--- order: 2 title: zh-CN: 面板嵌套 en-US: Nested panel --- ## zh-CN 嵌套折叠面板。 ## en-US `Collapse` is nested inside the `Collapse`. ````jsx import { Collapse } from 'antd'; const Panel = Collapse.Panel; function callback(key) { console.log(key); } const text = ` A dog is a type of domesticated animal. Known for its loyalty and faithfulness, it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world. `; ReactDOM.render( <Collapse onChange={callback}> <Panel header={'This is panel header 1'} key="1"> <Collapse defaultActiveKey="1"> <Panel header={'This is panel nest panel'} key="1"> <p>{text}</p> </Panel> </Collapse> </Panel> <Panel header={'This is panel header 2'} key="2"> <p>{text}</p> </Panel> <Panel header={'This is panel header 3'} key="3"> <p>{text}</p> </Panel> </Collapse> , mountNode); ````