import type { CSSObject } from '@ant-design/cssinjs'; import { Keyframes, unit } from '@ant-design/cssinjs'; import { CONTAINER_MAX_OFFSET } from '../../_util/hooks/useZIndex'; import { genFocusStyle, resetComponent } from '../../style'; import type { AliasToken, FullToken, GenerateStyle, GenStyleFn } from '../../theme/internal'; import { genStyleHooks, mergeToken } from '../../theme/internal'; import genNotificationPlacementStyle from './placement'; import genStackStyle from './stack'; /** Component only token. Which will handle additional calculation of alias token */ export interface ComponentToken { /** * @desc 提醒框 z-index * @descEN z-index of Notification */ zIndexPopup: number; /** * @desc 提醒框宽度 * @descEN Width of Notification */ width: number | string; } /** * @desc Notification 组件的 Token * @descEN Token for Notification component */ export interface NotificationToken extends FullToken<'Notification'> { /** * @desc 动画最大高度 * @descEN Maximum height of animation */ animationMaxHeight: number | string; /** * @desc 提醒框背景色 * @descEN Background color of Notification */ notificationBg: string; /** * @desc 提醒框内边距 * @descEN Padding of Notification */ notificationPadding: string; /** * @desc 提醒框垂直内边距 * @descEN Vertical padding of Notification */ notificationPaddingVertical: number; /** * @desc 提醒框水平内边距 * @descEN Horizontal padding of Notification */ notificationPaddingHorizontal: number; /** * @desc 提醒框图标尺寸 * @descEN Icon size of Notification */ notificationIconSize: number | string; /** * @desc 提醒框关闭按钮尺寸 * @descEN Close button size of Notification */ notificationCloseButtonSize: number | string; /** * @desc 提醒框底部外边距 * @descEN Bottom margin of Notification */ notificationMarginBottom: number; /** * @desc 提醒框边缘外边距 * @descEN Edge margin of Notification */ notificationMarginEdge: number; /** * @desc 提醒框堆叠层数 * @descEN Stack layer of Notification */ notificationStackLayer: number; /** * @desc 提醒框进度条背景色 * @descEN Background color of Notification progress bar */ notificationProgressBg: string; /** * @desc 提醒框进度条高度 * @descEN Height of Notification progress bar */ notificationProgressHeight: number; } export const genNoticeStyle = (token: NotificationToken): CSSObject => { const { iconCls, componentCls, // .ant-notification boxShadow, fontSizeLG, notificationMarginBottom, borderRadiusLG, colorSuccess, colorInfo, colorWarning, colorError, colorTextHeading, notificationBg, notificationPadding, notificationMarginEdge, notificationProgressBg, notificationProgressHeight, fontSize, lineHeight, width, notificationIconSize, colorText, } = token; const noticeCls = `${componentCls}-notice`; return { position: 'relative', marginBottom: notificationMarginBottom, marginInlineStart: 'auto', background: notificationBg, borderRadius: borderRadiusLG, boxShadow, [noticeCls]: { padding: notificationPadding, width, maxWidth: `calc(100vw - ${unit(token.calc(notificationMarginEdge).mul(2).equal())})`, overflow: 'hidden', lineHeight, wordWrap: 'break-word', }, [`${noticeCls}-message`]: { marginBottom: token.marginXS, color: colorTextHeading, fontSize: fontSizeLG, lineHeight: token.lineHeightLG, }, [`${noticeCls}-description`]: { fontSize, color: colorText, }, [`${noticeCls}-closable ${noticeCls}-message`]: { paddingInlineEnd: token.paddingLG, }, [`${noticeCls}-with-icon ${noticeCls}-message`]: { marginBottom: token.marginXS, marginInlineStart: token.calc(token.marginSM).add(notificationIconSize).equal(), fontSize: fontSizeLG, }, [`${noticeCls}-with-icon ${noticeCls}-description`]: { marginInlineStart: token.calc(token.marginSM).add(notificationIconSize).equal(), fontSize, }, // Icon & color style in different selector level // // [`${noticeCls}-icon`]: { position: 'absolute', fontSize: notificationIconSize, lineHeight: 1, // icon-font [`&-success${iconCls}`]: { color: colorSuccess, }, [`&-info${iconCls}`]: { color: colorInfo, }, [`&-warning${iconCls}`]: { color: colorWarning, }, [`&-error${iconCls}`]: { color: colorError, }, }, [`${noticeCls}-close`]: { position: 'absolute', top: token.notificationPaddingVertical, insetInlineEnd: token.notificationPaddingHorizontal, color: token.colorIcon, outline: 'none', width: token.notificationCloseButtonSize, height: token.notificationCloseButtonSize, borderRadius: token.borderRadiusSM, transition: `background-color ${token.motionDurationMid}, color ${token.motionDurationMid}`, display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', '&:hover': { color: token.colorIconHover, backgroundColor: token.colorBgTextHover, }, '&:active': { backgroundColor: token.colorBgTextActive, }, ...genFocusStyle(token), }, [`${noticeCls}-progress`]: { position: 'absolute', display: 'block', appearance: 'none', WebkitAppearance: 'none', inlineSize: `calc(100% - ${unit(borderRadiusLG)} * 2)`, left: { _skip_check_: true, value: borderRadiusLG, }, right: { _skip_check_: true, value: borderRadiusLG, }, bottom: 0, blockSize: notificationProgressHeight, border: 0, '&, &::-webkit-progress-bar': { borderRadius: borderRadiusLG, backgroundColor: `rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04)`, }, '&::-moz-progress-bar': { background: notificationProgressBg, }, '&::-webkit-progress-value': { borderRadius: borderRadiusLG, background: notificationProgressBg, }, }, [`${noticeCls}-btn`]: { float: 'right', marginTop: token.marginSM, }, }; }; const genNotificationStyle: GenerateStyle<NotificationToken> = (token) => { const { componentCls, // .ant-notification notificationMarginBottom, notificationMarginEdge, motionDurationMid, motionEaseInOut, } = token; const noticeCls = `${componentCls}-notice`; const fadeOut = new Keyframes('antNotificationFadeOut', { '0%': { maxHeight: token.animationMaxHeight, marginBottom: notificationMarginBottom, }, '100%': { maxHeight: 0, marginBottom: 0, paddingTop: 0, paddingBottom: 0, opacity: 0, }, }); return [ // ============================ Holder ============================ { [componentCls]: { ...resetComponent(token), position: 'fixed', zIndex: token.zIndexPopup, marginRight: { value: notificationMarginEdge, _skip_check_: true, }, [`${componentCls}-hook-holder`]: { position: 'relative', }, // animation [`${componentCls}-fade-appear-prepare`]: { opacity: '0 !important', }, [`${componentCls}-fade-enter, ${componentCls}-fade-appear`]: { animationDuration: token.motionDurationMid, animationTimingFunction: motionEaseInOut, animationFillMode: 'both', opacity: 0, animationPlayState: 'paused', }, [`${componentCls}-fade-leave`]: { animationTimingFunction: motionEaseInOut, animationFillMode: 'both', animationDuration: motionDurationMid, animationPlayState: 'paused', }, [`${componentCls}-fade-enter${componentCls}-fade-enter-active, ${componentCls}-fade-appear${componentCls}-fade-appear-active`]: { animationPlayState: 'running', }, [`${componentCls}-fade-leave${componentCls}-fade-leave-active`]: { animationName: fadeOut, animationPlayState: 'running', }, // RTL '&-rtl': { direction: 'rtl', [`${noticeCls}-btn`]: { float: 'left', }, }, }, }, // ============================ Notice ============================ { [componentCls]: { [`${noticeCls}-wrapper`]: { ...genNoticeStyle(token), }, }, }, ]; }; // ============================== Export ============================== export const prepareComponentToken = (token: AliasToken) => ({ zIndexPopup: token.zIndexPopupBase + CONTAINER_MAX_OFFSET + 50, width: 384, }); export const prepareNotificationToken: ( token: Parameters<GenStyleFn<'Notification'>>[0], ) => NotificationToken = (token) => { const notificationPaddingVertical = token.paddingMD; const notificationPaddingHorizontal = token.paddingLG; const notificationToken = mergeToken<NotificationToken>(token, { notificationBg: token.colorBgElevated, notificationPaddingVertical, notificationPaddingHorizontal, notificationIconSize: token.calc(token.fontSizeLG).mul(token.lineHeightLG).equal(), notificationCloseButtonSize: token.calc(token.controlHeightLG).mul(0.55).equal(), notificationMarginBottom: token.margin, notificationPadding: `${unit(token.paddingMD)} ${unit(token.paddingContentHorizontalLG)}`, notificationMarginEdge: token.marginLG, animationMaxHeight: 150, notificationStackLayer: 3, notificationProgressHeight: 2, notificationProgressBg: `linear-gradient(90deg, ${token.colorPrimaryBorderHover}, ${token.colorPrimary})`, }); return notificationToken; }; export default genStyleHooks( 'Notification', (token) => { const notificationToken = prepareNotificationToken(token); return [ genNotificationStyle(notificationToken), genNotificationPlacementStyle(notificationToken), genStackStyle(notificationToken), ]; }, prepareComponentToken, );