import React from 'react'; import MockDate from 'mockdate'; import { mount } from 'enzyme'; import Descriptions from '..'; import mountTest from '../../../tests/shared/mountTest'; import { resetWarned } from '../../_util/warning'; describe('Descriptions', () => { mountTest(Descriptions); const errorSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(() => {}); afterEach(() => { MockDate.reset(); errorSpy.mockReset(); }); afterAll(() => { errorSpy.mockRestore(); }); it('when max-width: 575px,column=1', () => { const wrapper = mount( Cloud Database Prepaid 18:00:00 $80.00 No-Label , ); expect(wrapper.find('tr')).toHaveLength(5); expect(wrapper.find('.ant-descriptions-item-label')).toHaveLength(4); wrapper.unmount(); }); it('when max-width: 575px,column=2', () => { // eslint-disable-next-line global-require const wrapper = mount( Cloud Database Prepaid 18:00:00 $80.00 , ); expect(wrapper.find('tr')).toHaveLength(2); wrapper.unmount(); }); it('column is number', () => { // eslint-disable-next-line global-require const wrapper = mount( Cloud Database Prepaid 18:00:00 $80.00 , ); expect(wrapper.render()).toMatchSnapshot(); wrapper.unmount(); }); it('when typeof column is object', () => { const wrapper = mount( Cloud Database Prepaid 18:00:00 $80.00 , ); expect(wrapper.find('td').reduce((total, td) => total + td.props().colSpan, 0)).toBe(8); wrapper.unmount(); }); it('warning if ecceed the row span', () => { resetWarned(); mount( Cloud Database Prepaid , ); expect(errorSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'Warning: [antd: Descriptions] Sum of column `span` in a line not match `column` of Descriptions.', ); }); it('when item is rendered conditionally', () => { const hasDiscount = false; const wrapper = mount( Cloud Database Prepaid 18:00:00 $80.00 {hasDiscount && $20.00} , ); expect(wrapper.render()).toMatchSnapshot(); wrapper.unmount(); }); it('vertical layout', () => { // eslint-disable-next-line global-require const wrapper = mount( Cloud Database Prepaid 18:00:00 $80.00 , ); expect(wrapper.render()).toMatchSnapshot(); wrapper.unmount(); }); it('Descriptions.Item support className', () => { const wrapper = mount( Cloud Database , ); expect(wrapper.render()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('Descriptions support colon', () => { const wrapper = mount( Cloud Database , ); expect(wrapper.render()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('Descriptions support style', () => { const wrapper = mount( Cloud Database , ); expect(wrapper.render()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('keep key', () => { const wrapper = mount( , ); expect(wrapper.find('Cell').key()).toBe('item-bamboo'); }); // it('should work with React Fragment', () => { if (!React.Fragment) { return; } const wrapper = mount( bamboo <> bamboo bamboo , ); expect(wrapper.render()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); // it('columns 5 with customize', () => { const wrapper = mount( {/* 1 1 1 1 */} bamboo bamboo bamboo bamboo {/* 2 2 */} bamboo bamboo {/* 3 1 */} bamboo bamboo , ); function matchSpan(rowIndex, spans) { const tr = wrapper.find('tr').at(rowIndex); const tds = tr.find('th'); expect(tds).toHaveLength(spans.length); tds.forEach((td, index) => { expect(td.props().colSpan).toEqual(spans[index]); }); } matchSpan(0, [1, 1, 1, 1]); matchSpan(2, [2, 2]); matchSpan(4, [3, 1]); }); it('number value should render correct', () => { const wrapper = mount( {0} , ); expect(wrapper.find('th').hasClass('ant-descriptions-item-label')).toBeTruthy(); expect(wrapper.find('td').hasClass('ant-descriptions-item-content')).toBeTruthy(); }); });