import { operationUnit } from '../../style'; import type { FullToken, GenerateStyle, GetDefaultToken } from '../../theme/internal'; import { genStyleHooks } from '../../theme/internal'; import { getCopyableStyles, getEditableStyles, getEllipsisStyles, getLinkStyles, getResetStyles, getTitleStyles, } from './mixins'; /** Component only token. Which will handle additional calculation of alias token */ export interface ComponentToken { /** * @desc 标题上间距 * @descEN Margin top of title */ titleMarginTop: number | string; /** * @desc 标题下间距 * @descEN Margin bottom of title */ titleMarginBottom: number | string; } export type TypographyToken = FullToken<'Typography'>; const genTypographyStyle: GenerateStyle = (token) => { const { componentCls, titleMarginTop } = token; return { [componentCls]: { color: token.colorText, wordBreak: 'break-word', lineHeight: token.lineHeight, [`&${componentCls}-secondary`]: { color: token.colorTextDescription, }, [`&${componentCls}-success`]: { color: token.colorSuccess, }, [`&${componentCls}-warning`]: { color: token.colorWarning, }, [`&${componentCls}-danger`]: { color: token.colorError, 'a&:active, a&:focus': { color: token.colorErrorActive, }, 'a&:hover': { color: token.colorErrorHover, }, }, [`&${componentCls}-disabled`]: { color: token.colorTextDisabled, cursor: 'not-allowed', userSelect: 'none', }, [` div&, p `]: { marginBottom: '1em', }, ...getTitleStyles(token), [` & + h1${componentCls}, & + h2${componentCls}, & + h3${componentCls}, & + h4${componentCls}, & + h5${componentCls} `]: { marginTop: titleMarginTop, }, [` div, ul, li, p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5`]: { [` + h1, + h2, + h3, + h4, + h5 `]: { marginTop: titleMarginTop, }, }, ...getResetStyles(token), ...getLinkStyles(token), // Operation [` ${componentCls}-expand, ${componentCls}-edit, ${componentCls}-copy `]: { ...operationUnit(token), marginInlineStart: token.marginXXS, }, ...getEditableStyles(token), ...getCopyableStyles(token), ...getEllipsisStyles(), '&-rtl': { direction: 'rtl', }, }, }; }; export const prepareComponentToken: GetDefaultToken<'Typography'> = () => ({ titleMarginTop: '1.2em', titleMarginBottom: '0.5em', }); // ============================== Export ============================== export default genStyleHooks( 'Typography', (token) => [genTypographyStyle(token)], prepareComponentToken, );