--- order: 13 title: zh-CN: 自定义校验规则 en-US: Customized validation --- ## zh-CN 密码校验实例。 这里使用了 `this.props.form.validateFields` 方法,在对第一次输入的密码进行校验时会触发二次密码的校验。 ## en-US Customized validation for Password. To use `this.props.form.validateFields` method, when validating first password you enter will trigger the seconcd password validation. ````jsx import { Button, Form, Input, Row, Col } from 'antd'; import classNames from 'classnames'; const createForm = Form.create; const FormItem = Form.Item; function noop() { return false; } let Demo = React.createClass({ getInitialState() { return { dirty: false, passBarShow: false, // Whether to display a tooltip of password strength rePassBarShow: false, passStrength: 'L', // Password strength rePassStrength: 'L', }; }, handleSubmit() { this.props.form.validateFields((errors, values) => { if (errors) { console.log('Errors in form!!!'); return; } console.log('Submit!!!'); console.log(values); }); }, getPassStrenth(value, type) { if (value) { let strength; // Customized the password strength, here is just a simple example if (value.length < 6) { strength = 'L'; } else if (value.length <= 9) { strength = 'M'; } else { strength = 'H'; } this.setState({ [`${type}BarShow`]: true, [`${type}Strength`]: strength, }); } else { this.setState({ [`${type}BarShow`]: false, }); } }, checkPass(rule, value, callback) { const form = this.props.form; this.getPassStrenth(value, 'pass'); if (form.getFieldValue('pass') && this.state.dirty) { form.validateFields(['rePass'], { force: true }); } callback(); }, checkPass2(rule, value, callback) { const form = this.props.form; this.getPassStrenth(value, 'rePass'); if (value && value !== form.getFieldValue('pass')) { callback('Two passwords you enter is inconsistent!'); } else { callback(); } }, renderPassStrengthBar(type) { const strength = type === 'pass' ? this.state.passStrength : this.state.rePassStrength; const classSet = classNames({ 'ant-pwd-strength': true, 'ant-pwd-strength-low': strength === 'L', 'ant-pwd-strength-medium': strength === 'M', 'ant-pwd-strength-high': strength === 'H', }); const level = { L: 'Low', M: 'Middle', H: 'High', }; return (
); }, render() { const { getFieldProps } = this.props.form; const passProps = getFieldProps('pass', { rules: [ { required: true, whitespace: true, message: 'Please enter your password' }, { validator: this.checkPass }, ], onChange: (e) => { console.log('Your password is stolen in this way', e.target.value); }, }); const rePassProps = getFieldProps('rePass', { rules: [{ required: true, whitespace: true, message: 'Please confirm your password', }, { validator: this.checkPass2, }], }); return (
{ const value = e.target.value; this.setState({ dirty: this.state.dirty || !!value }); }} /> {this.state.passBarShow ? this.renderPassStrengthBar('pass') : null} {this.state.rePassBarShow ? this.renderPassStrengthBar('rePass') : null}
); }, }); Demo = createForm()(Demo); ReactDOM.render(, mountNode); ```` ````css .ant-pwd-strength { display: inline-block; margin-left: 8px; line-height: 32px; height: 32px; vertical-align: middle; } .ant-pwd-strength-item { float: left; margin-right: 1px; margin-top: 12px; width: 19px; height: 8px; line-height: 8px; list-style: none; background-color: #f3f3f3; transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1); } .ant-pwd-strength-item-1 { border-top-left-radius: 6px; border-bottom-left-radius: 6px; } .ant-pwd-strength-item-2 { width: 20px; } .ant-pwd-strength-item-3 { border-top-right-radius: 6px; border-bottom-right-radius: 6px; margin-right: 8px; } .ant-pwd-strength-low .ant-pwd-strength-item-1, .ant-pwd-strength-medium .ant-pwd-strength-item-1, .ant-pwd-strength-high .ant-pwd-strength-item-1 { background-color: #FAC450; } .ant-pwd-strength-medium .ant-pwd-strength-item-2, .ant-pwd-strength-high .ant-pwd-strength-item-2 { background-color: rgba(135, 208, 104, .6); filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#9987D068,endColorstr=#9987D068); } .ant-pwd-strength-high .ant-pwd-strength-item-3 { background-color: #87D068; } ````