import React from 'react'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import mountTest from '../../../tests/shared/mountTest'; import { act, fireEvent, getByText, render, waitFakeTimer } from '../../../tests/utils'; import Wave from '../wave'; import { TARGET_CLS } from '../wave/interface'; import Checkbox from '../../checkbox'; (global as any).isVisible = true; jest.mock('rc-util/lib/Dom/isVisible', () => { const mockFn = () => (global as any).isVisible; return mockFn; }); describe('Wave component', () => { mountTest(Wave); let obCnt = 0; let disCnt = 0; beforeAll(() => { /* eslint-disable class-methods-use-this */ class FakeResizeObserver { observe = () => { obCnt += 1; }; disconnect = () => { disCnt += 1; }; } (window as any).ResizeObserver = FakeResizeObserver; }); afterAll(() => { jest.useRealTimers(); expect(obCnt).not.toBe(0); expect(disCnt).not.toBe(0); }); beforeEach(() => { jest.useFakeTimers(); (global as any).isVisible = true; document.body.innerHTML = ''; }); afterEach(async () => { await waitFakeTimer(); jest.clearAllTimers(); const styles = document.getElementsByTagName('style'); for (let i = 0; i < styles.length; i += 1) { styles[i].remove(); } }); function getWaveStyle() { const styleObj: Record = {}; const { style } = document.querySelector('.ant-wave')!; style.cssText.split(';').forEach((kv) => { if (kv.trim()) { const cells = kv.split(':'); styleObj[cells[0].trim()] = cells[1].trim(); } }); return styleObj; } function waitRaf() { act(() => { jest.advanceTimersByTime(100); }); act(() => { jest.advanceTimersByTime(100); }); } it('work', async () => { const { container, unmount } = render( , );'button')!); waitRaf(); expect(document.querySelector('.ant-wave')).toBeTruthy(); // Match deadline await waitFakeTimer(); expect(document.querySelector('.ant-wave')).toBeFalsy(); unmount(); }); it('invisible in screen', () => { (global as any).isVisible = false; const { container, unmount } = render( , );'button')!); waitRaf(); expect(document.querySelector('.ant-wave')).toBeFalsy(); unmount(); }); it('wave color is grey', () => { const { container, unmount } = render( , );'button')!); waitRaf(); const style = getWaveStyle(); expect(style['--wave-color']).toBeFalsy(); unmount(); }); it('wave color is not grey', () => { const { container, unmount } = render( , );'button')!); waitRaf(); const style = getWaveStyle(); expect(style['--wave-color']).toEqual('red'); unmount(); }); it('read wave color from border-top-color', () => { const { container, unmount } = render(
, );, 'button')!); waitRaf(); const style = getWaveStyle(); expect(style['--wave-color']).toEqual('blue'); unmount(); }); it('read wave color from background color', () => { const { container, unmount } = render(
, );, 'button')!); waitRaf(); const style = getWaveStyle(); expect(style['--wave-color']).toEqual('green'); unmount(); }); it('read wave color from border firstly', () => { const { container, unmount } = render(
, );, 'button')!); waitRaf(); const style = getWaveStyle(); expect(style['--wave-color']).toEqual('yellow'); unmount(); }); it('hidden element with -leave className', () => { const { container, unmount } = render( , );'button')!); waitRaf(); expect(document.querySelector('.ant-wave')).toBeFalsy(); unmount(); }); it('not show when disabled', () => { const { container } = render( , );'button')!); expect(document.querySelector('.ant-wave')).toBeFalsy(); }); it('not show when hidden', () => { (global as any).isVisible = false; const { container } = render( , );'button')!); waitRaf(); expect(document.querySelector('.ant-wave')).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should not throw when click it', () => { expect(() => { const { container } = render(
, );; waitRaf(); }).not.toThrow(); }); it('should not throw when no children', () => { expect(() => { render(); waitRaf(); }).not.toThrow(); }); it('wave color should inferred if border is transparent and background is not', () => { const { container, unmount } = render( , );'button')!); waitRaf(); const style = getWaveStyle(); expect(style['--wave-color']).toEqual('red'); unmount(); }); it('wave color should inferred if borderTopColor is transparent and borderColor is not', () => { const { container, unmount } = render( , );'button')!); waitRaf(); const style = getWaveStyle(); expect(style['--wave-color']).toEqual('red'); unmount(); }); it('Wave style should append to validate element', () => { const { container } = render(
, ); // Mock shadow container const fakeDoc = document.createElement('div'); fakeDoc.append('text'); fakeDoc.appendChild(document.createElement('span')); expect(fakeDoc.childNodes).toHaveLength(2); const elem = container.querySelector('.bamboo')!; elem.getRootNode = () => fakeDoc; // Click should not throw; waitRaf(); expect(container.querySelector('.ant-wave')).toBeTruthy(); }); it('Wave can match target', () => { const { container } = render(
, ); // Click'.bamboo')!); waitRaf(); expect(container.querySelector('.ant-wave')).toBeTruthy(); }); it('Checkbox with uncheck should not trigger wave', () => { const onChange = jest.fn(); const { container } = render(); // Click'input')!); waitRaf(); expect(onChange).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(container.querySelector('.ant-wave')).toBeFalsy(); }); });