import type { CSSProperties } from 'react'; import { unit } from '@ant-design/cssinjs'; import type { CSSObject } from '@ant-design/cssinjs'; import { genFocusOutline, resetComponent } from '../../style'; import type { FullToken, GenerateStyle, GetDefaultToken } from '../../theme/internal'; import { genStyleHooks, mergeToken } from '../../theme/internal'; import genStepsCustomIconStyle from './custom-icon'; import genStepsHorizontalStyle from './horizontal'; import genStepsInlineStyle from './inline'; import genStepsLabelPlacementStyle from './label-placement'; import genStepsNavStyle from './nav'; import genStepsProgressStyle from './progress'; import genStepsProgressDotStyle from './progress-dot'; import genStepsRTLStyle from './rtl'; import genStepsSmallStyle from './small'; import genStepsVerticalStyle from './vertical'; export interface ComponentToken { /** * @desc 描述区域最大宽度 * @descEN Max width of description area */ descriptionMaxWidth: number; /** * @desc 自定义图标容器尺寸 * @descEN Size of custom icon container */ customIconSize: number; /** * @desc 自定义图标 top * @descEN Top of custom icon */ customIconTop: number; /** * @desc 自定义图标大小 * @descEN Font size of custom icon */ customIconFontSize: number; /** * @desc 图标容器尺寸 * @descEN Size of icon container */ iconSize: number; /** * @desc 图标 top * @descEN Top of icon */ iconTop: number; /** * @desc 图标大小 * @descEN Size of icon */ iconFontSize: number; /** * @desc 点状步骤点大小 * @descEN Size of dot */ dotSize: number; /** * @desc 点状步骤点当前大小 * @descEN Current size of dot */ dotCurrentSize: number; /** * @desc 可跳转步骤条箭头颜色 * @descEN Color of arrow in nav */ navArrowColor: string; /** * @desc 可跳转步骤条内容最大宽度 * @descEN Max width of nav content */ navContentMaxWidth: CSSProperties['maxWidth']; /** * @desc 小号步骤条图标大小 * @descEN Size of small steps icon */ iconSizeSM: number; /** * @desc 标题行高 * @descEN Line height of title */ titleLineHeight: number; /** * @internal */ waitIconColor: string; /** * @internal */ waitIconBgColor: string; /** * @internal */ waitIconBorderColor: string; /** * @internal */ finishIconBgColor: string; /** * @internal */ finishIconBorderColor: string; } export interface StepsToken extends FullToken<'Steps'> { // Steps variable default.less processTailColor: string; // Steps component less variable processIconColor: string; processTitleColor: string; processDescriptionColor: string; processIconBgColor: string; processIconBorderColor: string; processDotColor: string; waitTitleColor: string; waitDescriptionColor: string; waitTailColor: string; waitDotColor: string; finishIconColor: string; finishTitleColor: string; finishDescriptionColor: string; finishTailColor: string; finishDotColor: string; errorIconColor: string; errorTitleColor: string; errorDescriptionColor: string; errorTailColor: string; errorIconBgColor: string; errorIconBorderColor: string; errorDotColor: string; stepsNavActiveColor: string; stepsProgressSize: number; // Steps inline variable inlineDotSize: number; inlineTitleColor: string; inlineTailColor: string; } const STEP_ITEM_STATUS_WAIT = 'wait'; const STEP_ITEM_STATUS_PROCESS = 'process'; const STEP_ITEM_STATUS_FINISH = 'finish'; const STEP_ITEM_STATUS_ERROR = 'error'; type StepItemStatus = | typeof STEP_ITEM_STATUS_WAIT | typeof STEP_ITEM_STATUS_PROCESS | typeof STEP_ITEM_STATUS_FINISH | typeof STEP_ITEM_STATUS_ERROR; const genStepsItemStatusStyle = (status: StepItemStatus, token: StepsToken): CSSObject => { const prefix = `${token.componentCls}-item`; const iconColorKey: keyof StepsToken = `${status}IconColor`; const titleColorKey: keyof StepsToken = `${status}TitleColor`; const descriptionColorKey: keyof StepsToken = `${status}DescriptionColor`; const tailColorKey: keyof StepsToken = `${status}TailColor`; const iconBgColorKey: keyof StepsToken = `${status}IconBgColor`; const iconBorderColorKey: keyof StepsToken = `${status}IconBorderColor`; const dotColorKey: keyof StepsToken = `${status}DotColor`; return { [`${prefix}-${status} ${prefix}-icon`]: { backgroundColor: token[iconBgColorKey], borderColor: token[iconBorderColorKey], [`> ${token.componentCls}-icon`]: { color: token[iconColorKey], [`${token.componentCls}-icon-dot`]: { background: token[dotColorKey], }, }, }, [`${prefix}-${status}${prefix}-custom ${prefix}-icon`]: { [`> ${token.componentCls}-icon`]: { color: token[dotColorKey], }, }, [`${prefix}-${status} > ${prefix}-container > ${prefix}-content > ${prefix}-title`]: { color: token[titleColorKey], '&::after': { backgroundColor: token[tailColorKey], }, }, [`${prefix}-${status} > ${prefix}-container > ${prefix}-content > ${prefix}-description`]: { color: token[descriptionColorKey], }, [`${prefix}-${status} > ${prefix}-container > ${prefix}-tail::after`]: { backgroundColor: token[tailColorKey], }, }; }; const genStepsItemStyle: GenerateStyle = (token) => { const { componentCls, motionDurationSlow } = token; const stepsItemCls = `${componentCls}-item`; // .ant-steps-item const stepItemIconCls = `${stepsItemCls}-icon`; return { [stepsItemCls]: { position: 'relative', display: 'inline-block', flex: 1, overflow: 'hidden', verticalAlign: 'top', '&:last-child': { flex: 'none', [`> ${stepsItemCls}-container > ${stepsItemCls}-tail, > ${stepsItemCls}-container > ${stepsItemCls}-content > ${stepsItemCls}-title::after`]: { display: 'none', }, }, }, [`${stepsItemCls}-container`]: { outline: 'none', [`&:focus-visible`]: { [stepItemIconCls]: { ...genFocusOutline(token), }, }, }, [`${stepItemIconCls}, ${stepsItemCls}-content`]: { display: 'inline-block', verticalAlign: 'top', }, [stepItemIconCls]: { width: token.iconSize, height: token.iconSize, marginTop: 0, marginBottom: 0, marginInlineStart: 0, marginInlineEnd: token.marginXS, fontSize: token.iconFontSize, fontFamily: token.fontFamily, lineHeight: `${unit(token.iconSize)}`, textAlign: 'center', borderRadius: token.iconSize, border: `${unit(token.lineWidth)} ${token.lineType} transparent`, transition: `background-color ${motionDurationSlow}, border-color ${motionDurationSlow}`, [`${componentCls}-icon`]: { position: 'relative', top: token.iconTop, color: token.colorPrimary, lineHeight: 1, }, }, [`${stepsItemCls}-tail`]: { position: 'absolute', top: token.calc(token.iconSize).div(2).equal(), insetInlineStart: 0, width: '100%', '&::after': { display: 'inline-block', width: '100%', height: token.lineWidth, background: token.colorSplit, borderRadius: token.lineWidth, transition: `background ${motionDurationSlow}`, content: '""', }, }, [`${stepsItemCls}-title`]: { position: 'relative', display: 'inline-block', paddingInlineEnd: token.padding, color: token.colorText, fontSize: token.fontSizeLG, lineHeight: `${unit(token.titleLineHeight)}`, '&::after': { position: 'absolute', top: token.calc(token.titleLineHeight).div(2).equal(), insetInlineStart: '100%', display: 'block', width: 9999, height: token.lineWidth, background: token.processTailColor, content: '""', }, }, [`${stepsItemCls}-subtitle`]: { display: 'inline', marginInlineStart: token.marginXS, color: token.colorTextDescription, fontWeight: 'normal', fontSize: token.fontSize, }, [`${stepsItemCls}-description`]: { color: token.colorTextDescription, fontSize: token.fontSize, }, ...genStepsItemStatusStyle(STEP_ITEM_STATUS_WAIT, token), ...genStepsItemStatusStyle(STEP_ITEM_STATUS_PROCESS, token), [`${stepsItemCls}-process > ${stepsItemCls}-container > ${stepsItemCls}-title`]: { fontWeight: token.fontWeightStrong, }, ...genStepsItemStatusStyle(STEP_ITEM_STATUS_FINISH, token), ...genStepsItemStatusStyle(STEP_ITEM_STATUS_ERROR, token), [`${stepsItemCls}${componentCls}-next-error > ${componentCls}-item-title::after`]: { background: token.colorError, }, [`${stepsItemCls}-disabled`]: { cursor: 'not-allowed', }, }; }; // ============================= Clickable =========================== const genStepsClickableStyle: GenerateStyle = (token) => { const { componentCls, motionDurationSlow } = token; return { [`& ${componentCls}-item`]: { [`&:not(${componentCls}-item-active)`]: { [`& > ${componentCls}-item-container[role='button']`]: { cursor: 'pointer', [`${componentCls}-item`]: { [`&-title, &-subtitle, &-description, &-icon ${componentCls}-icon`]: { transition: `color ${motionDurationSlow}`, }, }, '&:hover': { [`${componentCls}-item`]: { [`&-title, &-subtitle, &-description`]: { color: token.colorPrimary, }, }, }, }, [`&:not(${componentCls}-item-process)`]: { [`& > ${componentCls}-item-container[role='button']:hover`]: { [`${componentCls}-item`]: { '&-icon': { borderColor: token.colorPrimary, [`${componentCls}-icon`]: { color: token.colorPrimary, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, [`&${componentCls}-horizontal:not(${componentCls}-label-vertical)`]: { [`${componentCls}-item`]: { paddingInlineStart: token.padding, whiteSpace: 'nowrap', '&:first-child': { paddingInlineStart: 0, }, [`&:last-child ${componentCls}-item-title`]: { paddingInlineEnd: 0, }, '&-tail': { display: 'none', }, '&-description': { maxWidth: token.descriptionMaxWidth, whiteSpace: 'normal', }, }, }, }; }; const genStepsStyle: GenerateStyle = (token) => { const { componentCls } = token; // .ant-steps return { [componentCls]: { ...resetComponent(token), display: 'flex', width: '100%', fontSize: 0, textAlign: 'initial', // single Item ...genStepsItemStyle(token), // Clickable ...genStepsClickableStyle(token), // custom-icon ...genStepsCustomIconStyle(token), // small ...genStepsSmallStyle(token), // vertical ...genStepsVerticalStyle(token), // horizontal ...genStepsHorizontalStyle(token), // label-placement ...genStepsLabelPlacementStyle(token), // progress-dot ...genStepsProgressDotStyle(token), // nav ...genStepsNavStyle(token), // rtl ...genStepsRTLStyle(token), // progress ...genStepsProgressStyle(token), // inline ...genStepsInlineStyle(token), }, }; }; // ============================== Export ============================== export const prepareComponentToken: GetDefaultToken<'Steps'> = (token) => ({ titleLineHeight: token.controlHeight, customIconSize: token.controlHeight, customIconTop: 0, customIconFontSize: token.controlHeightSM, iconSize: token.controlHeight, iconTop: -0.5, // magic for ui experience iconFontSize: token.fontSize, iconSizeSM: token.fontSizeHeading3, dotSize: token.controlHeight / 4, dotCurrentSize: token.controlHeightLG / 4, navArrowColor: token.colorTextDisabled, navContentMaxWidth: 'auto', descriptionMaxWidth: 140, waitIconColor: token.wireframe ? token.colorTextDisabled : token.colorTextLabel, waitIconBgColor: token.wireframe ? token.colorBgContainer : token.colorFillContent, waitIconBorderColor: token.wireframe ? token.colorTextDisabled : 'transparent', finishIconBgColor: token.wireframe ? token.colorBgContainer : token.controlItemBgActive, finishIconBorderColor: token.wireframe ? token.colorPrimary : token.controlItemBgActive, }); export default genStyleHooks( 'Steps', (token) => { const { colorTextDisabled, controlHeightLG, colorTextLightSolid, colorText, colorPrimary, colorTextDescription, colorTextQuaternary, colorError, colorBorderSecondary, colorSplit, } = token; const stepsToken = mergeToken(token, { // Steps component less variable processIconColor: colorTextLightSolid, processTitleColor: colorText, processDescriptionColor: colorText, processIconBgColor: colorPrimary, processIconBorderColor: colorPrimary, processDotColor: colorPrimary, processTailColor: colorSplit, waitTitleColor: colorTextDescription, waitDescriptionColor: colorTextDescription, waitTailColor: colorSplit, waitDotColor: colorTextDisabled, finishIconColor: colorPrimary, finishTitleColor: colorText, finishDescriptionColor: colorTextDescription, finishTailColor: colorPrimary, finishDotColor: colorPrimary, errorIconColor: colorTextLightSolid, errorTitleColor: colorError, errorDescriptionColor: colorError, errorTailColor: colorSplit, errorIconBgColor: colorError, errorIconBorderColor: colorError, errorDotColor: colorError, stepsNavActiveColor: colorPrimary, stepsProgressSize: controlHeightLG, // Steps inline variable inlineDotSize: 6, inlineTitleColor: colorTextQuaternary, inlineTailColor: colorBorderSecondary, }); return [genStepsStyle(stepsToken)]; }, prepareComponentToken, );