import * as React from 'react'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import addEventListener from 'rc-util/lib/Dom/addEventListener'; import Affix from '../affix'; import AnchorLink from './AnchorLink'; import { ConfigContext, ConfigConsumerProps } from '../config-provider'; import scrollTo from '../_util/scrollTo'; import getScroll from '../_util/getScroll'; import AnchorContext from './context'; export type AnchorContainer = HTMLElement | Window; function getDefaultContainer() { return window; } function getOffsetTop(element: HTMLElement, container: AnchorContainer): number { if (!element.getClientRects().length) { return 0; } const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); if (rect.width || rect.height) { if (container === window) { container = element.ownerDocument!.documentElement!; return - container.clientTop; } return - (container as HTMLElement).getBoundingClientRect().top; } return; } const sharpMatcherRegx = /#([\S ]+)$/; type Section = { link: string; top: number; }; export interface AnchorProps { prefixCls?: string; className?: string; style?: React.CSSProperties; children?: React.ReactNode; offsetTop?: number; bounds?: number; affix?: boolean; showInkInFixed?: boolean; getContainer?: () => AnchorContainer; /** Return customize highlight anchor */ getCurrentAnchor?: () => string; onClick?: ( e: React.MouseEvent, link: { title: React.ReactNode; href: string }, ) => void; /** Scroll to target offset value, if none, it's offsetTop prop value or 0. */ targetOffset?: number; /** Listening event when scrolling change active link */ onChange?: (currentActiveLink: string) => void; } export interface AnchorState { activeLink: null | string; } export interface AnchorDefaultProps extends AnchorProps { prefixCls: string; affix: boolean; showInkInFixed: boolean; getContainer: () => AnchorContainer; } export interface AntAnchor { registerLink: (link: string) => void; unregisterLink: (link: string) => void; activeLink: string | null; scrollTo: (link: string) => void; onClick?: ( e: React.MouseEvent, link: { title: React.ReactNode; href: string }, ) => void; } export default class Anchor extends React.Component { static Link: typeof AnchorLink; static defaultProps = { affix: true, showInkInFixed: false, }; static contextType = ConfigContext; state = { activeLink: null, }; content: ConfigConsumerProps; private wrapperRef = React.createRef(); private inkNode: HTMLSpanElement; // scroll scope's container private scrollContainer: HTMLElement | Window; private links: string[] = []; private scrollEvent: any; private animating: boolean; private prefixCls?: string; // Context registerLink = (link: string) => { if (!this.links.includes(link)) { this.links.push(link); } }; unregisterLink = (link: string) => { const index = this.links.indexOf(link); if (index !== -1) { this.links.splice(index, 1); } }; getContainer = () => { const { getTargetContainer } = this.context; const { getContainer } = this.props; const getFunc = getContainer || getTargetContainer || getDefaultContainer; return getFunc(); }; componentDidMount() { this.scrollContainer = this.getContainer(); this.scrollEvent = addEventListener(this.scrollContainer, 'scroll', this.handleScroll); this.handleScroll(); } componentDidUpdate() { if (this.scrollEvent) { const currentContainer = this.getContainer(); if (this.scrollContainer !== currentContainer) { this.scrollContainer = currentContainer; this.scrollEvent.remove(); this.scrollEvent = addEventListener(this.scrollContainer, 'scroll', this.handleScroll); this.handleScroll(); } } this.updateInk(); } componentWillUnmount() { if (this.scrollEvent) { this.scrollEvent.remove(); } } getCurrentAnchor(offsetTop = 0, bounds = 5): string { const linkSections: Array
= []; const container = this.getContainer(); this.links.forEach(link => { const sharpLinkMatch = sharpMatcherRegx.exec(link.toString()); if (!sharpLinkMatch) { return; } const target = document.getElementById(sharpLinkMatch[1]); if (target) { const top = getOffsetTop(target, container); if (top < offsetTop + bounds) { linkSections.push({ link, top, }); } } }); if (linkSections.length) { const maxSection = linkSections.reduce((prev, curr) => ( > ? curr : prev)); return; } return ''; } handleScrollTo = (link: string) => { const { offsetTop, targetOffset } = this.props; this.setCurrentActiveLink(link); const container = this.getContainer(); const scrollTop = getScroll(container, true); const sharpLinkMatch = sharpMatcherRegx.exec(link); if (!sharpLinkMatch) { return; } const targetElement = document.getElementById(sharpLinkMatch[1]); if (!targetElement) { return; } const eleOffsetTop = getOffsetTop(targetElement, container); let y = scrollTop + eleOffsetTop; y -= targetOffset !== undefined ? targetOffset : offsetTop || 0; this.animating = true; scrollTo(y, { callback: () => { this.animating = false; }, getContainer: this.getContainer, }); }; saveInkNode = (node: HTMLSpanElement) => { this.inkNode = node; }; setCurrentActiveLink = (link: string) => { const { activeLink } = this.state; const { onChange, getCurrentAnchor } = this.props; if (activeLink === link) { return; } // this.setState({ activeLink: typeof getCurrentAnchor === 'function' ? getCurrentAnchor() : link, }); onChange?.(link); }; handleScroll = () => { if (this.animating) { return; } const { offsetTop, bounds, targetOffset } = this.props; const currentActiveLink = this.getCurrentAnchor( targetOffset !== undefined ? targetOffset : offsetTop || 0, bounds, ); this.setCurrentActiveLink(currentActiveLink); }; updateInk = () => { const { prefixCls, wrapperRef } = this; const anchorNode = wrapperRef.current; const linkNode = anchorNode?.getElementsByClassName(`${prefixCls}-link-title-active`)[0]; if (linkNode) { = `${(linkNode as any).offsetTop + linkNode.clientHeight / 2 - 4.5}px`; } }; render = () => { const { getPrefixCls, direction } = this.context; const { prefixCls: customizePrefixCls, className = '', style, offsetTop, affix, showInkInFixed, children, } = this.props; const { activeLink } = this.state; const prefixCls = getPrefixCls('anchor', customizePrefixCls); // To support old version react. // Have to add prefixCls on the instance. // this.prefixCls = prefixCls; const inkClass = classNames(`${prefixCls}-ink-ball`, { visible: activeLink, }); const wrapperClass = classNames( `${prefixCls}-wrapper`, { [`${prefixCls}-rtl`]: direction === 'rtl', }, className, ); const anchorClass = classNames(prefixCls, { fixed: !affix && !showInkInFixed, }); const wrapperStyle = { maxHeight: offsetTop ? `calc(100vh - ${offsetTop}px)` : '100vh',, }; const anchorContent = (
); return ( {!affix ? ( anchorContent ) : ( {anchorContent} )} ); }; }