/* eslint no-console:0 */ function pascalCase(name) { return name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1).replace(/-(\w)/g, (m, n) => n.toUpperCase()); } // Import all the component less file. // This is mostly like index.js but we do not need root `themes/index` const req = require.context('../components', true, /^\.\/[^_][\w-]+\/style\/index\.less$/); req.keys().forEach(mod => { let v = req(mod); if (v && v.default) { v = v.default; } const match = mod.match(/^\.\/([^_][\w-]+)\/index\.less$/); if (match && match[1]) { if (match[1] === 'message' || match[1] === 'notification') { // message & notification should not be capitalized exports[match[1]] = v; } else { exports[pascalCase(match[1])] = v; } } }); // Need import for the additional core style exports.styleCore = require('../components/style/reset.css'); module.exports = require('../components');