const appLocaleData = require('react-intl/locale-data/en'); module.exports = { locale: 'en-US', data: appLocaleData, messages: { '': 'Search...', '': 'Home', '': 'Practice', '': 'Patterns', '': 'Components', '': 'Guidelines', '': 'Resources', '': 'Mobile', '': 'PRO', 'app.header.lang': 'δΈ­ζ–‡', 'app.content.edit-page': 'Edit this page on GitHub!', 'app.content.edit-demo': 'Edit this demo on GitHub!', 'app.component.examples': 'Examples', 'app.demo.copy': 'Copy code', 'app.demo.copied': 'Copied!', 'app.demo.codepen': 'Open in CodePen', 'app.demo.codesandbox': 'Open in CodeSandbox', 'app.demo.riddle': 'Open in Riddle', 'app.home.slogan': 'A UI Design Language', 'app.home.introduce': 'A design system with values of Nature and Determinacy for better user experience of enterprise applications', '': 'Design Language', 'app.home.solution': 'Solution', 'app.home.components-explain': 'Based on the Ant Design language, we have provided a suite of out-of-the-box with high quality for developing and serving enterprise background applications,including the official React implementation and Angular, Vue implementations', 'app.home.product-pro-slogan': 'Out-of-the-box front-end / Design solution', 'app.home.product-mobile-slogan': 'antd-mobile is a React implementation of Ant Design\'s mobile specification', 'app.home.product-antv-slogan': 'Simple, professional, with unlimited possibilities for data visualization solutions', 'app.home.tool-title': 'Tools & Resources', 'app.home.tool-package-title': 'Ant Design Resources', 'app.home.tool-package-content': 'Ant Design Resources Download', 'app.home.tool-library-title': 'Axure Library', 'app.home.tool-library-content': 'Beautifully visual Axure library', 'app.home.tool-kitchen-title': 'Kitchen (coming soon)', 'app.home.tool-kitchen-content': 'A Sketch tools for designers', 'app.home.getting-started': 'Getting Started', 'app.home.more': 'Learn more', 'app.footer.repo': 'GitHub Repository', 'app.footer.awesome': 'Awesome Ant Design', 'app.footer.chinamirror': 'China Mirror πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³', 'app.footer.primary-color-changed': 'Change primary color successfully!', 'app.footer.scaffold': 'Scaffold', 'app.footer.scaffolds': 'Scaffold Market', '': 'Developer Tools', 'app.footer.dva': 'Framework', 'app.footer.resources': 'Resources', '': 'Data Visualization', 'app.footer.eggjs': 'Enterprise Node Framework', 'app.footer.motion': 'Motion Solution', 'app.footer.antd-library': 'Axure library', '': 'Ant Financial Design Platform', 'app.footer.antux': 'Sitemap Template', '': 'Community', 'app.footer.change-log': 'Change Log', 'app.footer.faq': 'FAQ', '': 'Feedback', 'app.footer.stackoverflow': 'StackOverflow', 'app.footer.segmentfault': 'SegmentFault', 'app.footer.discuss-en': 'Chat Room (English)', 'app.footer.discuss-cn': 'Chat Room (δΈ­ζ–‡)', 'app.footer.bug-report': 'Bug Report', 'app.footer.issues': 'Issues', 'app.footer.version': 'Version: ', '': 'Created by AFX', 'app.footer.work_with_us': 'Work with Us', 'app.footer.more-product': 'More Products', 'app.footer.privacy': 'Privacy Policy', 'app.footer.commitment': 'Our Commitment to Customer Protection', '': 'Ant Financial', 'app.footer.ant-design': 'UI Design Language', 'app.publish.title': 'antd@3.0.0 has been released! πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰', 'app.publish.greeting': 'Hello, ', 'app.publish.intro': ' has been released, and please upgrade. ', 'app.publish.old-version-guide': 'If you need documentation of older version, please visit ', 'app.publish.old-version-tips': ', or switch version with the select at header navigation.', '': 'Pick your primary color', }, };