/* eslint-disable class-methods-use-this */ import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { IntlProvider } from 'react-intl'; import { presetPalettes, presetDarkPalettes } from '@ant-design/colors'; import themeSwitcher from 'theme-switcher'; import type { TwoToneColor } from '@ant-design/icons'; import { setTwoToneColor } from '@ant-design/icons'; import { Helmet, HelmetProvider } from 'react-helmet-async'; import { ConfigProvider } from 'antd'; import { browserHistory } from 'bisheng/router'; import zhCN from 'antd/es/locale/zh_CN'; import type { DirectionType } from 'antd/es/config-provider'; import Header from './Header'; import type { SiteContextProps } from './SiteContext'; import SiteContext from './SiteContext'; import enLocale from '../../en-US'; import cnLocale from '../../zh-CN'; import * as utils from '../utils'; import 'moment/locale/zh-cn'; if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && navigator.serviceWorker) { navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistrations().then((registrations) => { registrations.forEach((registration) => registration.unregister()); }); } if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { // Redirect to `ant.design` if is not next version anymore if (location.hostname === 'next.ant.design') { location.href = location.href.replace('next.ant.design', 'ant.design'); } if (!location.pathname.endsWith('/')) { location.pathname += '/'; } // eslint-disable-next-line global-require require('../../static/style'); // Expose to iframe (window as any).react = React; (window as any)['react-dom'] = ReactDOM; // eslint-disable-next-line global-require (window as any).antd = require('antd'); // eslint-disable-next-line global-require (window as any)['@ant-design/icons'] = require('@ant-design/icons'); // Error log statistic window.addEventListener('error', (e) => { // Ignore ResizeObserver error if (e.message === 'ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded') { e.stopPropagation(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); } }); } const RESPONSIVE_MOBILE = 768; // for dark.css timestamp to remove cache const timestamp = Date.now(); const themeMap = { dark: `/dark.css?${timestamp}`, compact: `/compact.css?${timestamp}`, }; const themeConfig = { themeMap, }; const { switcher } = themeSwitcher(themeConfig); interface LayoutPropsType { location: any; router: any; helmetContext: any; children: React.ReactNode; } interface LayoutStateType { appLocale: typeof cnLocale | typeof enLocale; theme: string; isMobile: boolean; direction: DirectionType; setTheme: SiteContextProps['setTheme']; setIframeTheme: SiteContextProps['setIframeTheme']; } export default class Layout extends React.Component { static contextType = SiteContext; timer: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null; isBeforeComponent = false; constructor(props: LayoutPropsType) { super(props); const { pathname } = props.location; const appLocale = utils.isZhCN(pathname) ? cnLocale : enLocale; this.state = { appLocale, theme: 'default', direction: 'ltr', isMobile: false, setTheme: this.setTheme, setIframeTheme: this.setIframeTheme, }; } componentDidMount() { const { location, router } = this.props; router.listen(({ pathname, search }: any) => { const { theme } = this.props.location.query; if (typeof (window as any).ga !== 'undefined') { (window as any).ga('send', 'pageview', pathname + search); } if (typeof (window as any)._hmt !== 'undefined') { (window as any)._hmt.push(['_trackPageview', pathname + search]); } const componentPage = /^\/?components/.test(pathname); // only component page can use `dark` theme if (!componentPage) { this.isBeforeComponent = false; this.setTheme?.('default', false); } else if (theme && !this.isBeforeComponent) { this.isBeforeComponent = true; this.setTheme?.(theme, false); } }); if (location.query.theme && /^\/?components/.test(location.pathname)) { this.isBeforeComponent = true; this.setTheme?.(location.query.theme, false); } else { this.isBeforeComponent = false; this.setTheme?.('default', false); } this.setState({ direction: location.query.direction || 'ltr' }); const nprogressHiddenStyle = document.getElementById('nprogress-style'); if (nprogressHiddenStyle) { this.timer = setTimeout(() => { nprogressHiddenStyle.parentNode?.removeChild(nprogressHiddenStyle); }, 0); } this.updateMobileMode(); window.addEventListener('resize', this.updateMobileMode); } componentWillUnmount() { window.removeEventListener('resize', this.updateMobileMode); if (this.timer) { clearTimeout(this.timer); } } updateMobileMode = () => { const { isMobile } = this.state; const newIsMobile = window.innerWidth < RESPONSIVE_MOBILE; if (isMobile !== newIsMobile) { this.setState({ isMobile: newIsMobile, }); } }; setIframeTheme: LayoutStateType['setIframeTheme'] = (iframeNode, theme) => { iframeNode.contentWindow?.postMessage( JSON.stringify({ action: 'change.theme', data: { themeConfig, theme }, }), ); }; setTheme: LayoutStateType['setTheme'] = (theme, persist = true) => { if (typeof window === 'undefined') { return; } switcher({ theme, useStorage: persist, }); const iframeNodes = document.querySelectorAll('.iframe-demo'); // loop element node [].forEach.call(iframeNodes, (iframeNode: HTMLIFrameElement) => { this.setIframeTheme?.(iframeNode, theme); }); this.setState({ theme }); const iconTwoToneThemeMap = { dark: [presetDarkPalettes.blue.primary, '#111d2c'], default: presetPalettes.blue.primary, } as const; setTwoToneColor( (iconTwoToneThemeMap[theme as keyof typeof iconTwoToneThemeMap] || iconTwoToneThemeMap.default) as TwoToneColor, ); }; changeDirection = (direction: DirectionType): void => { this.setState({ direction }); const { pathname, hash, query } = this.props.location; if (direction === 'ltr') { delete query.direction; } else { query.direction = 'rtl'; } browserHistory.push({ pathname: `/${pathname}`, query, hash, }); }; render() { const { children, helmetContext = {}, ...restProps } = this.props; const { appLocale, direction, isMobile, theme, setTheme, setIframeTheme } = this.state; const title = appLocale.locale === 'zh-CN' ? 'Ant Design - 一套企业级 UI 设计语言和 React 组件库' : "Ant Design - The world's second most popular React UI framework"; const description = appLocale.locale === 'zh-CN' ? '基于 Ant Design 设计体系的 React UI 组件库,用于研发企业级中后台产品。' : 'An enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library with a set of high-quality React components, one of best React UI library for enterprises'; return ( // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-no-constructed-context-values {title}
{children} ); } }