import React from 'react'; import { Table } from 'antd'; import type { TableColumnsType, TableProps } from 'antd'; interface DataType { key: React.Key; name: string; age: number; address: string; } const columns: TableColumnsType = [ { title: 'Name', dataIndex: 'name', showSorterTooltip: { target: 'full-header' }, filters: [ { text: 'Joe', value: 'Joe', }, { text: 'Jim', value: 'Jim', }, { text: 'Submenu', value: 'Submenu', children: [ { text: 'Green', value: 'Green', }, { text: 'Black', value: 'Black', }, ], }, ], // specify the condition of filtering result // here is that finding the name started with `value` onFilter: (value: string, record) => === 0, sorter: (a, b) => -, sortDirections: ['descend'], }, { title: 'Age', dataIndex: 'age', defaultSortOrder: 'descend', sorter: (a, b) => a.age - b.age, }, { title: 'Address', dataIndex: 'address', filters: [ { text: 'London', value: 'London', }, { text: 'New York', value: 'New York', }, ], onFilter: (value: string, record) => record.address.indexOf(value) === 0, }, ]; const data = [ { key: '1', name: 'John Brown', age: 32, address: 'New York No. 1 Lake Park', }, { key: '2', name: 'Jim Green', age: 42, address: 'London No. 1 Lake Park', }, { key: '3', name: 'Joe Black', age: 32, address: 'Sydney No. 1 Lake Park', }, { key: '4', name: 'Jim Red', age: 32, address: 'London No. 2 Lake Park', }, ]; const onChange: TableProps['onChange'] = (pagination, filters, sorter, extra) => { console.log('params', pagination, filters, sorter, extra); }; const App: React.FC = () => ( ); export default App;