order: 5
  zh-CN: 带标签的滑块
  en-US: Graduated slider

## zh-CN

使用 `marks` 属性标注分段式滑块,使用 `value` / `defaultValue` 指定滑块位置。当 `included=false` 时,表明不同标记间为并列关系。当 `step=null` 时,Slider 的可选值仅有 `marks` 标出来的部分。

## en-US

Using `marks` property to mark a graduated slider, use `value` or `defaultValue` to specify the position of thumb. When `included` is false, means that different thumbs are coordinative. when `step` is null, users can only slide the thumbs onto marks.

import { Slider } from 'antd';
import type { SliderMarks } from 'antd/es/slider';
import React from 'react';

const marks: SliderMarks = {
  0: '0°C',
  26: '26°C',
  37: '37°C',
  100: {
    style: {
      color: '#f50',
    label: <strong>100°C</strong>,

const App: React.FC = () => (
    <Slider marks={marks} defaultValue={37} />
    <Slider range marks={marks} defaultValue={[26, 37]} />

    <Slider marks={marks} included={false} defaultValue={37} />

    <h4>marks & step</h4>
    <Slider marks={marks} step={10} defaultValue={37} />

    <Slider marks={marks} step={null} defaultValue={37} />

export default App;

#components-slider-demo-mark h4 {
  margin: 0 0 16px;
#components-slider-demo-mark .ant-slider-with-marks {
  margin-bottom: 44px;