typography-copy')[0]); fireEvent.mouseEnter(container.querySelectorAll('.ant-typography-copy')[0]); if (tooltipTexts[1] !== undefined) { const expectedInner = tooltipTexts[1] === '' ? tooltipTexts[0] : tooltipTexts[1]; await waitFor(() => { expect(container.querySelector('.ant-tooltip-inner')?.textContent).toBe( expectedInner, ); }); } if (iconTexts[1] !== undefined) { expect(container.querySelectorAll('.ant-typography-copy')[0].textContent).toBe( iconTexts[1], ); } jest.useFakeTimers();'.ant-typography-copy')[0]); await waitFakeTimer(); unmount(); jest.useRealTimers(); }); } const dom = ( <> 12 ); const dom2 = ( <> 34 ); const copy = '.anticon-copy'; const check = '.anticon-check'; copyTest({ name: 'icon basic copy', iconClassNames: [copy, check], tooltipTexts: ['Copy', 'Copied'], }); copyTest({ name: 'icon true', icon: true, iconClassNames: [copy, check] }); copyTest({ name: 'icon two true', icon: [true, true], iconClassNames: [copy, check] }); copyTest({ name: 'icon false', icon: false, iconClassNames: [copy, check] }); copyTest({ name: 'icon custom text', icon: ['a', 'b'], iconTexts: ['a', 'b'] }); copyTest({ name: 'icon custom element', icon: [dom, dom2], iconTexts: ['12', '34'] }); copyTest({ name: 'icon custom icon', icon: , iconClassNames: ['.anticon-smile', check], }); copyTest({ name: 'icon custom icon2', icon: [, ], iconClassNames: ['.anticon-smile', '.anticon-like'], }); copyTest({ name: 'icon custom icon3', icon: [ <> , , ], iconClassNames: ['.anticon-smile', '.anticon-like'], }); copyTest({ name: 'icon custom icon4', icon: ( <> ), iconClassNames: ['.anticon-smile', check], }); copyTest({ name: 'icon custom icon5', icon: ( <> ), iconClassNames: ['.anticon-like', check], }); copyTest({ name: 'tooltips true', tooltips: true, tooltipLength: 1, tooltipTexts: ['Copy', 'Copied'], }); copyTest({ name: 'tooltips false', tooltips: false, tooltipLength: 0 }); copyTest({ name: 'tooltips custom text', tooltips: ['a', 'b'], tooltipLength: 1, tooltipTexts: ['a', 'b'], }); copyTest({ name: 'tooltips custom element ', tooltips: [dom, dom2], tooltipTexts: ['12', '34'], }); copyTest({ name: 'tooltips first empty', tooltips: ['', 'xxx'], tooltipLength: 0, }); copyTest({ name: 'tooltips first empty 2', tooltips: [''], tooltipLength: 0, }); copyTest({ name: 'tooltips true true', tooltips: [true, true], tooltipTexts: ['Copy', 'Copied'], }); copyTest({ name: 'tooltips true false', tooltips: [true, false], tooltipTexts: ['Copy', ''], }); copyTest({ name: 'tooltips false true', tooltips: [false, true], tooltipLength: 0, }); }); it('copy click event stopPropagation', () => { const onDivClick = jest.fn(); const { container: wrapper } = render(
test copy
, );'.ant-typography-copy')[0]); expect(onDivClick).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('the first parameter of onCopy is the click event', () => { function onCopy(e?: React.MouseEvent) { expect(e).not.toBeUndefined(); } const { container: wrapper } = render( test copy , );'.ant-typography-copy')[0]); }); it('copy to clipboard', async () => { jest.useFakeTimers(); const spy = jest.spyOn(copyObj, 'default'); const originText = 'origin text.'; const nextText = 'next text.'; const Test = () => { const [dynamicText, setDynamicText] = React.useState(originText); React.useEffect(() => { setTimeout(() => { setDynamicText(nextText); }, 500); }, []); return ( {dynamicText} ); }; const { container: wrapper } = render(); const copyBtn = wrapper.querySelectorAll('.ant-typography-copy')[0];; expect(spy.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual(originText); await waitFakeTimer(); spy.mockReset();; expect(spy.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual(nextText); jest.useRealTimers(); spy.mockReset(); }); it('copy by async', async () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(copyObj, 'default'); const { container: wrapper } = render( test copy , );'.ant-typography-copy')[0]); expect(wrapper.querySelectorAll('.anticon-loading')[0]).toBeTruthy(); await waitFakeTimer(); expect(spy.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual('Request text'); spy.mockReset(); expect(wrapper.querySelectorAll('.anticon-loading')[0]).toBeFalsy(); }); it('useCopyClick error', async () => { const { result } = renderHook(() => useCopyClick({ copyConfig: { text: jest.fn().mockRejectedValueOnce('Oops'), }, }), ); await expect(() => result.current?.onClick?.()).rejects.toMatch('Oops'); expect(result.current?.copyLoading).toBe(false); }); }); it('not block copy text change', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(copyObj, 'default'); const renderDemo = (text: string) => ( Text ); const { container, rerender } = render(renderDemo('Bamboo')); rerender(renderDemo('Light'));'.ant-typography-copy')!); expect(spy.mock.calls[0][0]).toBe('Light'); spy.mockRestore(); }); it('dynamic set editable', () => { const { container, rerender } = render(test); expect(container.querySelector('.ant-typography-copy')).toBeFalsy(); rerender( test , ); expect(container.querySelector('.ant-typography-copy')).toBeTruthy(); }); it('tabIndex of copy button', () => { const { container } = render( test , ); expect(container.querySelector('.ant-typography-copy')?.getAttribute('tabIndex')).toBe('-1'); }); it('locale text for button tooltip', async () => { const { container } = render( test , ); fireEvent.mouseEnter(container.querySelectorAll('.ant-typography-copy')[0]); await waitFakeTimer(); await waitFor(() => { expect(container.querySelector('.ant-tooltip-inner')?.textContent).toBe('Copy'); });'.ant-typography-copy')[0]); expect(container.querySelector('.ant-tooltip-inner')?.textContent).toBe('Copied'); }); });