import { Theme } from '@ant-design/cssinjs'; import * as React from 'react'; import { Input } from 'antd'; import theme from '..'; import { render, renderHook } from '../../../tests/utils'; import ConfigProvider from '../../config-provider'; import type { ThemeConfig } from '../../config-provider/context'; import Row from '../../row'; import genRadius from '../themes/shared/genRadius'; const { useToken } = theme; describe('Theme', () => { const getHookToken = (config?: ThemeConfig) => { let token: any; const Demo = () => { const { token: hookToken } = useToken(); token = hookToken; return null; }; render( , ); delete token._hashId; delete token._tokenKey; return token; }; it('useTheme', () => { const { result } = renderHook(() => useToken()); expect(result.current!.theme instanceof Theme).toBeTruthy(); expect(result.current!.hashId).toBeFalsy(); expect(result.current!.token).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ colorPrimary: '#1677ff', }), ); }); it('ConfigProvider with seed', () => { const Demo = React.forwardRef((_, ref: any) => { const themeObj = useToken(); ref.current = themeObj; return null; }); const themeRef = React.createRef>(); render( , ); expect(themeRef.current!.token).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ colorPrimary: '#ff0000', colorPrimaryHover: '#ff3029', // It's safe to modify if theme logic changed }), ); }); describe('radius should be computed as expected', () => { const radiusGroup = { 0: { borderRadius: 0, borderRadiusLG: 0, borderRadiusSM: 0, borderRadiusXS: 0, borderRadiusOuter: 0, }, 2: { borderRadius: 2, borderRadiusLG: 2, borderRadiusSM: 2, borderRadiusXS: 1, borderRadiusOuter: 2, }, 4: { borderRadius: 4, borderRadiusLG: 4, borderRadiusSM: 4, borderRadiusXS: 1, borderRadiusOuter: 4, }, 5: { borderRadius: 5, borderRadiusLG: 6, borderRadiusSM: 4, borderRadiusXS: 1, borderRadiusOuter: 4, }, 6: { borderRadius: 6, borderRadiusLG: 8, borderRadiusSM: 4, borderRadiusXS: 2, borderRadiusOuter: 4, }, 7: { borderRadius: 7, borderRadiusLG: 9, borderRadiusSM: 5, borderRadiusXS: 2, borderRadiusOuter: 4, }, 8: { borderRadius: 8, borderRadiusLG: 10, borderRadiusSM: 6, borderRadiusXS: 2, borderRadiusOuter: 6, }, 10: { borderRadius: 10, borderRadiusLG: 12, borderRadiusSM: 6, borderRadiusXS: 2, borderRadiusOuter: 6, }, 12: { borderRadius: 12, borderRadiusLG: 14, borderRadiusSM: 6, borderRadiusXS: 2, borderRadiusOuter: 6, }, 14: { borderRadius: 14, borderRadiusLG: 16, borderRadiusSM: 7, borderRadiusXS: 2, borderRadiusOuter: 6, }, 16: { borderRadius: 16, borderRadiusLG: 16, borderRadiusSM: 8, borderRadiusXS: 2, borderRadiusOuter: 6, }, 20: { borderRadius: 16, borderRadiusLG: 16, borderRadiusSM: 8, borderRadiusXS: 2, borderRadiusOuter: 6, }, }; Object.entries(radiusGroup).forEach(([base, result]) => { it(`base ${base}`, () => { expect(genRadius(Number(base))).toMatchObject(result); }); }); }); const rowShouldThrow = (screens: any, error: string) => { const demoRender = () => render( , ); expect(demoRender).toThrow(error); }; describe('invalid breakpoints order values should raise an error', () => { const tests: Array<[string, number, string]> = [ ['screenXS', 1000, 'screenXSMax<=screenSMMin fails : !(1010<=576)'], ['screenSM', 1000, 'screenSMMax<=screenMDMin fails : !(1010<=768)'], ['screenMD', 1000, 'screenMDMax<=screenLGMin fails : !(1010<=992)'], ['screenLG', 2000, 'screenLGMax<=screenXLMin fails : !(2010<=1200)'], ['screenXL', 2000, 'screenXLMax<=screenXXLMin fails : !(2010<=1600)'], ]; tests.forEach(([screen, value, error]: any) => { it(`Screen ${screen} is too big`, () => { rowShouldThrow( { [screen]: value, [`${screen}Min`]: value, [`${screen}Max`]: value + 10 }, error, ); }); }); }); describe('invalid breakpoints MIN<=BP values should raise an error', () => { const tests: Array<[string, number, string]> = [ ['screenXSMin', 1000, 'screenXSMin<=screenXS fails : !(1000<=480)'], ['screenSMMin', 1000, 'screenSMMin<=screenSM fails : !(1000<=576)'], ['screenMDMin', 1000, 'screenMDMin<=screenMD fails : !(1000<=768)'], ['screenLGMin', 2000, 'screenLGMin<=screenLG fails : !(2000<=992)'], ['screenXLMin', 2000, 'screenXLMin<=screenXL fails : !(2000<=1200)'], ['screenXXLMin', 2000, 'screenXXLMin<=screenXXL fails : !(2000<=1600)'], ]; tests.forEach(([screen, value, error]: any) => { it(`Screen ${screen}Min is too big regarding ${screen}`, () => { rowShouldThrow({ [screen]: value }, error); }); }); }); describe('invalid breakpoints BP<=MAX values should raise an error', () => { const tests: Array<[string, number, string]> = [ ['screenXS', 1000, 'screenXS<=screenXSMax fails : !(1000<=575)'], ['screenSM', 1000, 'screenSM<=screenSMMax fails : !(1000<=767)'], ['screenMD', 1000, 'screenMD<=screenMDMax fails : !(1000<=991)'], ['screenLG', 2000, 'screenLG<=screenLGMax fails : !(2000<=1199)'], ['screenXL', 2000, 'screenXL<=screenXLMax fails : !(2000<=1599)'], ]; tests.forEach(([screen, value, error]: any) => { it(`Screen ${screen} is too big regarding ${screen}Max`, () => { rowShouldThrow({ [screen]: value }, error); }); }); }); it('motion false token', () => { const Shower = () => { const { token } = useToken(); return
; }; const { container } = render( , ); expect(container.querySelector('.duration')?.textContent).toEqual('0s'); }); describe('getDesignToken', () => { it('default', () => { const token = theme.getDesignToken(); const hookToken = getHookToken(); expect(token).toEqual(hookToken); }); it('with custom token', () => { const config: ThemeConfig = { token: { colorPrimary: '#189cff', borderRadius: 8, fontSizeLG: 20, }, }; const token = theme.getDesignToken(config); const hookToken = getHookToken(config); expect(token).toEqual(hookToken); expect(token.colorPrimary).toEqual('#189cff'); }); it('with custom algorithm', () => { const config: ThemeConfig = { token: { colorPrimary: '#1677ff', borderRadius: 8, fontSizeLG: 20, }, algorithm: [theme.darkAlgorithm, theme.compactAlgorithm], }; const token = theme.getDesignToken(config); const hookToken = getHookToken(config); expect(token).toEqual(hookToken); expect(token.colorPrimary).toEqual('#1668dc'); }); }); describe('colorLink', () => { it('should follow colorPrimary by default', () => { const token = getHookToken(); expect(token.colorLink).toEqual(token.colorInfo); expect(token.colorLinkHover).toEqual(token.colorInfoHover); expect(token.colorLinkActive).toEqual(token.colorInfoActive); const token2 = getHookToken({ token: { colorPrimary: '#189cff' } }); expect(token2.colorLink).toEqual(token2.colorInfo); expect(token2.colorLinkHover).toEqual(token2.colorInfoHover); expect(token2.colorLinkActive).toEqual(token2.colorInfoActive); const token3 = getHookToken({ algorithm: [theme.darkAlgorithm] }); expect(token3.colorLink).toEqual(token3.colorInfo); expect(token3.colorLinkHover).toEqual(token3.colorInfoHover); expect(token3.colorLinkActive).toEqual(token3.colorInfoActive); }); it('should be calculated correctly', () => { const token = getHookToken({ token: { colorLink: '#189cff' } }); expect(token.colorLink).toEqual('#189cff'); expect(token.colorLinkHover).toEqual('#69c8ff'); expect(token.colorLinkActive).toEqual('#0978d9'); }); }); it('component token should support algorithm', () => { const Demo = ({ algorithm }: { algorithm?: boolean | typeof theme.darkAlgorithm }) => ( ); const { container, rerender } = render(); expect(container.querySelector('input')).toHaveStyle({ 'border-color': '#4096ff' }); rerender(); expect(container.querySelector('input')).toHaveStyle({ 'border-color': '#20c77c' }); rerender(); expect(container.querySelector('input')).toHaveStyle({ 'border-color': '#1fb572' }); }); });