category: Components
group: Data Display
title: Tour
cover: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/bmw-prod/cc3fcbfa-bf5b-4c8c-8a3d-c3f8388c75e8.svg
cols: 2
A popup component for guiding users through a product. Available since `5.0.0`.
## When To Use
Use when you want to guide users through a product.
## Examples
## API
### Tour
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| arrow | Whether to show the arrow, including the configuration whether to point to the center of the elemen | `boolean`\|`{ pointAtCenter: boolean}` | `true` | |
| placement | Position of the guide card relative to the target element | `left` `leftTop` `leftBottom` `right` `rightTop` `rightBottom` `top` `topLeft` `topRight` `bottom` `bottomLeft` `bottomRight` | `bottom` | |
| onClose | Callback function on shutdown | `Function` | - | |
| mask | Whether to enable masking | `boolean` | `true` | |
| type | Type, affects the background color and text color | `default` `primary` | `default` | |
### TourStep
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| target | Get the element the guide card points to. Empty makes it show in center of screen | `() => HTMLElement` `HTMLElement` | - | |
| arrow | Whether to show the arrow, including the configuration whether to point to the center of the element | `boolean` `{ pointAtCenter: boolean}` | `true` | |
| cover | Displayed pictures or videos | `ReactNode` | - | |
| title | title | `ReactNode` | - | |
| description | description | `ReactNode` | - | |
| placement | Position of the guide card relative to the target element | `left` `leftTop` `leftBottom` `right` `rightTop` `rightBottom` `top` `topLeft` `topRight` `bottom` `bottomLeft` `bottomRight` | `bottom` | |
| onClose | Callback function on shutdown | `Function` | - | |
| mask | Whether to enable masking, the default follows the `mask` property of Tour | `boolean` | `true` | |
| type | Type, affects the background color and text color | `default` `primary` | `default` | |
| nextButtonProps | Properties of the Next button | `{ children: ReactNode; onClick: Function }` | - | |
| prevButtonProps | Properties of the previous button | `{ children: ReactNode; onClick: Function }` | - | |