import * as React from 'react'; import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { Field, FormInstance } from 'rc-field-form'; import { FieldProps } from 'rc-field-form/lib/Field'; import { Meta, NamePath } from 'rc-field-form/lib/interface'; import omit from 'omit.js'; import Row from '../grid/row'; import { ConfigContext } from '../config-provider'; import { tuple } from '../_util/type'; import warning from '../_util/warning'; import FormItemLabel, { FormItemLabelProps } from './FormItemLabel'; import FormItemInput, { FormItemInputProps } from './FormItemInput'; import { FormContext, FormItemContext } from './context'; import { toArray, getFieldId, useFrameState } from './util'; const ValidateStatuses = tuple('success', 'warning', 'error', 'validating', ''); export type ValidateStatus = typeof ValidateStatuses[number]; type RenderChildren = (form: FormInstance) => React.ReactNode; type RcFieldProps = Omit; type ChildrenType = RenderChildren | React.ReactNode; interface MemoInputProps { value: any; update: number; children: any; } const MemoInput = React.memo( ({ children }) => { return children; }, (prev, next) => { return prev.value === next.value && prev.update === next.update; }, ); export interface FormItemProps extends FormItemLabelProps, FormItemInputProps, Omit { prefixCls?: string; noStyle?: boolean; style?: React.CSSProperties; className?: string; children: ChildrenType; id?: string; hasFeedback?: boolean; validateStatus?: ValidateStatus; required?: boolean; /** Auto passed by List render props. User should not use this. */ fieldKey?: number; } function hasValidName(name?: NamePath): Boolean { if (name === null) { warning(false, 'Form.Item', '`null` is passed as `name` property'); } return !(name === undefined || name === null); } function FormItem(props: FormItemProps): React.ReactElement { const { name, fieldKey, noStyle, dependencies, prefixCls: customizePrefixCls, style, className, shouldUpdate, hasFeedback, help, rules, validateStatus, children, required, label, trigger = 'onChange', validateTrigger = 'onChange', ...restProps } = props; const destroyRef = React.useRef(false); const { getPrefixCls } = React.useContext(ConfigContext); const formContext = React.useContext(FormContext); const { updateItemErrors } = React.useContext(FormItemContext); const [domErrorVisible, innerSetDomErrorVisible] = React.useState(!!help); const [inlineErrors, setInlineErrors] = useFrameState>({}); function setDomErrorVisible(visible: boolean) { if (!destroyRef.current) { innerSetDomErrorVisible(visible); } } const { name: formName } = formContext; const hasName = hasValidName(name); // Cache Field NamePath const nameRef = React.useRef<(string | number)[]>([]); // Should clean up if Field removed React.useEffect(() => { return () => { destroyRef.current = true; updateItemErrors(nameRef.current.join('__SPLIT__'), []); }; }, []); const prefixCls = getPrefixCls('form', customizePrefixCls); // ======================== Errors ======================== // Collect noStyle Field error to the top FormItem const updateChildItemErrors = noStyle ? updateItemErrors : (subName: string, subErrors: string[]) => { if (!isEqual(inlineErrors[subName], subErrors)) { setInlineErrors(prevInlineErrors => ({ ...prevInlineErrors, [subName]: subErrors, })); } }; function renderLayout( baseChildren: React.ReactNode, fieldId?: string, meta?: Meta, isRequired?: boolean, ): any { if (noStyle) { return baseChildren; } // ======================== Errors ======================== let mergedErrors: React.ReactNode[]; if (help !== undefined && help !== null) { mergedErrors = toArray(help); } else { mergedErrors = meta ? meta.errors : []; Object.keys(inlineErrors).forEach(subName => { const subErrors = inlineErrors[subName] || []; if (subErrors.length) { mergedErrors = [...mergedErrors, ...subErrors]; } }); } // ======================== Status ======================== let mergedValidateStatus: ValidateStatus = ''; if (validateStatus !== undefined) { mergedValidateStatus = validateStatus; } else if (meta && meta.validating) { mergedValidateStatus = 'validating'; } else if (!help && mergedErrors.length) { mergedValidateStatus = 'error'; } else if (meta && meta.touched) { mergedValidateStatus = 'success'; } const itemClassName = { [`${prefixCls}-item`]: true, [`${prefixCls}-item-with-help`]: domErrorVisible || help, [`${className}`]: !!className, // Status [`${prefixCls}-item-has-feedback`]: mergedValidateStatus && hasFeedback, [`${prefixCls}-item-has-success`]: mergedValidateStatus === 'success', [`${prefixCls}-item-has-warning`]: mergedValidateStatus === 'warning', [`${prefixCls}-item-has-error`]: mergedValidateStatus === 'error', [`${prefixCls}-item-has-error-leave`]: !help && domErrorVisible && mergedValidateStatus !== 'error', [`${prefixCls}-item-is-validating`]: mergedValidateStatus === 'validating', }; // ======================= Children ======================= return ( {/* Label */} {/* Input Group */} {baseChildren} ); } const isRenderProps = typeof children === 'function'; // Record for real component render const updateRef = React.useRef(0); updateRef.current += 1; if (!hasName && !isRenderProps && !dependencies) { return renderLayout(children); } const variables: Record = {}; if (typeof label === 'string') { variables.label = label; } return ( { setDomErrorVisible(false); }} > {(control, meta, context) => { const { errors } = meta; const mergedName = toArray(name).length && meta ? : []; const fieldId = getFieldId(mergedName, formName); if (noStyle) { nameRef.current = [...mergedName]; if (fieldKey) { nameRef.current[nameRef.current.length - 1] = fieldKey; } updateItemErrors(nameRef.current.join('__SPLIT__'), errors); } const isRequired = required !== undefined ? required : !!( rules && rules.some(rule => { if (rule && typeof rule === 'object' && rule.required) { return true; } if (typeof rule === 'function') { const ruleEntity = rule(context); return ruleEntity && ruleEntity.required; } return false; }) ); // ======================= Children ======================= const mergedControl: typeof control = { ...control, id: fieldId, }; let childNode: React.ReactNode = null; if (Array.isArray(children) && hasName) { warning(false, 'Form.Item', '`children` is array of render props cannot have `name`.'); childNode = children; } else if (isRenderProps && (!shouldUpdate || hasName)) { warning( !!shouldUpdate, 'Form.Item', '`children` of render props only work with `shouldUpdate`.', ); warning( !hasName, 'Form.Item', "Do not use `name` with `children` of render props since it's not a field.", ); } else if (dependencies && !isRenderProps && !hasName) { warning( false, 'Form.Item', 'Must set `name` or use render props when `dependencies` is set.', ); } else if (React.isValidElement(children)) { warning( (children.props as any).defaultValue === undefined, 'Form.Item', '`defaultValue` will not work on controlled Field. You should use `initialValues` of Form instead.', ); const childProps = { ...children.props, ...mergedControl }; // We should keep user origin event handler const triggers = new Set([...toArray(trigger), ...toArray(validateTrigger)]); triggers.forEach(eventName => { childProps[eventName] = (...args: any[]) => { mergedControl[eventName]?.(...args); children.props[eventName]?.(...args); }; }); childNode = ( {React.cloneElement(children, childProps)} ); } else if (isRenderProps && shouldUpdate && !hasName) { childNode = (children as RenderChildren)(context); } else { warning( !mergedName.length, 'Form.Item', '`name` is only used for validate React element. If you are using Form.Item as layout display, please remove `name` instead.', ); childNode = children as any; } return renderLayout(childNode, fieldId, meta, isRequired); }} ); } export default FormItem;