import { GithubOutlined, MenuOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'; import { createStyles } from 'antd-style'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { useLocation, useSiteData } from 'dumi'; import DumiSearchBar from 'dumi/theme-default/slots/SearchBar'; import React, { useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import { Col, Modal, Popover, Row, Select } from 'antd'; import useLocale from '../../../hooks/useLocale'; import DirectionIcon from '../../common/DirectionIcon'; import * as utils from '../../utils'; import { getThemeConfig, ping } from '../../utils'; import type { SiteContextProps } from '../SiteContext'; import SiteContext from '../SiteContext'; import Logo from './Logo'; import More from './More'; import Navigation from './Navigation'; import SwitchBtn from './SwitchBtn'; import type { SharedProps } from './interface'; const RESPONSIVE_XS = 1120; const RESPONSIVE_SM = 1200; const useStyle = createStyles(({ token, css }) => { const searchIconColor = '#ced4d9'; return { header: css` position: sticky; top: 0; z-index: 1000; max-width: 100%; background: ${token.colorBgContainer}; box-shadow: ${token.boxShadowTertiary}; backdrop-filter: blur(8px); @media only screen and (max-width: ${token.mobileMaxWidth}px) { text-align: center; } .nav-search-wrapper { display: flex; flex: auto; } .dumi-default-search-bar { border-inline-start: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06); > svg { width: 14px; fill: ${searchIconColor}; } > input { height: 22px; border: 0; &:focus { box-shadow: none; } &::placeholder { color: ${searchIconColor}; } } .dumi-default-search-shortcut { color: ${searchIconColor}; background-color: rgba(150, 150, 150, 0.06); border-color: rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.2); border-radius: 4px; } .dumi-default-search-popover { inset-inline-start: 11px; inset-inline-end: unset; &::before { inset-inline-start: 100px; inset-inline-end: unset; } } } `, menuRow: css` display: flex; align-items: center; margin: 0; > * { flex: none; margin: 0; margin-inline-end: 12px; &:last-child { margin-inline-end: 40px; } } `, dataDirectionIcon: css` width: 16px; `, popoverMenu: { width: 300, [`${token.antCls}-popover-inner-content`]: { padding: 0, }, }, }; }); const SHOULD_OPEN_ANT_DESIGN_MIRROR_MODAL = 'ANT_DESIGN_DO_NOT_OPEN_MIRROR_MODAL'; function disableAntdMirrorModal() { window.localStorage.setItem(SHOULD_OPEN_ANT_DESIGN_MIRROR_MODAL, 'true'); } function shouldOpenAntdMirrorModal() { return !window.localStorage.getItem(SHOULD_OPEN_ANT_DESIGN_MIRROR_MODAL); } interface HeaderState { menuVisible: boolean; windowWidth: number; searching: boolean; } // ================================= Header ================================= const Header: React.FC = () => { const [isClient, setIsClient] = React.useState(false); const [, lang] = useLocale(); const { pkg } = useSiteData(); const themeConfig = getThemeConfig(); const [headerState, setHeaderState] = useState({ menuVisible: false, windowWidth: 1400, searching: false, }); const { direction, isMobile, updateSiteConfig } = useContext(SiteContext); const pingTimer = useRef(null); const location = useLocation(); const { pathname, search } = location; const { styles } = useStyle(); const handleHideMenu = useCallback(() => { setHeaderState((prev) => ({ ...prev, menuVisible: false })); }, []); const onWindowResize = useCallback(() => { setHeaderState((prev) => ({ ...prev, windowWidth: window.innerWidth })); }, []); const handleShowMenu = useCallback(() => { setHeaderState((prev) => ({ ...prev, menuVisible: true })); }, []); const onMenuVisibleChange = useCallback((visible: boolean) => { setHeaderState((prev) => ({ ...prev, menuVisible: visible })); }, []); const onDirectionChange = () => { updateSiteConfig({ direction: direction !== 'rtl' ? 'rtl' : 'ltr' }); }; useEffect(() => { handleHideMenu(); }, [location]); useEffect(() => { setIsClient(typeof window !== 'undefined'); onWindowResize(); window.addEventListener('resize', onWindowResize); pingTimer.current = ping((status) => { if (status !== 'timeout' && status !== 'error') { if ( // process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' && !== '' && shouldOpenAntdMirrorModal() ) { Modal.confirm({ title: '提示', content: '内网用户推荐访问国内镜像以获得极速体验~', okText: '🚀 立刻前往', cancelText: '不再弹出', closable: true, zIndex: 99999, onOk() {'', '_self'); disableAntdMirrorModal(); }, onCancel() { disableAntdMirrorModal(); }, }); } } }); return () => { window.removeEventListener('resize', onWindowResize); if (pingTimer.current) { clearTimeout(pingTimer.current); } }; }, []); // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this const handleVersionChange = useCallback((url: string) => { const currentUrl = window.location.href; const currentPathname = window.location.pathname; if (/overview/.test(currentPathname) && /0?[1-39][0-3]?x/.test(url)) { window.location.href = currentUrl .replace(window.location.origin, url) .replace(/\/components\/overview/, `/docs${/0(9|10)x/.test(url) ? '' : '/react'}/introduce`) .replace(/\/$/, ''); return; } // Mirror url must have `/`, we add this for compatible const urlObj = new URL(currentUrl.replace(window.location.origin, url)); if ('antgroup')) { window.location.href = `${urlObj.href.replace(/\/$/, '')}/`; } window.location.href = urlObj.href.replace(/\/$/, ''); }, []); const onLangChange = useCallback(() => { const currentProtocol = `${window.location.protocol}//`; const currentHref = window.location.href.slice(currentProtocol.length); if (utils.isLocalStorageNameSupported()) { localStorage.setItem('locale', utils.isZhCN(pathname) ? 'en-US' : 'zh-CN'); } window.location.href = currentProtocol + currentHref.replace( window.location.pathname, utils.getLocalizedPathname(pathname, !utils.isZhCN(pathname), search).pathname, ); }, [location]); const nextDirectionText = useMemo( () => (direction !== 'rtl' ? 'RTL' : 'LTR'), [direction], ); const getDropdownStyle = useMemo( () => (direction === 'rtl' ? { direction: 'ltr', textAlign: 'right' } : {}), [direction], ); const { menuVisible, windowWidth, searching } = headerState; const docVersions: Record = { [pkg.version]: pkg.version, ...themeConfig?.docVersions, }; const versionOptions = Object.keys(docVersions).map((version) => ({ value: docVersions[version], label: version, })); const isHome = ['', 'index', 'index-cn'].includes(pathname); const isZhCN = lang === 'cn'; const isRTL = direction === 'rtl'; let responsive: null | 'narrow' | 'crowded' = null; if (windowWidth < RESPONSIVE_XS) { responsive = 'crowded'; } else if (windowWidth < RESPONSIVE_SM) { responsive = 'narrow'; } const headerClassName = classNames(styles.header, 'clearfix', { 'home-header': isHome, }); const sharedProps: SharedProps = { isZhCN, isRTL, isClient, }; const navigationNode = ( ); let menu = [ navigationNode,