--- order: 6 title: zh-CN: 联动 en-US: coordinate --- ## zh-CN 省市联动是典型的例子。 推荐使用 [Cascader](/components/cascader) 组件。 ## en-US Coordinating the selection of provinces and cities is a common use case and demonstrates how selection can be coordinated. Using the [Cascader](/components/cascader) component is strongly recommended instead as it is more flexible and capable. ````jsx import { Select } from 'antd'; const Option = Select.Option; const provinceData = ['浙江', '江苏']; const cityData = { 浙江: ['杭州', '宁波', '温州'], 江苏: ['南京', '苏州', '镇江'], }; const App = React.createClass({ getInitialState() { return { cities: cityData[provinceData[0]], secondCity: cityData[provinceData[0]][0], }; }, handleProvinceChange(value) { this.setState({ cities: cityData[value], secondCity: cityData[value][0], }); }, onSecondCityChange(value) { this.setState({ secondCity: value, }); }, render() { const provinceOptions = provinceData.map(province => ); const cityOptions = this.state.cities.map(city => ); return (