import CloseCircleFilled from '@ant-design/icons/CloseCircleFilled'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import * as React from 'react'; import { DirectionType } from '../config-provider'; import { SizeType } from '../config-provider/SizeContext'; import { FormItemInputContext, FormItemStatusContextProps } from '../form/context'; import { cloneElement } from '../_util/reactNode'; import { getMergedStatus, getStatusClassNames, InputStatus } from '../_util/statusUtils'; import { tuple } from '../_util/type'; import type { InputProps } from './Input'; const ClearableInputType = tuple('text', 'input'); function hasAddon(props: InputProps | ClearableInputProps) { return !!(props.addonBefore || props.addonAfter); } /** This basic props required for input and textarea. */ interface BasicProps { prefixCls: string; inputType: typeof ClearableInputType[number]; value?: any; allowClear?: boolean; element: React.ReactElement; handleReset: (event: React.MouseEvent) => void; className?: string; style?: React.CSSProperties; disabled?: boolean; direction?: DirectionType; focused?: boolean; readOnly?: boolean; bordered: boolean; hidden?: boolean; } /** This props only for input. */ export interface ClearableInputProps extends BasicProps { size?: SizeType; suffix?: React.ReactNode; prefix?: React.ReactNode; addonBefore?: React.ReactNode; addonAfter?: React.ReactNode; triggerFocus?: () => void; status?: InputStatus; hashId?: string; } class ClearableLabeledInput extends React.Component { renderClearIcon(prefixCls: string) { const { value, disabled, readOnly, handleReset, suffix } = this.props; const needClear = !disabled && !readOnly && value; const className = `${prefixCls}-clear-icon`; return ( e.preventDefault()} className={classNames( { [`${className}-hidden`]: !needClear, [`${className}-has-suffix`]: !!suffix, }, className, )} role="button" /> ); } renderTextAreaWithClearIcon( prefixCls: string, element: React.ReactElement, statusContext: FormItemStatusContextProps, ) { const { value, allowClear, className, style, direction, bordered, hidden, status: customStatus, hashId, } = this.props; const { status: contextStatus, hasFeedback } = statusContext; if (!allowClear) { return cloneElement(element, { value, }); } const affixWrapperCls = classNames( `${prefixCls}-affix-wrapper`, `${prefixCls}-affix-wrapper-textarea-with-clear-btn`, getStatusClassNames( `${prefixCls}-affix-wrapper`, getMergedStatus(contextStatus, customStatus), hasFeedback, ), { [`${prefixCls}-affix-wrapper-rtl`]: direction === 'rtl', [`${prefixCls}-affix-wrapper-borderless`]: !bordered, // className will go to addon wrapper [`${className}`]: !hasAddon(this.props) && className, }, hashId, ); return ( ); } render() { return ( {statusContext => { const { prefixCls, inputType, element } = this.props; if (inputType === ClearableInputType[0]) { return this.renderTextAreaWithClearIcon(prefixCls, element, statusContext); } }} ); } } export default ClearableLabeledInput;