import type { CSSInterpolation, CSSObject } from '@ant-design/cssinjs'; import type { SelectToken } from '.'; import { mergeToken } from '../../theme'; import { resetIcon } from '../../style'; const FIXED_ITEM_MARGIN = 2; function getSelectItemStyle({ controlHeightSM, controlHeight, controlLineWidth: borderWidth, }: SelectToken) { const selectItemDist = (controlHeight - controlHeightSM) / 2 - borderWidth; const selectItemMargin = Math.ceil(selectItemDist / 2); return [selectItemDist, selectItemMargin]; } function genSizeStyle(token: SelectToken, suffix?: string): CSSObject { const { componentCls, iconCls } = token; const selectOverflowPrefixCls = `${componentCls}-selection-overflow`; const selectItemHeight = token.controlHeightSM; const [selectItemDist] = getSelectItemStyle(token); const suffixCls = suffix ? `${componentCls}-${suffix}` : ''; return { [`${componentCls}-multiple${suffixCls}`]: { fontSize: token.fontSize, /** * Do not merge `height` & `line-height` under style with `selection` & `search`, since chrome * may update to redesign with its align logic. */ // =========================== Overflow =========================== [selectOverflowPrefixCls]: { position: 'relative', display: 'flex', flex: 'auto', flexWrap: 'wrap', maxWidth: '100%', '&-item': { flex: 'none', alignSelf: 'center', maxWidth: '100%', display: 'inline-flex', }, }, // ========================= Selector ========================= [`${componentCls}-selector`]: { display: 'flex', flexWrap: 'wrap', alignItems: 'center', // Multiple is little different that horizontal is follow the vertical padding: `${selectItemDist - FIXED_ITEM_MARGIN}px ${FIXED_ITEM_MARGIN * 2}px`, [`${componentCls}-show-search&`]: { cursor: 'text', }, [`${componentCls}-disabled&`]: { background: token.colorBgContainerDisabled, cursor: 'not-allowed', }, '&:after': { display: 'inline-block', width: 0, margin: `${FIXED_ITEM_MARGIN}px 0`, lineHeight: `${selectItemHeight}px`, content: '"\\a0"', }, }, [` &${componentCls}-show-arrow ${componentCls}-selector, &${componentCls}-allow-clear ${componentCls}-selector `]: { paddingInlineEnd: token.fontSizeIcon + token.controlPaddingHorizontal, }, // ======================== Selections ======================== [`${componentCls}-selection-item`]: { position: 'relative', display: 'flex', flex: 'none', boxSizing: 'border-box', maxWidth: '100%', height: selectItemHeight, marginTop: FIXED_ITEM_MARGIN, marginBottom: FIXED_ITEM_MARGIN, lineHeight: `${selectItemHeight - token.controlLineWidth * 2}px`, background: token.colorBgContent, border: `${token.controlLineWidth}px solid ${token.colorSplit}`, borderRadius: token.controlRadius, cursor: 'default', transition: `font-size ${token.motionDurationSlow}, line-height ${token.motionDurationSlow}, height ${token.motionDurationSlow}`, userSelect: 'none', marginInlineEnd: FIXED_ITEM_MARGIN * 2, paddingInlineStart: token.paddingXS, paddingInlineEnd: token.paddingXS / 2, [`${componentCls}-disabled&`]: { color: token.colorTextDisabled, borderColor: token.colorBorder, cursor: 'not-allowed', }, // It's ok not to do this, but 24px makes bottom narrow in view should adjust '&-content': { display: 'inline-block', marginInlineEnd: token.paddingXS / 2, overflow: 'hidden', whiteSpace: 'pre', // fix whitespace wrapping. custom tags display all whitespace within. textOverflow: 'ellipsis', }, '&-remove': { ...resetIcon(), display: 'inline-block', color: token.colorAction, fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: 10, lineHeight: 'inherit', cursor: 'pointer', [`> ${iconCls}`]: { verticalAlign: '-0.2em', }, '&:hover': { color: token.colorActionHover, }, }, }, // ========================== Input ========================== [`${selectOverflowPrefixCls}-item + ${selectOverflowPrefixCls}-item`]: { [`${componentCls}-selection-search`]: { marginInlineStart: 0, }, }, [`${componentCls}-selection-search`]: { display: 'inline-flex', position: 'relative', maxWidth: '100%', marginInlineStart: token.inputPaddingHorizontalBase - selectItemDist, [` &-input, &-mirror `]: { height: selectItemHeight, fontFamily: token.fontFamily, lineHeight: `${selectItemHeight}px`, transition: `all ${token.motionDurationSlow}`, }, '&-input': { width: '100%', minWidth: 4.1, // fix search cursor missing }, '&-mirror': { position: 'absolute', top: 0, insetInlineStart: 0, insetInlineEnd: 'auto', zIndex: 999, whiteSpace: 'pre', // fix whitespace wrapping caused width calculation bug visibility: 'hidden', }, }, // ======================= Placeholder ======================= [`${componentCls}-selection-placeholder `]: { position: 'absolute', top: '50%', insetInlineStart: token.inputPaddingHorizontalBase, insetInlineEnd: token.inputPaddingHorizontalBase, transform: 'translateY(-50%)', transition: `all ${token.motionDurationSlow}`, }, }, }; } export default function genMultipleStyle(token: SelectToken): CSSInterpolation { const { componentCls } = token; const smallToken = mergeToken(token, { controlHeight: token.controlHeightSM, controlHeightSM: token.controlHeightXS, }); const [, smSelectItemMargin] = getSelectItemStyle(token); return [ genSizeStyle(token), // ======================== Small ======================== // Shared genSizeStyle(smallToken, 'sm'), // Padding { [`${componentCls}-multiple${componentCls}-sm`]: { [`${componentCls}-selection-placeholder`]: { insetInlineStart: token.controlPaddingHorizontalSM - token.controlLineWidth, insetInlineEnd: 'auto', }, // [`${componentCls}-selection-search`]: { marginInlineStart: smSelectItemMargin, }, }, }, // ======================== Large ======================== // Shared genSizeStyle( mergeToken(token, { fontSize: token.fontSizeLG, controlHeight: token.controlHeightLG, controlHeightSM: token.controlHeight, }), 'lg', ), ]; }