import { mergeToken } from '../../theme/internal'; import type { AliasToken, FullToken } from '../../theme/internal'; export interface SharedComponentToken { /** * @desc 输入框横向内边距 * @descEN Horizontal padding of input */ paddingInline: number; /** * @desc 小号输入框横向内边距 * @descEN Horizontal padding of small input */ paddingInlineSM: number; /** * @desc 大号输入框横向内边距 * @descEN Horizontal padding of large input */ paddingInlineLG: number; /** * @desc 输入框纵向内边距 * @descEN Vertical padding of input */ paddingBlock: number; /** * @desc 小号输入框纵向内边距 * @descEN Vertical padding of small input */ paddingBlockSM: number; /** * @desc 大号输入框纵向内边距 * @descEN Vertical padding of large input */ paddingBlockLG: number; /** * @desc 前/后置标签背景色 * @descEN Background color of addon */ addonBg: string; /** * @desc 悬浮态边框色 * @descEN Hover border color */ hoverBorderColor: string; /** * @desc 激活态边框色 * @descEN Active border color */ activeBorderColor: string; /** * @desc 激活态阴影 * @descEN Box-shadow when active */ activeShadow: string; /** * @desc 错误状态时激活态阴影 * @descEN Box-shadow when active in error status */ errorActiveShadow: string; /** * @desc 警告状态时激活态阴影 * @descEN Box-shadow when active in warning status */ warningActiveShadow: string; /** * @desc 输入框hover状态时背景颜色 * @descEN Background color when the input box hovers */ hoverBg: string; /** * @desc 输入框激活状态时背景颜色 * @descEN Background color when the input box is activated */ activeBg: string; } export interface ComponentToken extends SharedComponentToken {} export interface SharedInputToken { inputAffixPadding: number; } export interface InputToken extends FullToken<'Input'>, SharedInputToken {} export function initInputToken(token: AliasToken): SharedInputToken { return mergeToken(token, { inputAffixPadding: token.paddingXXS, }); } export const initComponentToken = (token: AliasToken): SharedComponentToken => { const { controlHeight, fontSize, lineHeight, lineWidth, controlHeightSM, controlHeightLG, fontSizeLG, lineHeightLG, paddingSM, controlPaddingHorizontalSM, controlPaddingHorizontal, colorFillAlter, colorPrimaryHover, colorPrimary, controlOutlineWidth, controlOutline, colorErrorOutline, colorWarningOutline, } = token; return { paddingBlock: Math.max( Math.round(((controlHeight - fontSize * lineHeight) / 2) * 10) / 10 - lineWidth, 0, ), paddingBlockSM: Math.max( Math.round(((controlHeightSM - fontSize * lineHeight) / 2) * 10) / 10 - lineWidth, 0, ), paddingBlockLG: Math.ceil(((controlHeightLG - fontSizeLG * lineHeightLG) / 2) * 10) / 10 - lineWidth, paddingInline: paddingSM - lineWidth, paddingInlineSM: controlPaddingHorizontalSM - lineWidth, paddingInlineLG: controlPaddingHorizontal - lineWidth, addonBg: colorFillAlter, activeBorderColor: colorPrimary, hoverBorderColor: colorPrimaryHover, activeShadow: `0 0 0 ${controlOutlineWidth}px ${controlOutline}`, errorActiveShadow: `0 0 0 ${controlOutlineWidth}px ${colorErrorOutline}`, warningActiveShadow: `0 0 0 ${controlOutlineWidth}px ${colorWarningOutline}`, hoverBg: '', activeBg: '', }; };