--- order: 5 title: zh-CN: 禁止选项 en-US: Disabled Time --- ## zh-CN 可以使用 `disabledHours` `disabledMinutes` `disabledSeconds` 组合禁止用户选择某个时间,配合 `hideDisabledOptions` 可以直接把不可选择的项隐藏。 ## en-US Make part of time unselectable by `disabledHours` `disabledMinutes` `disabledSeconds`, and we even can hide those unselectable options by `hideDisabledOptions`. ````jsx import { TimePicker } from 'antd'; function range(start, end) { const result = []; for (let i = start; i < end; i++) { result.push(i); } return result; } function disabledHours() { const hours = range(0, 60); hours.splice(20, 4); return hours; } function disabledMinutes(h) { if (h === 20) { return range(0, 31); } else if (h === 23) { return range(30, 60); } return []; } ReactDOM.render(
, mountNode ); ````